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DailyChess Calculation

  1. 1

    DailyChess Calculation #1

    by DailyChessTV 118 views

    This show is supported by Chessbase GmbH
    Schach Niggemann (my favorite chess retailer)

    This part of my show is dedicated to the technique of calculating variations in Chess.
    While working on my tactics on a daily basis I'll record all exercises I do in live-time, which means you can follow my thinking process and maybe gain something for your own play.

    I'll use the techniques which I learned in books, such as J. Aagards excellent book -Grandmaster Preperation - Calculation- or -Excell at Chess Calculation-.

    I hope you'll enjoy your stay and be able to study chess tactics on a daily basis as well. It's important to know how to calculate in chess probably to gain the most out of it, to be successful over the board as well as in competitions (tournaments, leagues etc.). Playing chess online will help you increase your play over the board. Studying the game of Chess online by means of Youtube or other Internet sites will help you increase your knowledge and give you good practice, which you can then use in real-life chess or 'over the board' chess.

    Thanks for tuning in -
    Please visit my website for daily chess reivews (chess books, chess DVD's, chess articles both in English and German)
    You can follow me on Twitter as well as Google + and Facebook.

  2. 2

    DailyChess Calculation #2

    by DailyChessTV 121 views

    This show is supported by Chessbase GmbH
    Schach Niggemann (my favorite chess retailer)
    Chesstempo.com (Dailychess recommends this Site for tactical exercises)

    This part of my show is dedicated to the technique of calculating variations in Chess.
    While working on my tactics on a daily basis I'll record all exercises I do in live-time, which means you can follow my thinking process and maybe gain something for your own play.

    I'll use the techniques which I learned in books, such as J. Aagards excellent book -Grandmaster Preperation - Calculation- or -Excell at Chess Calculation-.

    I hope you'll enjoy your stay and be able to study chess tactics on a daily basis as well. It's important to know how to calculate in chess probably to gain the most out of it, to be successful over the board as well as in competitions (tournaments, leagues etc.). Playing chess online will help you increase your play over the board. Studying the game of Chess online by means of Youtube or other Internet sites will help you increase your knowledge and give you good practice, which you can then use in real-life chess or 'over the board' chess.

    Thanks for tuning in -
    Please visit my website for daily chess reivews (chess books, chess DVD's, chess articles both in English and German)
    You can follow me on Twitter as well as Google + and Facebook.

  3. 3

    DailyChess Calculation #4

    by DailyChessTV 62 views

    This show is supported by Chessbase GmbH
    Schach Niggemann (my favorite chess retailer)
    Chesstempo.com (Dailychess recommends this Site for tactical exercises)

    This part of my show is dedicated to the technique of calculating variations in Chess.
    While working on my tactics on a daily basis I'll record all exercises I do in live-time, which means you can follow my thinking process and maybe gain something for your own play.

    I'll use the techniques which I learned in books, such as J. Aagards excellent book -Grandmaster Preperation - Calculation- or -Excell at Chess Calculation-.

    I hope you'll enjoy your stay and be able to study chess tactics on a daily basis as well. It's important to know how to calculate in chess probably to gain the most out of it, to be successful over the board as well as in competitions (tournaments, leagues etc.). Playing chess online will help you increase your play over the board. Studying the game of Chess online by means of Youtube or other Internet sites will help you increase your knowledge and give you good practice, which you can then use in real-life chess or 'over the board' chess.

    Thanks for tuning in -
    Please visit my website for daily chess reivews (chess books, chess DVD's, chess articles both in English and German)
    You can follow me on Twitter as well as Google + and Facebook.

  4. 4

    DailyChess Calculation #3

    by DailyChessTV 78 views

    This show is supported by Chessbase GmbH
    Schach Niggemann (my favorite chess retailer)
    Chesstempo.com (Dailychess recommends this Site for tactical exercises)

    This part of my show is dedicated to the technique of calculating variations in Chess.
    While working on my tactics on a daily basis I'll record all exercises I do in live-time, which means you can follow my thinking process and maybe gain something for your own play.

    I'll use the techniques which I learned in books, such as J. Aagards excellent book -Grandmaster Preperation - Calculation- or -Excell at Chess Calculation-.

    I hope you'll enjoy your stay and be able to study chess tactics on a daily basis as well. It's important to know how to calculate in chess probably to gain the most out of it, to be successful over the board as well as in competitions (tournaments, leagues etc.). Playing chess online will help you increase your play over the board. Studying the game of Chess online by means of Youtube or other Internet sites will help you increase your knowledge and give you good practice, which you can then use in real-life chess or 'over the board' chess.

    Thanks for tuning in -
    Please visit my website for daily chess reivews (chess books, chess DVD's, chess articles both in English and German)
    You can follow me on Twitter as well as Google + and Facebook.

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