Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur - Read Online
Milk and Honey
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Editor’s Note

“Highly relatable…”Rupi Kaur’s debut collection of poetry has spent over a year on the “New York Times” bestseller list, a rare feat for poetry, considering how many people profess to not “get” the medium. Don’t be intimated by this collection — Kaur’s poems about womanhood are highly relatable and easily accessible.
Scribd Editor



The book is divided into four chapters, and each chapter serves a different purpose. Deals with a different pain. Heals a different heartache. Milk and Honey takes readers through a journey of the most bitter moments in life and finds sweetness in them because there is sweetness everywhere if you are just willing to look.
Published: Andrews McMeel Publishing on
ISBN: 9781449478650
List price: $9.99
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Milk and Honey - Rupi Kaur

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how is it so easy for you

to be kind to people he asked

milk and honey dripped

from my lips as i answered

cause people have not

been kind to me

the first boy that kissed me

held my shoulders down

like the handlebars of

the first bicycle

he ever rode

i was five

he had the smell of

starvation on his lips

which he picked up from

his father feasting on his mother at 4 a.m.

he was the first boy

to teach me my body was

for giving to those that wanted

that i should feel anything

less than whole

and my god

did i feel as empty

as his mother at 4:25 a.m.

it is your blood

in my veins

tell me how i’m

supposed to forget

the therapist places

the doll in front of you

it is the size of girls

your uncles like touching

point to where his hands were

you point to the spot

between its legs the one

he fingered out of you

like a confession

how’re you feeling

you pull the lump

in your throat out

with your teeth

and say fine

numb really

- midweek sessions

he was supposed to be

the first male love of your life

you still search for him


- father

you were so afraid

of my voice

i decided to be

afraid of it too

she was a rose

in the hands of those

who had no intention

of keeping her

every time you

tell your daughter

you yell at her

out of love

you teach her to confuse

anger with kindness

which seems like a good idea

till she grows up to

trust men who hurt her

cause they look so much

like you

- to fathers with daughters

i’ve had sex she said

but i don’t know

what making love

feels like

if i knew what

safety looked like

i would have spent

less time falling into

arms that were not

sex takes the consent of two

if one person is lying there not doing anything

cause they are not ready

or not in the mood

or simply don’t want to

yet the other