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About EPA

Organization Chart for EPA's Region 3 Office


Headquarters Offices Region 3 Regional Administrator and Deputy Regional Administrator

About ORA


Office of Policy and Management (OPM)

Office of Communications and Government Relations (OCGR)

Office of Regional Counsel (ORC)

Air Protection Division (APD)

Water Protection Division (WPD)

Hazardous Site Cleanup Division (HSCD)

Land and Chemicals Division (LCD)

Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO)

Office of Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justice (OECEJ)

Environmental Assessment and Innovation Division (EAID)


Shawn M. Garvin, Regional Administrator

William C. Early, Deputy Regional Administrator

EPA's Region 3 office includes:

Land and Chemicals Division (LCD)

Director: John Armstead

What We Do: LCD administers environmental statutes that protect our air, water and land environments, as well as the public's right-to-know about hazardous chemicals in their community. It protects the air from asbestos emissions and water and land from inefficient hazardous waste practices; conserves energy and natural resources through recycling and recovery; protects the public from pesticide misuse or contaminants; protects children from the hazards of lead-based paint and other environmental contaminants; and regulates underground storage tanks containing petroleum or hazardous substances.

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Air Protection Division (APD)

Director: Diana Esher

What We Do: APD is responsible for planning, monitoring, compliance and enforcement under the Clean Air Act, and recommends the goals, priorities, and objectives of regional air quality and compliance programs. It is also responsible for the implementation and coordination of non-statutory programs and priorities such as energy conservation and global climate change, pollution prevention, geographic initiatives and education/outreach programs designed to reduce environmental pollution.

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Hazardous Site Cleanup Division (HSCD)

Director: Cecil A. Rodrigues

What We Do: All activities regarding the Oil Pollution Act and Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, commonly known as Superfund, are the responsibility of HSCD. It determines goals, priorities and objectives for the Superfund and oil programs and oversees the work of Federal responsible party cleanups and concurs on military base closure property transfers. The division coordinates discovery, assessment, remediation, removal and enforcement of abandoned hazardous waste sites, develops strategy to reuse Superfund sites, supports the redevelopment of Brownfields, and also responds to emergency–including terrorism--situations which pose an immediate threat to human health and the environment.

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Environmental Assessment and Innovation Division (EAID)

Director: John "Randy" Pomponio

What We Do: EAID is a diverse, multidisciplinary organization emphasizing high quality science, field sampling, laboratory analysis, data interpretation, geospatial technology and strategic planning, protection and restoration. EAID takes a holistic ecosystem approach, in cooperation with the other divisions and offices, to achieving human health and environmental protection.

Regulatory responsibilities include the National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Water Act's wetlands program, Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act, Safe Drinking Water Act's laboratory certification program, Ocean Dumping Ban Act, and Rivers and Harbors Act. The coastal team performs data collection and analysis for ocean and coastal systems.

The Environmental Science Center in Ft Meade, Maryland provides laboratory services, quality assurance, analytical procurement, lab certifications and homeland security support to regional, national and state programs.

The Freshwater Biology Center in Wheeling, West Virginia supports state and federal efforts to protect stream and other aquatic resources. With the wetlands staff in Philadelphia, the Wheeling team leads work to regulate and mitigate the impacts of coal mining.

EAID leads environmental indicators-based planning, and analyzes environmental data to better understand conditions and trends, and to prioritize and target regional, state and local programs. This includes decision support tools and GIS (geographic information system) mapping. It manages the dredging program, Coastal America, and the Children's Health Program. It works with partners to develop innovative approaches for issues as diverse as climate change, clean energy and sustainability—which require regulatory and non-regulatory tools. EAID is home to the region's quality assurance manager, who is responsible for the regional quality system and program offices' quality assurance programs. Through the regional science liaison, EAID coordinates with EPA's Office of Research and Development and other regions to focus agency resources and activities on the most important science and policy issues.

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Water Protection Division (WPD)

Director: Jon M. Capacasa

What We Do: WPD manages and implements programs under the Clean Water Act and the Safe Drinking Water Act to protect, preserve, and enhance water resources, and works closely with states and local communities to protect drinking water sources and to ensure that estuaries, rivers, streams, and lakes are healthy, vital resources for communities. They accomplish this through monitoring and the use of water quality standards, pollution load allocations to streams, permits for stream discharges, public health standards and required testing for drinking water safety, and by providing financial and technical assistance to states and localities.

When violations of the laws governing water resources occur, the division ensures that the laws are enforced, either directly or in partnership with states. WPD also encourages citizen involvement in developing and carrying out major estuary, local watershed and drinking water protection plans.

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Office of Communications and Government Relations (OCGR)

Director: Michael D’Andrea

What We Do: OCGR represents the region before Congress, other elected officials, and state and local governments and serves as a liaison with federal, state and local agencies’ representatives and their governments. OCGR helps ensure that key external stakeholders including academic institutions, industrial, environmental and public interest groups, and the media are informed and involved with EPA's programs and decisions.  The office manages the Freedom of Information (FOIA) response process.  Using a variety of outreach tools, OCGR provides information about the agency's programs and activities,  advises senior leadership on information presentation and timing, prepares speeches and press releases and is the focal point for working with the media.   Other responsibilities include managing the Region’s Public Information Center, Customer Service Hotline, web content and environmental education program.

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Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO)

Nicholas DiPasquale, Director

What We Do

The Chesapeake Bay Program Office (CBPO) supports the Chesapeake Bay Program, a unique regional partnership that has coordinated the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed since 1983. Bay Program partners include the states of Delaware, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia; the District of Columbia; the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a tri-state legislative body; EPA, and the Department of Agriculture, representing the federal government; and advisory groups of citizens, scientists and local government officials. The Bay Program is managed by EPA through CBPO and is staffed by employees from a number of federal and state agencies, non-profit organizations and academic institutions.

Programs and Projects Managed by CBPO

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Office of Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justic (OECEJ)

Director: Samantha Beers

What We Do: OECEJ directs and coordinates inspections, monitoring, enforcement and compliance assistance among regional programs and the states, and initiates enforcement against violators of more than one environmental law. The office participates with states and other regional programs in developing enforcement and compliance goals, strategies and policies. OECEJ promotes equal public health, environmental protection and environmental justice, and administers the National Historic Preservation Act.

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Office of Policy and Management (OPM)

Assistant Regional Administrator: Ron Borsellino

What We Do: OPM assists the regional administrator in managing the regional office. It is responsible for human resources, administrative and financial management, strategic planning, policy and regulatory development, contracting and procurement, information systems, facilities, telecommunications and grants and audit management.

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Office of Regional Counsel (ORC)

Regional Counsel: Mary B. Coe (Acting)

What We Do: ORC represents the region in a wide variety of legal matters, including civil and administrative cases, regulatory and permit actions, government contracts, and employment matters. Often working with the Justice Department, EPA headquarters, and state environmental agency lawyers, this office enforces federal air, water, hazardous waste, toxics and pesticides laws throughout the region. Criminal enforcement counsel assists U.S. Attorneys Offices in prosecuting environmental crimes.

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