
Measure your app’s full value and the impact it has on your business. If you’re using Firebase, Google's platform for mobile developers, Firebase Analytics and Google Analytics work together to supercharge your business insights.

Mobile Analytics Solutions

Mobile app measurement in Google Analytics helps you understand your app in the context of your larger business. Get the benefits of Google Analytics and Firebase Analytics all in one place.

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  • Firebase Compatible

    Using Firebase Analytics to measure your app? Get your Firebase Analytics reporting and all the functionality that comes with it right in the Google Analytics interface. With Firebase Analytics, you get app-first analytics that’s automatic, free and unlimited – powering user attribution, lifetime value analysis, cohort retention reporting, and more.

  • Flexible Implementation

    Firebase adds analytics to your apps automatically. If you want to send your app data to Google Analytics directly, there are multiple implementation options to choose from – pick the one that best suits your business.

    Google Tag Manager
    Google Tag Manager is the suggested way for apps to implement Google Analytics. This standalone product works with Firebase and lets you easily publish changes to your users, without your users having to update their app. When used in conjunction with Google Analytics, you can configure your tags for Analytics (and for many other online marketing tools) from one easy user interface.

    Other Solutions
    If you’ve implemented Google Analytics in your apps before or are looking for other ways to send data to Google Analytics directly, then the Measurement Protocol, our Analytics JavaScript, and our Mobile SDKs have you covered.

Data Analytics & Reporting

Google Analytics provides intuitive reporting options that have been designed to meet the needs of your business.

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  • Firebase Apps

    Firebase, Google's platform for mobile developers, features best in class mobile app analytics that’s enabled automatically. By choosing to use Firebase with Google Analytics, you can have all of your Firebase Analytics reporting and capabilities viewable inside Google Analytics. This makes it easy to switch between app and web reporting all in one place.

    Go to Firebase to learn more about all the app developer features it has to offer — including Firebase Analytics.

  • Google Analytics App Views

    Google Analytics App views provide dedicated app reporting that is similar to Google Analytics reporting for websites. App views include specialized metrics and dimensions along with other features designed specifically for mobile apps.

Data Activation

Make smarter marketing decisions. Google Analytics allows you to seamlessly activate your data to improve marketing campaigns and experiment with new channels and content.

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  • Demographics & Remarketing

    Demographics and Interests data provides information about the age and gender of your users, along with the interests they express in their online travel and purchasing activities. By creating audience lists using your app Analytics data, you can segment your users and re-engage with them through remarketing.

  • Alerts & Intelligence

    Google Analytics monitors your app’s traffic to detect significant statistical variations, then generates alerts called Intelligence Events when they occur. A closer look will bring you insights you might have missed — for example, a spike in traffic from a particular city or campaign.