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The story of Dan..

  1. 1


    by danisnotonfire 807,207 views

    So this is just a quick video to say hello :)

    my first actual vid idea is coming later this weekend,
    so SUBSCRIBE!! plz
    haha D:

    i've been peer pressured into finally making an introduction video, so here i am :]

    so please sub because there's looooads to come :D

    hope your all doing superawesome =]

  2. 2


    by danisnotonfire 853,446 views

    SRS BSNSS. O__o

    Hey everyone!! :D

    sorry for the 4 week gap! (fail)

    this video literally took about 50 hours to edit X_x
    but you're all worth it xD

    Second channel can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/danisnotinteresting

    please subscribe to that as there's gonna be lots on it all the time! :D

    but yeah I hope you're all doing awesomely, i missed you ^-^
    i'll see you all soon :D
    (ill get working on the next video now xD)

    Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/danisnotonfire

  3. 3

    University Life

    by danisnotonfire 1,193,398 views


    no I just play Halo with the curtains closed all day xD

    remember to please post a video response showing me around where you live!! :D

    ..becuase I'm secretly collecting information for the FBI.

    haha not really.

    no really.

    but my next video will be up soon this time and I said PROMISE! :]



  4. 4

    I NEARLY DIED. (not)

    by danisnotonfire 1,457,543 views

    The joys of Flucloxacillin and other miscellanious adventures. danisnotonfire drinking game: take a shot every time I say 'litrally'.

    I think I've gained about 10 pounds just from sympathy chocolate this week D:

    and 'DanMail' video on danisnotinteresting will be coming soon!!

    Hope you guys enjoy :D


    IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN. CLICK HERE FOR 'Dan and Phil play Sonic 4': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dduneCif3zY :):):)

    And check out me talking about why nerdy people are HAWT on Apartment Red: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmezqIAEGWg ^^


    twitter: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    facebook: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire

  5. 5


    by danisnotonfire 1,142,961 views

    England's hunkiest body builder gives you a sneek peak of his new fitness DVD!
    and then everybody threw up because it was so bad.

    Happy 2011 danosaurs! :D

    the amount of malteasers that were consumed in the making of this video will take about 4 years of going to the gym to correct anyway x_x hahaha

    Click here to check out DANMAIL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rYMU4F-EKck

    also I will get better at using my camera!

    this video took 8 hours to edit and 4 hours to render o_o APPRECIATE ME.

    see you soon guys!! :]


  6. 6


    by danisnotonfire 1,927,855 views

    that awkward moment when you find out your french teacher is a half-dog/robot psychopath.

    but tell me what you thought guys! ^__^ did you like this video? would you want to see more like this?

    and remember to post a video response or tell me your stories in the comments! :D

  7. 7

    HOT BOYS on Teen Cribz

    by danisnotonfire 1,434,562 views

    Only the HOTTEST boys with the SHINYEST kitchen utensils and HARD breakfast bars are here to give you an intimate tour of their pad.

    ..or not but hey :D

    I hope u guise like our place!
    now I am settled it will be much easier for me to make videos more often ;)

    my flatmate phil if you didn't know! http://youtube.com/amazingphil

    plz post a video response if you'd like to show your crib to the internet! :]

    this video was an unspeakable horror to edit so i hope you all enjoyed! haha
    see you soon ^__^
    also the video name is a -reference- to the lisanova video before people start derping in the comments


  8. 8


    by danisnotonfire 1,588,885 views

    the tale of a boy who nearly had something long, hard and deadly inserted into him.

    ..sorry i couldn't resist. xD

    click here to tweet this video! - http://clicktotweet.com/r1607

    remember to tell me your near death experiences/family embarrassment stories in the comments!! ^__^ i will be reading them.

    twitter: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    facebook: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    tumblr: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com
    vyou: http://vyou.com/danisnotonfire

  9. 9

    College Dropout

    by danisnotonfire 1,411,383 views

    The story of why I was temporarily depressed but now happy and why I am a college dropout ..or going to be ..or maybe not idk it's confusing isn't it (don't worry about my life I know what I'm doing. haha)

    Hope you guys enjoy this video XD I feel like it's been a while since I talked about my life, but if you don't want me to I promise I'll never do it again.

    thanks to philllll: http://youtube.com/AmazingPhil

    And check out the SUPERAMAZINGPROJECT :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGIRAD_XxOs

    my twitter: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    facebook: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    tumblr: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com
    vyou: http://vyou.com/danisnotonfire

  10. 10

    OMG UR soo POSH L0L!!1!

    by danisnotonfire 1,527,898 views


    (I clearly have some repressed issues)

    Click here to tweet this video! http://clicktotweet.com/ZxwiC

    Hope you guys enjoy! :D
    All HILARIOUSNESS aside there's no srsbsnss here, I know how I sound. xD


    Radio show!!
    10pm-12am Radio 1 Christmas Day


    twitter: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    facebook: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    tumblr: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

  11. 11


    by danisnotonfire 1,572,037 views

    Emo 14 year old Dan relives his tales of failure and 2012 Dan gives wonderful mathematical insight into the world of YouTube. ..and humps a box

    All the stories in this were essentially 100% accurate. xD


    T-shirts! http://districtlines.com/danisnotonfire
    send me a photo if you buy one and I'll feature you in my next video! :D

    follow me on Twitter!



    music: kevin macleod - incompetech.com

  12. 12

    How I Got Fired

    by danisnotonfire 2,016,442 views

    Dan's facepalmingly awkward yet funny-to-laugh-at adventures in customer service. fml. everything I say in this video is true!

    ..except that I've probably killed about 15 people. (I hope)

    TSHIRTS! http://districtlines.com/danisnotonfire :D

    hope you all enjoyed!
    sorry it took two weeks, I had a creative block and spent 4 days rolling around on the carpet in sadness.

    see you soooooooon ^__^

    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire

    FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire

    TUMBLR: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

    music: kevin macleod - incompetech.com

  13. 13

    The Airport Incident

    by danisnotonfire 1,872,656 views

    Dan's recent airport experience of embarrassment, genocide, frozen bread and anal probing. SOUNDS LIKE A PARTY

    R.I.P crappy Sony Vaio.

    T-shirts! http://districtlines.com/danisnotonfire
    (as my computer died I have to re-find the 'sexy viewers' photos so look forward to that next time! ;])

    I promise my next video won't be an anecdote xD hope you enjoy!

    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire

    FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire

    TUMBLR: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

    music royalty free: kevin macleod - incompetech.com

  14. 14

    The Meaning of Life

    by danisnotonfire 1,582,008 views

    In which you learn what is the meaning of life. According to Dan. Which may disappoint you if you just want to do it with everything. click here to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos! http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=danisnotonfi­re

    I hope you guys enjoyed this! I felt like I've wanted to make a video about this for a while.

    Basically just know that you are essentially the centre of your own universe so you should do everything you can to make your life the best it can be. Yes you should care about other people but that's not the point I'm making. This isn't to tell people what I'm doing or to give advice to everybody's different situations it's just to make people that might not have previously been aware to think about it. Go join the circus.

    *barfs uncontrollably* yup needed that. see you next friday guys! :)

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire

    Facebook: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire

    Tumblr: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

  15. 15

    New Year? NEW YOU!

    by danisnotonfire 1,545,819 views

    How to actually achieve your New Year's resolution as explained by YouTube's worst life-coach, Dan. click here: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=danisnotonfi­re to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos! :D

    What do you think you can do to make your life a little happier? Even if it's a small thing it's worth doing it for you! :) Make sure to tell me these or any Resolution mega-fails you've had down in the comments :D

    It was a truly spiritual journey making this sequel to my other New Years videos. Hopefully I can begin to turn my life around now I have resorted to literally being forced to exercise out of awkwardness in front of someone. I am grateful you have been on this adventure with me.

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    Tumblr: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

  16. 16

    How not to survive School

    by danisnotonfire 2,708,244 views

    Dan presents his expert guide on EVERYTHING TO AVOID if you want an enjoyable education! click here: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=danisnotonfi­re to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos :D

    and my hearts go out to all of you who, like me, spend most every other week rolling around on the floor having a quarter-life crisis.

    but seriously, if you are in school and it is the worst, stay strong! most of us survive! just look for that light at the end of the tunnel. haha :)

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    Tumblr: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

    IT WAS A MISSION. BUT I FINISHED THIS VIDEO!! woo! there will be a new one this weekend as well dw :)

  17. 17


    by danisnotonfire 1,669,072 views

    The time Dan actually pressed a panic alarm and it was the worst thing ever omfg. click here to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos! http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=danisnotonfi­re :D

    Click here to watch Part 2: THE POWER NAP! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad_LVGJfH-M (it might somehow be even worse what is my life)

    or see me and Phil in the 401 show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abQT__VBDRg

    this is literally word for word what happened what is my life and why do I do this to myself. this is why I will never work in retail again. ..well to be honest who would ever hire me after hearing this story oh well #yolo

    I hope you enjoyed :D

    ps: sorry this took a while to make! as some of you know I have been HORIFICALLY ill but I am all better now so the videos will keep on coming. ^__^ thanks!

    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    TUMBLR: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

  18. 18


    by danisnotonfire 1,479,366 views

    The time Dan decided to hide under a table and have a nap ..at work. Yeah I don't know why I'm allowed to be alive seriously. click here to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos! http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=danisnotonfi­re :D

    Click here to watch Part 1! THE PANIC ALARM: http://youtu.be/F99LYU8dVSE

    it's funny because both of these stories are literally 100% accurate. i look back and think why




    but hey i'm a good role model just never do ANYTHING i EVER DO EVER :D

    see you next week!

    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    TUMBLR: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

  19. 19


    by danisnotonfire 1,498,102 views

    The moment all of mankind has been waiting for. Let's look at Dan's stuff! WOO!!!!!! click here to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos! http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=danisnotonfi­re :D

    Complete with butt-chair. And scary-sex-neighbour. ..like seriously though he makes some WEIRD ASS NOISES I really don't want to know what he's doing. ..totally don't.

    I do hope you enjoyed! And my next video will be the climax of my audience video takeover! Look forward to it ;D Thank you!

    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire
    FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    TUMBLR: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

  20. 20

    Draw My Life - Dan Howell

    by danisnotonfire 1,998,032 views

    HERE IT IS. The video everyone has been dismembering themselves with excitement for. I draw my life so far!

    and ya'll can follow my life AS IT HAPPENS on twitter! http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire ^__^

    If there's being late to the draw my life party, I've turned up at 6am the next morning when everyone's crawling out of the house and puking in the flower bed.

    I hope you all enjoy it! I didn't want to make it either ridiculously depressing or cheesy which seems hard with these videos! haha. but it is my actual life story :p

    yes i've been a bit busy recently but dw i wanna get back to pumping out the videos! thanks guys.

    MY TUMBLR: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com
    MY FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    MY TSHIRTS :D http://districtlines.com/danisnotonfire

  21. 21

    My First Time

    by danisnotonfire 1,753,530 views

    I open up to the internet about my troubled childhood. click here: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=danisnotonfi­re to subscribe to my channel to be told when I make a new video!

    I hope you guys enjoyed this! Whenever I look back at my past and cringe so hard I implode - at least I can draw comfort in you all learning from my mistakes.

    And go louise (sprinkleofglitter) for making a genuinely quite cool vlogging tag!

    Stay supermegaawesome danosaurs.

    edit: why does everyone in the comments seem to think i'm a virgin? were people expecting the youtubers to literally describe their first sex in these videos i mean rly also that's the enjoyable irony of the title

    TWITTER: http://twitter.comdanisnotonfire
    FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire
    TUMBLR: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com

    TSHIRTS! http://districtlines.com/danisnotonfire

  22. 22

    Existential Crisis

    by danisnotonfire 1,397,567 views

    Are you having an Existential Crisis?! Hopefully not. Let's find out! click here: http://youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=danisnotonfi­re to subscribe to my channel to be told when I make a new video!

    A lot of people always ask what exactly I'm on about so I thought I SHOULD JUST EXPLAIN for once! hahah. If you are having one then I hope you find this video helpful! And if you weren't sorry if I just caused one.. ..

    So yes this in many ways concludes my 'quarter life crisis' trilogy of videos. I personally feel I've come out of the existential crisis tunnel I've been in for about a year and a half so let's see what that looks like eh? ;p

    why did this take 25 hours to write

    (also this video isn't a conclusive view on anything - it it not necessarily meant to impress or inspire, and it's certainly worse than any book or movie, but it's just a video on the internet showing what was in one person's mind at a particular point in his life where he was 'having an existential crisis'. if you don't relate to this or for any reason feel offended at my stupidity i am sorry!)


    Twitter: http://twittter.com/danisnotonfire
    Tumblr: http://danisnotonfire.tumblr.com
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/danisnotonfire

    My store! http://districtlines.com/danisnotonfire

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