
Alan K. Louie, M.D. is Professor, Associate Chair, and Director of Education in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine. His current focus is on (1) “Reimagining Mental Healthcare,” a special initiative focusing on digital technology, design thinking, and implementation science; (2) educational innovations in medical school, residency, and fellowships; (3) research involving models of expertise in medical education; and (4) the development of transdisciplinary collaborations and programs in psychiatry and behavioral health. With regards to the latter, he is seeking to establish a continuum of behavioral health education (across high school, college, medical school, residency, neuroscience training, continuing medical education, and public education and advocacy), through his teaching at Stanford University and deputy editorship of Academic Psychiatry, an international journal devoted to behavioral health education, career development, and leadership. His advocacy work aims to decrease mental-illness stigma in diverse cultures and special populations.

He has conducted research in basic neuroscience, clinical psychiatry, and medical education and this breadth of experiences has enabled him to mentor learners with a wide range of interests within psychiatry. His publications have included investigation of the molecular mechanisms of opiate tolerance in the brain and neuroscience, behavioral pharmacology, alcoholism and drug abuse, anxiety and affective disorders, clinical psychopharmacology, and medical education. Among his awards are an individual National Research Service Award and a Physician Scientist Award (career development award) both from the National Institute of Mental Health.

After receiving his bachelor’s degree from Harvard College and his medical degree from Harvard Medical School, he pursued an internship in internal medicine at Stanford University Hospital, a psychiatric residency at the University of Chicago, and a fellowship in Neuropsychopharmacology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). Dr. Louie subsequently had a distinguished career at UCSF over almost thirty years, including responsibilities as a Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Director of the Anxiety and Affective Disorders Consultation Program, Acting Associate Director of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry, Co-Director of the Pre-Clerkship Psychiatry Curriculum, and Co-Director of the Brain, Mind, and Behavior course in the UCSF Essential Core Curriculum. Additionally, he has been the Training Director of the Psychiatry Residency of San Mateo County, co-designer of the San Mateo County – Stanford Community Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship, and Chair of Continuing Medical Education for San Mateo County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services. Dr. Louie moved to Stanford University in 2012 and publications list below are since he joined Stanford.

Clinical Focus

  • Psychiatry

Academic Appointments

Administrative Appointments

  • Director of Education, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (2012 - Present)
  • Associate Chair, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (2013 - Present)

Honors & Awards

  • Member, Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society (2019)
  • Vestermark Psychiatry Educator Award, American Psychiatric Association (2019)
  • Member, Literature Selection Technical Review Committee, National Library of Medicine, NIH (2018-present)
  • Visiting Scholar, University at Oxford and the Harris Manchester College of Oxford University (2018)
  • Education Excellence Mission Award, Stanford Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences (2017)
  • Distinguished Life Fellow, American Psychiatric Association (2016)
  • Visiting Professor, National Center for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health Care System (2016)
  • Parker J. Palmer Courage to Teach Award, Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (2012)
  • Teaching Award, San Mateo Psychiatric Residency Training Program (2012)
  • The Gold Humanism Honor Society, The Arnold P. Gold Foundation (2012)
  • Top 10% of Psychiatrists in the U.S.A., U.S. News Top Doctor (2012)
  • Irma Bland Award for Excellence in Teaching Residents, American Psychiatric Association (2011)
  • Nancy C.A. Roeske, M.D., Certificate of Excellence in Medical Student Education, American Psychiatric Association (2009)
  • Excellence in Teaching, Patient Care, and Research, Anxiety and Affective Disorders Program, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute (2008)
  • Commendation from the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, San Mateo County (2007)
  • Outstanding Teaching Award, Anxiety and Affective Disorders Program, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute (2007)
  • Excellence in Innovative Curricular Design and Program Development, UCSF Academy of Medical Educators (2006)
  • Resident Teaching Award, San Mateo Psychiatric Residency Program (2006)
  • Star Award, UCSF (2006)
  • Editorial Service Award, Academic Psychiatry (2005)
  • Distinguished Fellow, American Psychiatric Association (2003)
  • Special Recognition Award, UCSF Association of the Clinical Faculty (2000)
  • Teacher of the Year Award, San Mateo Psychiatric Residency Program (2000)
  • Best Doctors in America, The Best Doctors in America (1996, 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007)
  • Fellow, American Psychiatric Association (1996)
  • Physician Scientist Award (career development award), National Institute of Mental Health (1985)
  • Pfizer Medical Research Merit Award, Pfizer (1984)
  • American College of Neuropsychopharmacology Award, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (1983)
  • American Psychiatric Association / National Institute of Mental Health Fellowship Award, American Psychiatric Association / National Institute of Mental Health (1983)
  • Grete Simpson Award for investigators in psychiatry, University of California, San Francisco (1983)
  • National Research Service Award (Individual NRSA), National Institute of Mental Health (1983)
  • Dr. Sirgay Sanger Award for psychiatric research, Harvard Medical School (1980)
  • Sandoz Award for clinical psychiatry, Sandoz (1980)

Professional Education

  • Fellowship:UCSF Mount Zion Medical Center Dept of Psychiatry (1985) CA
  • Residency:University of Chicago Medical Center Psychiatry Residency (1984) IL
  • Internship:Stanford University Internal Medicine Residency (1981) CA
  • Board Certification: Psychiatry, American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (1987)
  • Medical Education:Harvard Medical School (1980) MA

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

His current focus is on (1) “Reimagining Mental Healthcare,” a special initiative focusing on digital technology, design thinking, and implementation science; (2) educational innovations in medical school, residency, and fellowships; (3) research involving models of expertise in medical education; and (4) the development of transdisciplinary collaborations and programs in psychiatry and behavioral health. With regards to the latter, he is seeking to establish a continuum of behavioral health education (across high school, college, medical school, residency, neuroscience training, continuing medical education, and public education and advocacy), through his teaching at Stanford University and deputy editorship of Academic Psychiatry, an international journal devoted to behavioral health education, career development, and leadership. His advocacy work aims to decrease mental-illness stigma in diverse cultures and special populations.

He has conducted research in basic neuroscience, clinical psychiatry, and medical education and this breadth of experiences has enabled him to mentor learners with a wide range of interests within psychiatry. His publications have included investigation of the molecular mechanisms of opiate tolerance in the brain and neuroscience, behavioral pharmacology, alcoholism and drug abuse, anxiety and affective disorders, clinical psychopharmacology, and medical education. Among his awards are an individual National Research Service Award and a Physician Scientist Award (career development award) both from the National Institute of Mental Health.

All Publications

  • Recruitment of Black Men and Women into Academic Psychiatry. Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry Thomas, L. A., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J., Brenner, A. M., Guerrero, A. P., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2019

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-019-01085-z

    View details for PubMedID 31342432

  • An Update on Trainee Wellness: Some Progress and a Long Way to Go. Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry Brenner, A. M., Coverdale, J., Guerrero, A. P., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2019

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-019-01082-2

    View details for PubMedID 31236856

  • Institutional Review Board Approval as an Educational Tool ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Balon, R., Guerrero, A. S., Coverdale, J. H., Brenner, A. M., Louie, A. K., Beresin, E. V., Roberts, L. 2019; 43 (3): 285–89
  • The Psychiatrist Being Interviewed by the Media ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Louie, A. K., Beresin, E. V., Schlozman, S. C., Balon, R., Brenner, A. M., Guerrero, A. S., Coverdale, J. H., Roberts, L. 2019; 43 (3): 270–74
  • What Are Some Stressful Adversities in Psychiatry Residency Training, and How Should They Be Managed Professionally? ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Coverdale, J., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Brenner, A. M., Louie, A. K., Guerrero, A. S., Roberts, L. 2019; 43 (2): 145–50
  • Rural Mental Health Training: an Emerging Imperative to Address Health Disparities ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Guerrero, A. S., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Coverdale, J. H., Brenner, A., Roberts, L. W. 2019; 43 (1): 1–5
  • #MeToo and Female Patients with Major Mental Disorders: What Should Academic Psychiatry Do? Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry Coverdale, J., Roberts, L. W., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Guerrero, A. P., Louie, A. K., Aggarwal, R., Morreale, M. K., Brenner, A. M. 2019

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-019-01136-5

    View details for PubMedID 31664690

  • Enhancing Empathy: a Role for Virtual Reality? ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Louie, A. K., Coverdale, J. H., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Brenner, A. M., Guerrero, A. S., Roberts, L. 2018; 42 (6): 747–52
  • The Role of Psychiatric Education in Pain Management ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Balon, R., Morreale, M. K., Coverdale, J. H., Brenner, A., Louie, A. K., Beresin, E. V., Guerrero, A. S., Roberts, L. W. 2018; 42 (5): 587–91

    View details for PubMedID 30171494

  • The Psychiatrist Being Interviewed by the Media. Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry Louie, A. K., Beresin, E. V., Schlozman, S. C., Balon, R., Brenner, A. M., Guerrero, A. P., Coverdale, J. H., Roberts, L. W. 2018

    View details for PubMedID 30155604

  • Climate Change: A Call to Action for the Psychiatric Profession ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Coverdale, J., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Brenner, A. M., Guerrero, A. S., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. 2018; 42 (3): 317–23

    View details for PubMedID 29453644

  • Family Planning and the Scope of the "Reproductive Psychiatry" Curriculum ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Coverdale, J., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Brenner, A. M., Guerrero, A. S., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. 2018; 42 (2): 183–88

    View details for PubMedID 29368142

  • Time to Teach: Addressing the Pressure on Faculty Time for Education ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Brenner, A. M., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K., Balon, R., Guerrero, A. S., Roberts, L. 2018; 42 (1): 5–10

    View details for PubMedID 29134549

  • What Do We Mean by Physician Wellness? A Systematic Review of Its Definition and Measurement ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Brady, K. S., Trockel, M. T., Khan, C. T., Raj, K. S., Murphy, M., Bohman, B., Frank, E., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. 2018; 42 (1): 94–108


    Physician wellness (well-being) is recognized for its intrinsic importance and impact on patient care, but it is a construct that lacks conceptual clarity. The authors conducted a systematic review to characterize the conceptualization of physician wellness in the literature by synthesizing definitions and measures used to operationalize the construct.A total of 3057 references identified from PubMed, Web of Science, and a manual reference check were reviewed for studies that quantitatively assessed the "wellness" or "well-being" of physicians. Definitions of physician wellness were thematically synthesized. Measures of physician wellness were classified based on their dimensional, contextual, and valence attributes, and changes in the operationalization of physician wellness were assessed over time (1989-2015).Only 14% of included papers (11/78) explicitly defined physician wellness. At least one measure of mental, social, physical, and integrated well-being was present in 89, 50, 49, and 37% of papers, respectively. The number of papers operationalizing physician wellness using integrated, general-life well-being measures (e.g., meaning in life) increased [X 2 = 5.08, p = 0.02] over time. Changes in measurement across mental, physical, and social domains remained stable over time.Conceptualizations of physician wellness varied widely, with greatest emphasis on negative moods/emotions (e.g., burnout). Clarity and consensus regarding the conceptual definition of physician wellness is needed to advance the development of valid and reliable physician wellness measures, improve the consistency by which the construct is operationalized, and increase comparability of findings across studies. To guide future physician wellness assessments and interventions, the authors propose a holistic definition.

    View details for PubMedID 28913621

  • Training as a Psychiatrist When Having a Psychiatric Illness. Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry Brenner, A. M., Balon, R., Guerrero, A. P., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2018; 42 (5): 592–97

    View details for PubMedID 30105576

  • Clinical Cases and Self-Study Review for the Mental Health of Military and Veteran Populations Military and Veteran Mental Health: A Comprehensive Guide Louie, A. K., Hsin, H. H., Bullock, K., May, M., Warren, C., Roberts, L. W. edited by Roberts, L. W. Springer Nature. 2018: 441–458
  • Teaching to See Behaviors-Using Machine Learning? ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Louie, A. K., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Brenner, A. M., Guerrero, A. S., Roberts, L. 2017; 41 (5): 625–30

    View details for PubMedID 28812294

  • Psychoeducation as an Opportunity for Patients, Psychiatrists, and Psychiatric Educators: Why Do We Ignore It? ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Motlova, L., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Brenner, A. M., Coverdale, J. H., Guerrero, A. S., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. 2017; 41 (4): 447–51

    View details for PubMedID 28536990

  • Premature Mortality Among People with Mental Illness: Advocacy in Academic Psychiatry ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Roberts, L., Louie, A. K., Guerrero, A. S., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Brenner, A., Coverdale, J. 2017; 41 (4): 441–46

    View details for PubMedID 28585124

  • The Competency Movement in Psychiatric Education ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Guerrero, A. S., Beresin, E. V., Balon, R., Brenner, A. M., Louie, A. K., Coverdale, J. H., Roberts, L. 2017; 41 (3): 312–14

    View details for PubMedID 28382588

  • Impact of Educational Experience on Attitudes Toward Mental Illness and Career Choice ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Balon, R., Morreale, M. K., Guerrero, A. S., Beresin, E. V., Brenner, A., Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. 2017; 41 (3): 309–11

    View details for PubMedID 28247365

  • "Physician Wellness" as Published in Academic Psychiatry ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Louie, A. K., Trockel, M. T., Balon, R., Coverdale, J. H., Beresin, E. V., Brenner, A. M., Guerrero, A. S., Roberts, L. 2017; 41 (2): 155–58

    View details for PubMedID 28213884

  • Psychiatry Workforce and Psychiatry Recruitment: Two Intertwined Challenges ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Brenner, A. M., Balon, R., Coverdale, J. H., Beresin, E. V., Guerrero, A. S., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. 2017; 41 (2): 202–6

    View details for PubMedID 28205068

  • Some Potential "Pitfalls" in the Construction of Educational Systematic Reviews ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Coverdale, J., Roberts, L., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Brenner, A. M., Balon, R. 2017; 41 (2): 246–50

    View details for PubMedID 28188504

  • Providing Psychiatric Care for an Expanding Population of Cancer Survivors: Imperatives for Psychiatric Education and Leadership ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Morreale, M. K., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Brenner, A., Guerrero, A., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2017; 41 (1): 1–3

    View details for PubMedID 27921265

  • Stigma and Mental Health: A Proposal for Next Steps. Academic psychiatry Schlozman, S., Beresin, E. V., Balon, R., Coverdale, J. H., Brenner, A. M., Louie, A. K., Guerrero, A. P., Roberts, L. W. 2016; 40 (5): 735-739

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-016-0601-4

    View details for PubMedID 27502201

  • Academic Psychiatry's Role in Addressing Campus Sexual Assault ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Roberts, L. W., Dority, K., Balon, R., Louie, A. K., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H. 2016; 40 (4): 567-571

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-016-0543-x

    View details for Web of Science ID 000379709200001

    View details for PubMedID 27052505

  • What Is the Role of Academic Departments of Psychiatry in Advancing Global Mental Health? ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Khan, C. T., Louie, A. K., Reicherter, D., Roberts, L. W. 2016; 40 (4): 672-678

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-016-0497-z

    View details for Web of Science ID 000379709200022

    View details for PubMedID 26976404

  • Opportunities and Challenges of Global Mental Health ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Brenner, A. M., Coverdale, J. H., Guerrero, A. P., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2016; 40 (4): 643-646

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-016-0574-3

    View details for Web of Science ID 000379709200017

    View details for PubMedID 27270737

  • Teaching Medical Students and Residents about Homelessness: Complex, Evidence-Based, and Imperative ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Brenner, A. M., Guerrero, A. P., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Balon, R., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2016; 40 (4): 572-575

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-016-0571-6

    View details for Web of Science ID 000379709200002

    View details for PubMedID 27220731

  • Professional Integrity and the Role of Medical Students in Professional Self-Regulation ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Coverdale, J. H., Roberts, L. W., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Guerrero, A. P., Brenner, A. M., McCullough, L. B. 2016; 40 (3): 525-529

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-016-0534-y

    View details for Web of Science ID 000376248800029

    View details for PubMedID 27020936

  • A Case for Increased Medical Student and Psychiatric Resident Education in Palliative Care. Academic psychiatry Balon, R., Motlova, L. B., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2016; 40 (2): 203-206

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-015-0479-6

    View details for PubMedID 26715110

  • Machine Learning and the Profession of Medicine JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION Darcy, A. M., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2016; 315 (6): 551-552

    View details for DOI 10.1001/jama.2015.18421

    View details for Web of Science ID 000369635200009

    View details for PubMedID 26864406

  • Physician Wellbeing: A Critical Deficiency in Resilience Education and Training. Academic psychiatry Beresin, E. V., Milligan, T. A., Balon, R., Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2016; 40 (1): 9-12

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-015-0475-x

    View details for PubMedID 26691141

  • Human Trafficking and Psychiatric Education: A Call to Action. Academic psychiatry Coverdale, J., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Balon, R., Roberts, L. W. 2016; 40 (1): 119-123

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-015-0462-2

    View details for PubMedID 26670788

  • Integrity and the Professional Roles of Psychiatrists CLINICAL GUIDE TO PSYCHIATRIC ETHICS Roberts, L., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. 2016: 195–208
  • Behavioral and Social Sciences for Personalized Medicine: Teaching with Novel Methods. Academic psychiatry Louie, A. K., Merrell, S. B., Beresin, E. V., Balon, R., Coverdale, J. H., Roberts, L. W. 2015; 39 (6): 609-612

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-015-0435-5

    View details for PubMedID 26423677

  • College Mental Health: A Vulnerable Population in an Environment with Systemic Deficiencies. Academic psychiatry Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2015; 39 (5): 495-497

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-015-0390-1

    View details for PubMedID 26327172

  • This Is Water Revisited: Creativity Lost ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Beresin, E. V., Balon, R., Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K. 2015; 39 (4): 472-474

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-015-0354-5

    View details for Web of Science ID 000361093500026

    View details for PubMedID 25952144

  • Integrated Care in Community Settings and Psychiatric Training. Academic psychiatry Coverdale, J. H., Roberts, L. W., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Tait, G. R., Louie, A. K. 2015; 39 (4): 419-421

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-015-0363-4

    View details for PubMedID 26036348

  • Stigma and Empathy: Sex Workers as Educators of Medical Students ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Balon, R., Tait, G. R., Coverdale, J. H., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2015; 39 (3): 239-241

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-015-0338-5

    View details for Web of Science ID 000354084100001

    View details for PubMedID 25854454

  • Elevating the Behavioral and Social Sciences in Premedical Training: MCAT2015 ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Roberts, L. W., Louie, A. K., Goldsmith, M., Tait, G. R., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Bereknyei, S., Coverdale, J. H. 2015; 39 (2): 127-131

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-015-0289-x

    View details for PubMedID 25700671

  • Strengthening Telepsychiatry's Role in Clinical Care and Education. Academic psychiatry Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2015; 39 (1): 6-9

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-014-0265-x

    View details for PubMedID 25476229

  • Caring for patients takes time: dr. Peabody says so! Academic psychiatry Beresin, E. V., Balon, R., Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K., Kim, J. P., Roberts, L. W. 2015; 39 (1): 1-5

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-014-0250-4

    View details for PubMedID 25416611

  • Moving Beyond Community Mental Health: Public Mental Health as an Emerging Focus for Psychiatry Residency Training ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Roberts, L. W., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Balon, R., Louie, A. K., Kim, J. P., Ohayon, M. M. 2014; 38 (6): 655-660

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-014-0230-8

    View details for Web of Science ID 000346794100001

    View details for PubMedID 25339288

  • Improving Psychiatric Education Related to Suicide ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Balon, R., Coverdale, J. H., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2014; 38 (5): 521-524

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-014-0209-5

    View details for Web of Science ID 000342172000001

    View details for PubMedID 25080224

  • The critical need to diversify the clinical and academic workforce. Academic psychiatry Roberts, L. W., Maldonado, Y., Coverdale, J. H., Balon, R., Louie, A. K., Beresin, E. V. 2014; 38 (4): 394-397

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-014-0175-y

    View details for PubMedID 24989990

  • The Rising Cost of Medical Education and Its Significance for (Not Only) Psychiatry ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Verduin, M. L., Balon, R., Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K., Beresin, E. V., Roberts, L. 2014; 38 (3): 305–8

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-014-0118-7

    View details for Web of Science ID 000337143800011

    View details for PubMedID 24752697

  • Teaching Clinical Neuroscience to Psychiatry Residents: Model Curricula ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Coverdale, J., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Tait, G. R., Goldsmith, M., Roberts, L. W. 2014; 38 (2): 111-115

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-014-0045-7

    View details for Web of Science ID 000334414300001

    View details for PubMedID 24493360

  • A New Day for Academic Psychiatry ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Goldsmith, M., Louie, A. K., Tait, G. R., Roberts, L. W. 2014; 38 (1): 1-4

    View details for DOI 10.1007/s40596-013-0024-4

    View details for Web of Science ID 000331983600001

    View details for PubMedID 24430589

  • Introduction DSM-5 Study Guide Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. edited by Louie, A. L., Roberts, L. W. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. 2014: xv-xvii
  • Questions and Answers DSM-5 Study Guide Roberts, L. W., Bajestan, S. N., Balon, R., Ghorieshi, M. R., Hsin, H., Louie, A. K., Mason, D. P., Owusu, Y., Reicherter, D., Reynolds-May, M., Sher, Y. I. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. 2014: 461–505
  • Arriving at a Diagnosis: The Role of the Clinical Interview DSM-5 Study Guide Coverdale, J. H., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. edited by Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. 2014: 19–32
  • Moving Beyond Community Mental Health: Public Mental Health as an Emerging Focus for Psychiatry Residency Training. Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry Roberts, L. W., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J. H., Balon, R., Louie, A. K., Kim, J. P., Ohayon, M. M. 2014

    View details for PubMedID 25339288

  • In Celebration of the History of Academic Psychiatry ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Roberts, L. W., Coverdale, J., Balon, R., Louie, A., Beresin, E. 2013; 37 (6): 369-374
  • Strengthening Psychiatry's Numbers ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Roberts, L. W., Ohayon, M., Coverdale, J., Goldsmith, M., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Tait, G. R., Balon, R. 2013; 37 (5): 293-296

    View details for Web of Science ID 000323916200001

    View details for PubMedID 24026364

  • An argument for conducting methodologically strong, randomized, controlled trials in educational research. Academic psychiatry Coverdale, J. H., Balon, R., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Tait, G. R., Roberts, L. W. 2013; 37 (3): 145-149

    View details for DOI 10.1176/appi.ap.13030029

    View details for PubMedID 23632922

  • Residents as teachers. Academic psychiatry Louie, A. K., Beresin, E. V., Coverdale, J., Tait, G. R., Balon, R., Roberts, L. W. 2013; 37 (1): 1-5

    View details for DOI 10.1176/appi.ap.12110192

    View details for PubMedID 23338863

  • Richness and Creativity in Medical Student Education in Psychiatry ACADEMIC PSYCHIATRY Balon, R., Coverdale, J. H., Beresin, E. V., Louie, A. K., Roberts, L. W. 2012; 36 (3): 159-162

    View details for Web of Science ID 000305673600001

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