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UC Berkeley Events


  1. 1

    2013 Nimitz Lecture - General Norton Schwartz - Remotely Operated Systems: Myths and Reality, Part 1

    by UCBerkeleyEvents 1,056 views

    General Norton A. Schwartz (ret), former Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, discusses the facts and myths surrounding the fielding, use and export of remotely operated systems by the US Armed Forces. He recounts a bit about the history of remotely piloted aircraft in the Air Force, the operational roles they fulfill today, the controversy concerning their employment in recent years and the challenges the technology presents regarding the traditional law of war constructs of discrimination and proportionality.

  2. 2

    2013 Nimitz Lecture - General Norton Schwartz - Remotely Operated Systems: Myths and Reality, Part 2

    by UCBerkeleyEvents 182 views

    General Norton A. Schwartz (ret), former Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force, discusses the facts and myths surrounding the fielding, use and export of remotely operated systems by the US Armed Forces. He recounts a bit about the history of remotely piloted aircraft in the Air Force, the operational roles they fulfill today, the controversy concerning their employment in recent years and the challenges the technology presents regarding the traditional law of war constructs of discrimination and proportionality.

  3. 3

    The 2012 Nimitz Memorial Lectureship: Ahmed Rashid - Lecture 2

    by UCBerkeleyEvents 901 views

    The Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Memorial Lectureship

    Ahmed Rashid is "Pakistan's best and bravest reporter" (Christopher Hitchens). His unique knowledge of this vast and complex region allows him a panoramic vision and nuance that no Western writer can emulate.

    His book Taliban first introduced American readers to the brutal regime that hijacked Afghanistan and harbored the terrorist group responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Now, Rashid examines the region and the corridors of power in Washington and Europe to see how the promised nation building in these countries has progressed.

    His conclusions are devastating: An unstable and nuclear armed Pakistan, a renewed al' Qaeda profiting from a booming opium trade, and a Taliban resurgence and reconquest. While Iraq continues to attract most of American media and military might, Rashid argues that Pakistan and Afghanistan are where the conflict will finally be played out and that these failing states pose a graver threat to global security than the Middle East.

    Lecture 2: Recorded March 15, 2012 at the Berkeley Art Museum Theater

  4. 4

    The 2012 Nimitz Memorial Lectureship: Ahmed Rashid - Lecture 1

    by UCBerkeleyEvents 815 views

    The Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Memorial Lectureship

    Ahmed Rashid is "Pakistan's best and bravest reporter" (Christopher Hitchens). His unique knowledge of this vast and complex region allows him a panoramic vision and nuance that no Western writer can emulate.

    His book Taliban first introduced American readers to the brutal regime that hijacked Afghanistan and harbored the terrorist group responsible for the 9/11 attacks. Now, Rashid examines the region and the corridors of power in Washington and Europe to see how the promised nation building in these countries has progressed.

    His conclusions are devastating: An unstable and nuclear armed Pakistan, a renewed al' Qaeda profiting from a booming opium trade, and a Taliban resurgence and reconquest. While Iraq continues to attract most of American media and military might, Rashid argues that Pakistan and Afghanistan are where the conflict will finally be played out and that these failing states pose a graver threat to global security than the Middle East.

    Lecture 1: Recorded March 13, 2012 at the Berkeley Art Museum Theater

  5. 5

    How O.P. Smith (UC Berkeley class of 1916) saved 15,000 Marines

    by UCBerkeleyEvents 555 views

    The Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Memorial Lecture

    Thomas E. Ricks is a Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). Concurrently with his duties at CNAS, Ricks writes an online blog for ForeignPolicy.com called, "The Best Defense," serves as contributing editor for Foreign Policy.


  6. 6

    Why our generals were more successful in World War II than in Korea, Vietnam or Iraq/Afghanistan

    by UCBerkeleyEvents 1,627 views

    The Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Memorial Lecture

    Thomas E. Ricks is a Senior Fellow at the Center for a New American Security (CNAS). Concurrently with his duties at CNAS, Ricks writes an online blog for ForeignPolicy.com called, "The Best Defense," serves as contributing editor for Foreign Policy.


  7. 7

    Nimitz Memorial Lectureship - Nathanial C. Fick

    by UCBerkeleyEvents 5,083 views

    The 2010 Nimitz Lectureship
    One Bullet Away: A Marine Officer's Perspective from Afghanistan and Iraq

    Nathaniel C. Fick
    Chief Executive Officer of the Center for a New American Security (CNAS)


  8. 8

    2009 Fleet Admiral Nimitz Memorial Lectureship - Part 1

    by UCBerkeleyEvents 1,186 views

    The Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz Memorial Lectureship

    "When the Unconventional Becomes Conventional: Assessing the New Threats"

    Ambassador (ret.) Barbara K. Bodine
    Lecturer in Public Policy and Director, Scholars in the Nations Service Initiative, The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, New Jersey


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