
Whether you want to boost sales or find more visitors, Google Analytics has the features you need to improve your business.

Data Collection & Management

Data collection and management with Google Analytics provides a single, accurate view of the customer that can be customized to your needs and shared across the organization.

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  • Collection & Configuration APIs

    Our Collection and Configuration APIs help you collect data and manage your account in custom, scalable ways. With the Collection APIs and SDKs, you can measure how users interact with your content and marketing initiatives on any device and platform. The Configuration APIs let you explore flexible and programmatic ways to manage your Google Analytics account.

  • Cross-Device Data

    The multi-screen, multi-device world is the new normal. Google Analytics’ Measurement Protocol measures digital platforms beyond web and apps, so you can connect offline conversions with online activity.

  • Event Tracking

    How do visitors actually interact with your pages and/or your mobile app? Use Event Tracking to measure activities like downloads, video plays, and mobile ad clicks.

  • User Permissions

    User Permissions let you choose the right levels of access for different users of your Google Analytics account. Let some people manage your entire account, while others can simply view and analyze.

Data Consolidation

Google delivers integrated solutions that preserve data integrity, reduce friction, and seamlessly connect disparate data sources.

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  • Data Import

    Get all your data in one place with Google Analytics Data Import. Our Data Import functionality allows you to join the data from your CRM, content management, and other systems with the data in your Google Analytics account for faster, more sophisticated insights. Data types available include cost, user, campaign, content, product, refund, and custom data. Data can be uploaded via UI or via API.

  • Product Integrations

    Google Analytics integrates with many Google products, and also with third-party technologies. Here are just a few:

    Google Analytics can import your AdWords data seamlessly, to bring you crucial information about what visitors do after they’ve clicked on your ad. You’ll gain deeper insights into how your ads and campaigns are performing.

    AdSense gives content publishers and bloggers a way to earn money with relevant ads placed on their websites, mobile sites, and site search results. Google Analytics can import AdSense data to help you understand the best possible positions to display ads.

    Google Display Network
    Our integration with the Google Display Network (GDN) means you can use AdWords to create, manage, and measure the success of campaigns. Link your accounts to see your GDN campaign data within Google Analytics and to share remarketing lists in Google Analytics with your GDN account.

Data Analytics & Reporting

Reports can be segmented and filtered to reflect the needs of your business. Real-time views let you know which new content is popular, how much traffic today’s new promotion is driving to your site, and which tweets and blog posts draw the best results.

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  • Acquisition Reporting

    Understand user acquisition across mobile and desktop with detailed advertising, campaign, and traffic source reports in Google Analytics.

  • Audience Reporting

    Focus on your audience: demographics, interests, language and location, industry benchmarks, as well as what devices and operating systems are being used. Or use any of Google Analytics 200+ dimensions and metrics to define you own audiences in the way that makes sense for your business.

  • Benchmarking Reports

    Compare your data with aggregated industry data from other companies with benchmarking reports. Get valuable context, gain insight into trends occurring across your industry, and find out how you are doing compared to your competition.

  • Cohort Analysis

    Cohort analysis gives you insight into user retention and value, so you can focus on earning more high-value, loyal customers.

  • Conversion Reporting

    Measure your sales, downloads, video plays, conversions, or define your own business goals. Tailor your reporting to suit what you want to achieve and find the visitor actions most likely to help you meet your objectives.

  • Custom Reporting

    Custom reports can be built in minutes, and they’re easy to share with colleagues. So you can all have instant access to the metrics that really count for your business. In addition, dashboards can give you a summary of many reports on a single page using drag-and-drop widgets for fast, easy customization.

  • Ecommerce Reporting

    Use Ecommerce reporting to understand customer behavior, improve online merchandising, and drive revenue. Gain insight into the customer's path to purchase, visitor interest in your products, and the performance of your shopping campaigns. You can also view Enhanced Ecommerce reports to identify segments of customers who added items to the cart, but never completed the purchase.

  • Performance Reporting

    A slow-loading website is more than a frustration: it can hurt your ad sales and search rank. Site Speed reports shows you load times across your site, so you can fix slow pages and increase conversions.

  • Site Reporting

    To optimize your site, you first need to understand how users engage with it. Flow Visualization reports let you see and analyze the path a visitor takes on your site, while In-Page Analytics gives you the detail about how they interact with each page. When users can’t find what they're looking for, they search. Site Search reporting in Google Analytics helps you see what your visitors are really looking for, spot missed opportunities, and speed up time to conversion.

  • Reporting APIs

    Our Reporting APIs let developers expand and explore ways to retrieve report data from Google Analytics. With the APIs, you can save time by automating complex reporting tasks, build custom solutions and visualizations, and integrate Google Analytics data with your own business data for deeper insights.

Data Activation

Make smarter marketing decisions. Google Analytics allows you to seamlessly activate your data to improve marketing campaigns and experiment with new channels and content.

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  • Alerts & Intelligence

    Google Analytics monitors your website’s traffic to detect significant statistical variations, then generates alerts when they occur. A closer look will bring you insights you might have missed — for example, a spike in traffic from a particular city or campaign.

  • Experiments

    Eliminate the guesswork from website design. Test variations of your pages and learn which designs bring you the most conversions.

  • Remarketing

    Find potential and existing customers who, based on their usage of your site or app, are likely to have an interest in your products and services. Then show them relevant ads for those same products as they surf the web.