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  1. Tuit fixat
    26 de gen. de 2018

    "If just one percent of people blocking ads on Ars subscribed to this option, we'd be able to hire five more journalists."

  2. fa 20 minuts
  3. fa 22 minuts
  4. fa 22 minuts

    External payment options for the Apple App Store are set to go into effect on December 9th, per latest legal ruling.

  5. fa 44 minuts
  6. fa 54 minuts
  7. fa 1 hora
  8. fa 1 hora

    If you're looking to buy a standing desk or want to take advantage of ongoing "buy two, get one free" sales on games and books, look no further than today's roundup of the best deals from around the web.

  9. fa 2 hores
  10. fa 2 hores
  11. fa 3 hores

    More than one in five new Volvos is a plug-in hybrid, putting the automaker well on its path to an entirely electric range by 2030.

  12. fa 3 hores

    A new survey conducted by reveals nearly 40 percent of US adults believe the government is exaggerating the number of COVID-19 deaths.

  13. fa 5 hores

    Google says antitrust regulation will hurt small businesses, appeals to business owners to contact lawmakers on its behalf.

  14. fa 6 hores

    Microsoft's next Surface device is the company's latest and most direct attempt to compete with Chromebooks in schools.

  15. fa 6 hores

    Netflix announces Hextech Mayhem, a League of Legends rhythm spinoff, for its fledgling gaming service.

  16. fa 10 hores

    Here's how a group of undergrads managed to find secret text on a 15th-century manuscript with the help of some UV imaging.

  17. fa 11 hores

    A neural implant allowed one paralyzed individual to type 90 characters per minute simply by imagining he was writing the characters out by hand.

  18. fa 12 hores

    A recently unearthed room near Pompeii offers a rare glimpse into the lives of people at the bottom of ancient Rome's social order.

  19. fa 13 hores

    Pikmin Bloom is now available stateside, and from our playtest, we can say it's definitely the cutest pedometer we've ever used.

  20. fa 14 hores

    While the reactions to Marvel’s Eternals have been somewhat mixed, it's still an impressively surprising plot anchored by solid acting and writing. That said, you might want to wait to watch it at home.

  21. fa 14 hores

Sembla que triga molt a carregar-se.

És possible que el Twitter hagi assolit el límit de capacitat o que experimenti una sobrecàrrega momentània. Torna-ho a provar o vés a l'estat del Twitter si en vols obtenir més informació.

    També et pot interessar
