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Region 8


In Region 8, there are two programs that implement Superfund responses, the emergency response program and the remedial program.

The emergency response program responds to emergencies, such as fires, train derailments, and floods, involving the release of hazardous substances. The emergency response program also undertakes removal actions, short-term cleanups of hazardous substances that pose an immediate health threat. See EPA's national Emergency Response website for information on how to report a spill of hazardous substances.

The remedial program oversees long-term cleanup of the most complex contaminated sites—generally sites listed on the National Priorities List (NPL). In Region 8, 54 sites are final on the NPL, 14 are deleted from the NPL and seven are proposed for listing. Construction has been completed at 38 of the NPL sites. Information on each Superfund site in Region 8 can be accessed from the map at right.

EPA report looks at the beneficial effects of Superfund Redevelopment in Region 8

Graphic shows cover of report on: Superfund Sites Work for Communities: A Look at the Positive Impacts of Superfund Redevelopment in EPA Region 8

This report looks at how reuse activities at Region 8 Superfund sites make a difference in communities. In particular, the report reviews some of the beneficial effects of Superfund reuse activities at current and former Superfund sites, as well as the land values and property taxes associated with Superfund sites returned to use following cleanup.

The results are impressive! Superfund sites across the Rocky Mountains and Plains region are now home to industrial parks, shopping centers, hospitals and neighborhoods. Many sites continue to host industrial operations, such as large-scale manufacturing facilities. Others are now nature preserves, parks and recreational facilities. On-site businesses and organizations at current and former Superfund sites in Region 8 provide an estimated 9,900 jobs and contribute an estimated $519 million in annual employment income for residents. Restored site properties in Region 8 generate $3 million in annual property tax revenues for local governments.

View Superfund Sites Work for Communities: A Look at the Positive Impacts of Superfund Redevelopment in EPA Region 8 (PDF)(24 pp, 7.7 MB, About PDF) »

View EPA’s Redevelopment Economics Impacts page »