The English Learner Program provides English Language Development (ELD) and Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) instruction for students acquiring English.  These techniques develop the academic English skills students need to succeed in school.  California English Language Learner Standards can be found here:

2019-20 District English Language Acquistion Committee/District Advisory Committee for LCAP:






November 21, 2019Thursday5:00-7:00pmDistrict Office, Aspen Room
March 11, 2020*Wednesday5:00-7:00pmDistrict Office, Aspen Room
April 30, 2020*Thursday5:00-7:00pmDistrict Office, Aspen Room

*Rescheduled from original date


Palo Alto Unified School District participates in the Seal of Biliteracy. Information can be found below:


Seal of Biliteracy District Information

Seal of Biliteracy, Santa Clara County Office of Education

We strive to help students:

  • Develop fluency in English
  • Cultivate a positive sense of self-worth
  • Understand and respect other cultures
  • Achieve equal access to core academic curriculum

The English Learner Master Plan  was approved by the Board of Trustees and the District English Learner Advisory Board (DELAC) on June 11, 2019.  The new English Learner Master Plan reflects the  state English Learner Assessment, English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).  All Sites have English Learner Specialist or Coordinator.

English Learner Master Plan 2019


If you have questions, contact the English Learner Program office at (650) 329-3736 or

Who participates in ELD classes?

California requires all parents to complete a home language survey when they register their children for school. The survey asks:

  1. What language did this student learn when first beginning to talk?
  2. What language do you use most frequently to speak to this student?
  3. What language does this student most frequently use at home?
  4. What language is most often spoken by the adults at home?

If your answer to any of the first three questions on the survey is a language other than English, your child's English proficiency will be evaluated. 

Students will be asked to take the California English Language Development Test (CELDT) and will be evaluated as:

  • English Learner (EL)


  • Fluent English Proficient (FEP)

English language proficiency has two dimensions: basic interpersonal conversational skills (BICS) and cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP). Conversational language skills tend to be easier for students to acquire because they benefit from the contextual cues of social encounters. Conversely, academic language skills (used in the classroom) are more difficult for students to master because they are generally more complex and less related to social context. 

English Learner (EL) students participate in the English Language Development program until they are proficient in English.

Home Language Survey:

HLS Form English.pdf

HLS Form Chinese.pdf

HLS Form Hebrew.pdf

HLS Form Japanese.pdf

HLS Form Korean.pdf

HLS Form Russian.pdf

HLS Form Spanish.pdf

HLS Form Turkish.pdf

What is the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)?

The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is the successor to the California English Language Development Test (CELDT). Beginning in 2017-18, the ELPAC is the required state test for English language proficiency (ELP) that must be given to students whose primary language is a language other than English. The California Department of Education (CDE) expects to be fully transitioned from the CELDT to the ELPAC as the state's assessment of ELP by 2018-19.

State and federal law require that local educational agencies administer a state test of ELP to eligible students in kindergarten (or year one of a two-year kindergarten program, sometimes referred to as "transitional kindergarten") through grade twelve.

The ELPAC consists of two separate ELP assessments: one for the initial identification of students as English Learners (ELs), and a second for the annual summative assessment to measure a student's progress in learning English and to identify the student's level of ELP.

ELPAC Overview Video:

The ELPAC Overview video provides general information about the ELPAC, including:

  • Laws and regulations guiding the ELPAC
  • Purposes of the ELPAC
  • Elements of the ELPAC
  • How the ELPAC is administered
  • Available tools, supports, and resources

The ELPAC Overview video is available in both English and Spanish

ELPAC Overview Video: English (Video; 16:06)

ELPAC Overview Video: Spanish (Video; 18:28)

ELPAC Summative Parent Notification and Guides

In July, parents will receive their child's results from the Spring 2018 ELPAC summative testing.

ELPAC Summative Parent Notification June 2018 English, Mandarin, Spanish.pdf

ELPAC Summative Parent Guide June 2018 English.pdf

ELPAC Summative Parent Guide June 2018 Mandarin.pdf

ELPAC Summative Parent Guide June 2018 Spanish.pdf

Guide to Understanding Your Student Score Report, 2017-18

Guide to Understanding your Student Score Report, 2017-18 Summative ELPAC-English (PDF)

Guide to Understanding your Student Score Report, 2017-18 Summative ELPAC-Mandarin (PDF)

Guide to Understanding your Student Score Report, 2017-18 Summative ELPAC-Spanish (PDF)

Guide to Understanding your Student Score Report, 2017-18 Summative ELPAC-Vietnamese (PDF)


How does the ELD program work?

Elementary ELD Program (K – 5) 

Each school is assigned an EL Specialist. The specialists will use the push in model. EL Specialists set up collaboration time with teachers/grade levels to work on how to scaffold lessons and build strategies into all content areas. The specialist may work with a group of students to support the mainstream classroom instruction. PAUSD teachers are trained to use SDAIE teaching strategies that help students understand content while they are improving their academic English skills. 

Secondary ELD Program (6 – 12) 
In secondary schools, ELD is taught through language arts and social studies. Programs are hosted at JLS Middle School and Gunn High School. If you do not live in the JLS or Gunn neighborhoods, your student will be granted an intra-resident transfer to participate in the ELD program. 

Primary Language Tutors 
At the request of ELD teachers, Primary Language Tutors work with beginning English Learners on their mainstream class assignments. Primary Language Tutors work closely with students' mainstream classroom teachers. Primary Language Tutors are provided when available.

How can the parents of English Learners get involved?

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

Each school site with 21 or more English Learners has an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).  Parents of English Learners and English Only students can participate in the site ELAC.  This committee advises the school principal, staff and site council.  The ELAC meets with the site principal.

District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)

Each site ELAC sends a representative to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).  The DELAC advises the district EL Program coordinator and athe Board of Education.  The DELAC meets with the coordinator of the English Learner Program at the district office. 

DELAC Minutes November 2014

DELAC March 5th Minutes

DELAC Advisory Meeting 3-5-15


District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)


2018-19 District English Language Acquistion Committee/District Advisory Committee for LCAP:

2018 – 2019 DAC/DELAC Meetings






November 15, 2018


5:00 – 7:00 PM

Aspen (A)

March 5,  2019


5:30– 7:30 PM

Board Room

April 25, 2019


5:00 – 7:00 PM

Aspen (A)


March 5, 2019 Meeting Materials:

DELAC Presentation

LCAP Presentation


November 15, 2018 Meeting Materials:

DELAC 11_15_18.pdf



We strive to help students:


  • Develop fluency in English
  • Cultivate a positive sense of self-worth
  • Understand and respect other cultures
  • Achieve equal access to core academic curriculum