Anti-correlated porosity-permeability changes during the dissolution of carbonate rocks: experimental evidences and modelingTransport in Porous MediaGaring, C., Gouze, P., Kassab, M., Riva, M., Guadagnini, A.2015
Diversity and geochemical structuring of bacterial communities along a salinity gradient in a carbonate aquifer subject to sea water intrusionFEMS Microbiol Ecol.Hery, M., Volant, A., Garing, C., Luquot, L., Elbaz Poulichet, f., Gouze, P.2014
Multi-scale X-ray tomography analysis of carbonate porosityGeological Society London Special PublicationsHebert, V., Garing, C., Luquot, L., Pezard, P., Gouze, P.2014
Electrical and flow properties of highly heterogeneous carbonate rocksAAPG BULLETINGaring, C., Luquot, L., Pezard, P. A., Gouze, P.2014; 98 (1): 49-66
Geochemical investigations of saltwater intrusion into the coastal carbonate aquifer of Mallorca, SpainAPPLIED GEOCHEMISTRYGaring, C., Luquot, L., Pezard, P. A., Gouze, P.2013; 39: 1-10