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Leadership & the Internet

  1. 1

    Leadership & the Internet: Jonathan Zittrain

    by HarvardCPL 957 views

    Jonathan Zittrain, a professor of law and computer science at Harvard University, delivers a fascinating lecture to professor David Gergen's course "On Becoming a Leader" that looks at how leadership is exerted both on and through the internet.

  2. 2

    Leadership & the Internet: Wael Ghonim

    by HarvardCPL 1,362 views

    Egyptian activist Wael Ghonim discussed his recently released book, "Revolution 2.0: The Power of the People is Greater Than the People in Power," with CPL director David Gergen. Ghonim's experience as a key figure behind the protests that led to Hosni Mubarak's resignation, as well as the power of technology--in both positive and negative ways--are some of the topics they cover in their conversation.

  3. 3

    Leadership & the Internet: Alec Ross

    by HarvardCPL 1,367 views

    Alec Ross, Senior Advisor for Innovation at the U.S. State Department, discusses the future of diplomacy, cybersecurity, and non-state actors, among other topics during a recent visit to the Center for Public Leadership at Harvard Kennedy School.

  4. 4

    Leadership & the Internet: Jared Cohen

    by HarvardCPL 576 views

    Jared Cohen, director of Google Ideas, answers questions from HKS lecturer Nicco Mele and Harvard students during a visit to the Center for Public Leadership.

  5. 5

    Leadership & the Internet: Micah Sifry

    by HarvardCPL 197 views

    Micah Sifry, the Visiting Murrow Lecturer of the Practice of Press and Public Policy at Harvard Kennedy School and co-founder of Personal Democracy Forum, speaks about the power and potential of the internet--both good and bad--for government and society.

  6. 6

    "The New Digital Age" with Eric Schmidt

    by HarvardCPL 3,436 views

    Harvard professors David Gergen and Archon Fung lead a conversation with Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt on "The New Digital Age." Harvard Kennedy School Dean David Ellwood introduces the panel.

  7. 7

    CPL interview with Charlene Li

    by HarvardCPL 179 views

    Charlene Li, author of "Open Leadership" and Founder of Altimeter Group, discusses disruptive technologies and how leaders can harness their power to better interact with employees, clients, and colleagues.

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