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Arsenic Concentrations in Paddy Soil and Rice and Health Implications for Major Rice-Growing Regions of CambodiaENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGYSeyfferth, A. L., McCurdy, S., Schaefer, M. V., Fendorf, S.2014; 48 (9): 4699-4706
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Interpreting nanoscale size-effects in aggregated Fe-oxide suspensions: reaction of Fe(II) with goethiteGEOCHIMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTACwiertny, D. M., Handler, R. M., Schaefer, M. V., Grassian, V. H., Scherer, M. M.2008; 72 (5): 1365-1380