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Stanford Law School

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Last week President Obama signed a mobile phone unlocking bill into law. Good news for consumer’s right? Well, not exactly. 
In his newest blog post Stanford CIS Junior Affiliate Scholar Jonathan Mayer explains why the new law is actually only a “partial legal win for consumers.” 
Matthew Duran's profile photo
This is exactly right; it is a partial win for consumers. Everyone wants customization, and if the owner of a phone, just as the owner of a PC would, prefers a different OS than factory, customized OS, etc., they should be able to work on that OS. Obviously, computer abuse is computer abuse--and, illegal--but customization is key in a market wherein the customer is king. #unlock   #iplaw   #ip  
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Stanford Law School

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“That a population as conservative as corporate lawyers are embracing robotics as a transformative technology is, on my view, a rather interesting sign of the times.”
- Stanford CIS Affiliate Scholar Ryan Calo on why “Even (Some) Law Firms Think Robots Are the Next Big Thing"
I am proud to say that I helped found the Robot Block Party in Silicon Valley.  Now in its fifth year, the event brings together industry, academia, and the hobbyist community to demo robots in celebration of National Robotics Week.   We held the first one in Paul Brest Hall at [...]
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Stanford Law School

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Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos recently announced that his company is looking to use drones for delivery, perhaps as soon as 2015. 
Stanford CIS Affiliate Scholar Ryan Calo weighs in on this timeline and why he expects this service could become “routine within five years.”
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Stanford Law School

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Does Your Lyft Driver Have Car Insurance? CIS/CARS Fellow Bryant Walker Smith discusses the liability issues associated with rideshare companies.
NerdWallet asks Stanford Center for Internet and Society’s Bryant Walker Smith about the ride-sharing economy’s insurance situation
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Looking for a way to follow an SLS Faculty member or Program & Center in social media? Check out our SLS Social Media Page & Directory! 
Utility Navigation. Directory · News Center · Library · Events · Publications · Contact & Maps. Information for: Prospective Students · Alumni · Employers · Current Students · Faculty & Staff. open. Elsewhere Online. SLS Social Media. SLS Social Media · Facebook · Twitter · YouTube · LinkedIn ...
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Stanford Law School

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Several legal scholars weigh in on the serious questions at the intersection of big data and privacy in the Stanford Law Review 2013 Symposium Issue.  More information on the 2013 Symposium can be found at: 
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Stanford Law School

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Earlier this week, the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) issued a massive report about the legally and technologically complicated government surveillance program operating under section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act. 

Prior to the report CIS Director of Civil Liberties, Jennifer Granick, identified eight basic, but important, questions she thought the public should know about section 702 surveillance. 

Were these questions answered in the report? Read Granick’s newest Just Security blog post to find out:
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It would suffice to say that the PCLOB did not answer the questions fully, if at all, in most instances. #avoidingthequestion   #rights   #civilrights  
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Stanford Law School

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"The Administration and the intelligence community believe they can do whatever they want, regardless of the laws Congress passes, so long they can convince one of the judges appointed to the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to agree. "
- Stanford CIS Director of Civil Liberties Jennifer Granick
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Stanford Law School

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New blog post by CIS Director of Civil Liberties Jennifer Granick is now online in Just Security. 
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Stanford Law School

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CIS/CARS Fellow Bryant Walker Smith weighs in on one of the “12 Most Important Questions About Self-Driving Cars” with Popular Mechanics. 
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Stanford Law School

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A few photos from yesterday's Constitution Day 2013 discussion with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg have been added to our SLS Flickr page. During her visit, Justice Ginsburg reflected on the highlights of the Court's 2012-13 term. What would you say were the biggest highlights for you?
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg visited the Stanford Law School campus on September 17th, 2013 to help celebrate Constitution Day. During her visit Justice Ginsburg met with faculty, students and the larger Stanford community to discuss highlights from the Court's 2012-13 term.
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"Universities have been cash-strapped in the last several years with the economic downturn, and this looks like a good source of revenue. They're also looking around and everyone else is doing it."
 - Professor Mark Lemley on the uptick in university patent lawsuits. 
Boston University has filed yet another LED patent lawsuit against Vyrian, Inc., in the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts for distributing three Samsung products that contained a thin film semiconductor device, which the university claims to have patented.
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