Rebecca Traister


Writer at Large & Contributing editor . Order All The Single Ladies, here: . rtraister{at}gmail

Participa desde janeiro de 2009


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  1. retweetou
    há 6 horas

    "I saw that 700,000 farm workers have made a statement in support of the women of Hollywood. We need to get the women of Hollywood to act in support of the women farm workers.” -

  2. retweetou
    há 20 horas
  3. retweetou
    há 20 horas

    I wrote about the history of Americans lying to themselves about racism, and how it got Trump elected.

  4. retweetou
    há 18 horas

    One of the toughest parts of this fall has been realizing that so many male colleagues assumed our careers didn't take off like theirs because we were less talented.

  5. há 22 horas

    Chilling. Note the women in it who left journalism. & also, again, consider power that Rose (& regular guests, incl Halperin, including Thrush) had to shape narrative of HRC. The news here isn't just individual; it's structural:

  6. retweetou
    há 22 horas
  7. retweetou
    20 de nov

    New pod! I talked with about , female rage, and Anita Hill’s legacy. Everything she says is worth hearing.

  8. retweetou
    20 de nov

    What do women want? It’s pretty simple, really. has some answers

  9. 20 de nov

    Seems like a good day to re-up this story:

  10. retweetou
    18 de nov

    Tough lesson for many women these days, myself included: just because he always treated you with respect doesn’t mean he was always nice to her.

  11. retweetou
    19 de nov

    Everyone wants to believe that their friends would never commit rape, but let’s be clear: a major reason many victims DONT come forward is bc they fear their rapist’s friends—and the staunch, unquestioning support their rapist will probably receive.

  12. 19 de nov

    “If Canada can do it, why can’t we?” Would be a great name for a band.

  13. retweetou
    18 de nov

    'He Was Masturbating… I Felt Like Crying': With all the focus on abuse in high profile industries, sexual predation among the most exposed and powerless workers, like hotel maids, gets overlooked. By .

  14. retweetou
    18 de nov

    A reminder that at least 15 women have accused Donald Trump on the record of unwanted physical contact. Listen for the patterns in their stories.

  15. 19 de nov

    "She just can't stop" is perhaps the most self-contained self-own I've seen on this Twitter feed in...days.

  16. 18 de nov

    "Why did we not confront him more or report him to our parent companies? Well, for one, we were grateful to him for the work and truly in awe of his talents." This right here gets to the heart of some of the dynamics:

  17. 18 de nov
  18. 17 de nov
  19. 17 de nov

    So what you're saying is, it's really pretty airtight, huh.

  20. retweetou
    17 de nov

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