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SMU Dedman School of Law professor Joanna L. Grossman comments on a recent decision by a federal court in Texas permanently enjoining the State of Texas from enforcing an unconstitutional anti-abortion law. Grossman provides a brief background of both Texas and the law at issue and explains why the federal court struck it down. Grossman points out that the clear weight of Supreme Court jurisprudence supports the district court’s reasoning and decision.
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The Logan Act "makes it a crime for a U.S. citizen, acting without government authority, to communicate with foreign officials to “influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government” in a dispute with or “to defeat the measures of” the United States."
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#SCOTUS will hear arguments for Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission tomorrow, a case that will determine whether a baker can decline to provide a cake for a same-sex wedding, despite Colorado’s law against discrimination based on #sexualorientation.

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"Defense attorneys routinely have a choice in strategies. They can argue, 'My client didn’t do x,' or they can make the case, 'Maybe my client did x, but it shouldn’t matter.'"

President #Trump's legal team seems to be planning to argue the latter.

#criminaldefense #Russia
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The case will now proceed in a Texas state court, which could decide to stop benefits to married same-sex couples currently offered by Houston, #Texas, the fourth most populous U.S. city.

#SCOTUS #SupremeCourt #LGBT
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Ho ho ho: #Google has launched a Santa Tracker, complete with coding games, an Android app elf filter, and other holiday-themed resources.
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#Google snippets, the description lines under the clickable titles and URLs on the #search results page, have been extended to 320 characters.

#SEO #digitalmarketing
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The #Senate has introduced a bill that would make executives accountable if they cover up data breaches.
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