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EPA Center for Corporate Climate Leadership

Center for Corporate Climate Leadership Annual GHG Inventory Summary and Goal Tracking Form

Use this form to summarize GHG emissions and track emissions over time against a GHG reduction goal. This form describes emissions in terms of total CO2-equivalent at a corporate level, broken out by emission source type—core direct (e.g., stationary combustion, process, mobile sources), core indirect (e.g., electricity or steam purchases), and optional (e.g., employee commuting, business travel, or product transport)—for both domestic and international sources. The form also includes historical totals, a performance indicator (if applicable) that is used to track progress toward a reduction goal, data on reduction sources such as offset projects (e.g., sequestration) and green power or renewable energy certificate (REC) purchases.

Please note, this file contains macros that improve the usability of the form. In order to take full advantage of the enhanced features on this form you must enable the macros when opening the file in Excel.

Download as an Excel file: Summary Form for Inventory Reporting and Goal Tracking(2 pp, 222 K)