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Dolphins in Captivity: How Harmful Is It? -- TakePart Live

306 views 1 week ago
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'TakePart Live' hosts Jacob Soboroff and Cara Santa Maria revisit "The Cove" and discuss how harmful it is to hold marine animals captive. Panelists include Lincoln O'Barry, Jason Goldman, and Dr. Maddalena Bearzi.

For full episodes of TakePart Live, check out Pivot every weeknight at 12/11c and see what else is happening on the show at: http://www.takepart.com/live.

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Join TakePart Live hosts Cara Santa Maria & Jacob Soboroff and do something MORE with your news.
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Subscribe for new TPL clips daily: http://bit.ly/14nkAxM

'TakePart Live' hosts Jacob Soboroff and Cara Santa Maria revisit "The Cove" and discuss how harmful it is to hold marine animals captive. Panelists include Lincoln O'Barry, Jason Goldman, and Dr. Maddalena Bearzi.

For full episodes of TakePart Live, check out Pivot every weeknight at 12/11c and see what else is happening on the show at: http://www.takepart.com/live.

Not sure if you have Pivot? Visit http://bit.ly/1cgckUs OR call 855-WantPivot to find out what channel you can watch on in your area!

Join TakePart Live hosts Cara Santa Maria & Jacob Soboroff and do something MORE with your news. Show less

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