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Secure Data Center


The IRiSS Secure Data Center (SDC) supports a number of targeted research environments and resources to provide access to sensitive and secure data. If you are interested in using the Secure Data Center, contact us at


Matt Snipp directs the IRiSS Secure Data Center.

European Union flag - cirlce of gold stars on blue background

Microdata refers to records about individuals or businesses that are considered confidential and must be handled through different mechanisms than publicly available administrative data.

The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (also known as Add Health) is a nationally representative study designed to examine how social contexts (such as families, friends, peers, schools, neighborhoods, and communities) influence teens' health and risk behaviors through early adulthood.

TheĀ Federal Statistical Research Data CenterĀ at IRiSS provides access to non-public census microdata in a secure facility.

iPad with blue screen with chain locked around it

The SDC provides secure research facilities for a limited number of individual faculty and graduate student projects that need dedicated, secure space.

Stanford memorial church - several story Spanish style church with mural on front and palm trees

Many other secure data resources are available at Stanford.