Lars Steinmetz

LarsSteinmetz_4916_7x9cmLars M. Steinmetz

Professor of Genetics, Stanford University
Co-Director, Stanford Genome Technology Center
Associate Head of Genome Biology & Senior Scientist, EMBL, Germany

Lars Steinmetz studied molecular biophysics and biochemistry at Yale University and conducted his Ph.D. research on genome-wide approaches to study gene function and natural phenotypic diversity at Stanford University. After a brief period of postdoctoral research at the Stanford Genome Technology Center, where he worked on functional genomic technology development, he moved to Europe in 2003. At the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Heidelberg, Germany, he started his own group, focused on applying functional genomic approaches and high-throughput methods to study complex traits, transcription and the mitochondrial organelle at a systems level. In parallel, he maintained a focused group at the Stanford Genome Technology Center working on technology development. Since 2009, Lars acted as Joint Head of the department of Genome Biology at EMBL.

In October 2013 Lars became Professor of Genetics at Stanford University and Co-Director of the Stanford Genome Technology Center. His lab develops and applies cutting-edge technologies to investigate the function and mechanism of transcription, the genetic basis of complex phenotypes and the genetic and molecular systems underpinning disease. Their ultimate goal is to enable the development of personalized, preventative medicine.

In parallel to his research activities at Stanford, Lars continues to lead his lab at EMBL and acts as Associate Head of Genome Biology and Senior Scientist at EMBL. His Stanford and EMBL labs collaborate very closely.

In addition to his academic endeavours, Lars is a consultant and board member of several companies, advising in the areas of genetics and personalized medicine.

Honors and Awards

  • EMBO Member, European Molecular Biology Organization (2013)
  • ERC Advanced Investigator, European Research Council (2012)
  • Emmy Noether-Program Young Investigator, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (2004-2010)
  • Howard Hughes Predoctoral Fellow, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (1998-2001)

E-mail: larsms [at]

See Lars’ CAP Profile and his full publication record for more details.