Bernie SandersHitelesített felhasználó


Sen. Bernie Sanders is the longest serving independent in congressional history. Tweets ending in -B are from Bernie, and all others are from a staffer.

Csatlakozott 2009. április

Letiltottad @SenSanders felhasználót

Biztos, hogy meg szeretnéd nézni ezeket a Tweeteket? A Tweetek megtekintése nem oldja fel @SenSanders felhasználó letiltását.

  1. retweetelte
    44 perccel ezelőtt

    This woman told how tuition-free college could've stopped her from going hungry.

  2. 7 órával ezelőtt

    Today, Tax Day, is a good day to remember that we have a rigged economy that is only getting more skewed in favor of the very wealthy.

  3. 9 órával ezelőtt

    To me, family values mean leaving behind a planet that is livable for our children and grandchildren.

  4. 9 órával ezelőtt

    I do not want to see the United States get sucked into perpetual warfare in the Middle East and see lives lost and trillions spent.

  5. ápr. 15.

    I do not believe there is any state in this country that supports Trump's disastrous right wing agenda. If we mobilize we can win big.

  6. ápr. 15.

    Virtually every Western industrialized country has chosen to end capital punishment. The United States should join them.

  7. ápr. 14.

    When we stand up and fight back we can change the country in very positive ways.

  8. retweetelte
    ápr. 14.

    . is visiting our St. Albans, Vermont factory today to speak with our employees.

  9. ápr. 14.

    A lot of working people voted for Trump because they thought he was going to stand up for them. Well, it turns out that's not the case.

  10. ápr. 13.

    People who voted for Trump now understand that his agenda is for the billionaire class, not for working families.

  11. ápr. 13.
  12. ápr. 13.

    In the richest country in the history of the world, every student who has the desire and the ability should be able to go to college.

  13. ápr. 13.

    The momentum right now is with the progressive movement in this country. Republicans are on the defensive and will be so increasingly.

  14. ápr. 12.

    We need innovative solutions to combat the opioid crisis not only for veterans, but for everyone in this country dealing with addiction.

  15. retweetelte
    ápr. 12.

    I designed a series of watermarks for , now available to download at ! Thanks Bernie for all that you do!

  16. ápr. 12.

    Community health centers in Vermont have done an extraordinary job in providing access to primary health care.

  17. ápr. 12.

    Everyone regardless of income must have the right to higher education. I congratulate for leading the nation in that direction.

  18. ápr. 11.

    NEW: Journalist Jane Mayer talks campaign finance on the Bernie Sanders Show. Listen and subscribe on iTunes:

  19. retweetelte
    ápr. 11.

    Thank you for your ideas on combating high student debt. Together we can make progress.

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