The Plasma for Alzheimer's Symptom Amelioration (PLASMA) Study

A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Cross-Over Trial of Intravenously Administered Plasma from Young Donors for Treatment of Mild-to-Moderate Alzheimer's Disease.

The PLASMA study is a clinical trial for patients with mild, moderate, or severe Alzheimer's disease and involves weekly infusions of "young blood". The study is based on the work of Stanford scientists who found that plasma from young human donors had rejuvenating benefits when injected into old mice. This research is now being tested in human patients to test the safety and tolerability of weekly plasma infusions in people with Alzheimer's disease. Patients who are eligible to enroll in the study will receive monthly neurological and physical exams along with Neuropsychological testing and brain imaging over a 4 month span. A reliable study partner or caregiver is required to participate in the study and will be asked to accompany the patient to their visits as well to provide feedback on the patients daily functioning. If your interested in participating in the PLASMA trial please contact Ethan Solomon at 650-850-1853 to setup an initial screening visit. (Medical records and previous brain imaging results from outside providers may be requested prior to study enrollment to determine study eligibility). 

Principal Investigator


Primary Contact:
Ethan Solomon
(650) 850-1853