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Latest Health News

  1. 1

    FDA bans heart-clogging trans fats

    by CBS This Morning 226 views

    The Food and Drug Administration will require the food industry to phase out trans fats and say the move could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths each year. Charlie Rose reports.

  2. 2

    23andMe CEO Anne Wojcicki talks genetic testing, her company's goals

    by CBS This Morning 79 views

    Anne Wojcicki, 23andMe chief executive officer, joins the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts to discuss what kind of information can be discovered through genetic testing, how it may change the way people live, and how it may revolutionize the way medical research is conducted.

  3. 3

    Booster seat safety report: Expensive models not necessarily more secure

    by CBS This Morning 25 views

    Children in booster seats are 45 percent less likely to sustain injuries in crashes than kids restrained by seatbelts alone, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports. This year, a record number of new booster seats models received the highest possible rating, but some of the most expensive brands aren't necessarily getting the highest safety rating. CBS News correspondent Jeff Pegues reports.

  4. 4

    Mass DNA testing could revolutionize health care, company says

    by CBS This Morning 130 views

    23andMe is a simple genetic test that could show whether you're likely to get a serious disease. Users can find out about more than 250 health conditions and traits, including everything from lactose intolerance to Alzheimer's disease. "CBS This Morning" co-host Norah O'Donnell reports.

  5. 5

    Doctor tells of fraud and dishonesty at drug giant Ranbaxy

    by CBS Evening News 278 views

    Generic drug companies like Ranbaxy must prove their drugs have the same effect as brand-name medicines. But when Dr. Kathy Spreen was hired to help the company comply with FDA regulations, she became alarmed when she realized the company was faking its data. John Miller reports.

  6. 6

    New guidelines tell Chinese residents to stay home on bad pollution days

    by CBS Evening News 659 views

    China's dependence on coal has exacerbated the country's problem with smog, as air quality levels in one city recently reached 40 times the safe limit recommended by the World Health Organization. A ban on building new coal power plants has been put into effect, and the government limits the number of cars on the road to combat the problem. Seth Doane reports.

  7. 7

    Testosterone hormone treatment linked to health problems, study says

    by CBS This Morning 173 views

    A new study shows a link between hormone treatments and serious health problems, including increased risk of heart attack, stroke, or dying by 29 percent. CBS News medical contributor Dr. David Agus joins the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts to discuss the risks.

  8. 8

    Whistleblower reveals how drug company faked results

    by CBS This Morning 172 views

    Senior correspondent John Miller reports on an employee for pharmaceutical giant Ranbaxy, who exposed massive fraud in the company.

  9. 9

    Generic drug maker skipped steps required for FDA approval

    by CBS Evening News 150 views

    A Ranbaxy whistleblower uncovered disturbing problems with the data required by the FDA to prove the effectiveness of drugs. Dinesh Thakur found that the company received approval to sell drugs that were based on no data or data that was fraudulent. John Miller reports.

  10. 10

    Study raises warning about testosterone replacement therapy

    by CBS Evening News 125 views

    While testosterone replacement therapy is FDA approved for some conditions, it's widely marketed as a way to improve health and stay young. Dr. Jon LaPook reports on a study that raises concerns on the long-term health concerns of such treatments.

  11. 11

    HPV vaccine: One dose just as effective as three, report says

    by CBS This Morning 63 views

    A new study funded by the National Cancer Institute says just one dose of the HPV vaccine may be as effective as the standard three-dose regimen in stopping infections that can lead to cervical cancer. CBS News contributor Dr. David Agus, who heads the Westside Cancer Center at the University of Southern California, talks to the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts about the report.

  12. 12

    Morning Rounds: Can you use a 3D printer to make a prosthetic hand?

    by CBS This Morning 173 views

    CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jon LaPook and CBS News contributor Dr. Holly Phillips join "CBS This Morning: Saturday" to share a breakthrough in prosthetics and the rest of the week's medical news.

  13. 13

    Pharmaceutical company joins fight against meth

    by CBS Evening News 205 views

    In the middle of the country's methamphetamine epidemic, Highland Pharmaceuticals in Missouri has created a way to prevent pseudoephedrine from being ground into powder. The sinus medication is used as an ingredient in meth, but only if it could be turned into powder first. Jeff Glor reports.

  14. 14

    Babies may remember music heard in womb

    by CBS This Morning 800 views

    Daily health headlines: New guidelines to help schools deal with food allergies, scientists say even babies can get a song stuck in their head, plus more of today's top stories.

  15. 15

    Stimulation treatment uses mild electric current to jump-start your brain

    by CBS This Morning 160 views

    Dr. Sarah Lisanby, director of the Brain Stimulation Division at Duke University School of Medicine, talks to the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts about an experimental technique being tested as a treatment for depression and autism.

  16. 16

    Females use "indirect aggression" to succeed, study finds

    by CBS This Morning 165 views

    Tracy Vaillancourt, of the University of Ottawa, has found that women use a type of "indirect aggression," such as spreading rumors, social exclusion and criticizing appearance. Vaillancourt and New York Times columnist John Tierney join the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts to discuss how men and women use different forms of aggression to get ahead.

  17. 17

    Dr. Ruth talks sex and survival

    by CBS This Morning 153 views

    In this "Note to Self," Dr. Ruth Westheimer - one of the world's best-known sex therapists - writes about her life-and-death escape, loss, and living life to its fullest.

  18. 18

    FDA recommends tighter controls on common painkillers

    by CBS Evening News 120 views

    The proposed change reclassifies hydrocodone products, such as Vicodin, and categorizes them in the most restrictive way, like painkillers such as morphine. Dr. Jon LaPook reports on what the new classification means.

  19. 19

    Surgeons or salesmen: Potential conflict of interest eyed in implants

    by CBS This Morning 210 views

    Jeff Glor investigates the case of a spine surgeon who gets a cut of the profits for the hardware he puts into patients, and now is the subject of 28 malpractice lawsuits, as well as state and federal investigations.

  20. 20

    Toddler with cochlear implant says first words

    by CBS This Morning 369 views

    Dr. Jon LaPook updates a report on a little boy who is making big strides after he went through an extraordinary medical procedure. In April he became the first child in the U.S. to receive an auditory brain stem implant as part of an FDA approved clinical trial.

  21. 21

    3-year-old making progress after implant lets him hear for first time

    by CBS Evening News 1,462 views

    Five months have gone by since the operation that allowed 3-year-old Grayson Clamp, born deaf, hear the voice of his father for the first time. While progress has been made, with Grayson spontaneously saying a few words, it appears he still has a lot of catching up to do. Dr. Jon LaPook reports.

  22. 22

    Prescription drug importation legalized in Maine

    by CBS This Morning 86 views

    In an effort to reduce health care costs for its residents, Maine has legalized the importation of prescription drugs. The law may help save money, but many, including the pharmaceutical companies, argue that the practice is dangerous. Don Dahler reports

  23. 23

    Baldness cure may be within reach

    by CBS This Morning 110 views

    A new way to grow hair may be on its way. The procedure has only been tested on mice, but so far, the results have been promising. Angela Christiano, the study's senior author and a professor of dermatology and genetics at Columbia University Medical Center, joins the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts to discuss the study's findings.

  24. 24

    Scientists discover better way to transplant hair

    by CBS Evening News 96 views

    Researchers have found a way to multiply the cells at the base of the hair that make hair follicles. They transplanted the cells onto human skin grafted onto backs of mice, and within weeks, normal hair was growing. Dr. Jon LaPook discusses the findings.

  25. 25

    Kids' meals at chain restaurants not meeting standards: study

    by CBSNewsOnline 170 views

    A new study of kids' meals at the nation's top chain restaurants reveals 97 percent of those meals do not meet nutritional standards. Jeff Glor reports. Get more at http://www.cbsnews.com/
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  26. 26

    FDA approves new drug for multiple sclerosis

    by CBSNewsOnline 99 views

    The FDA has approved a new drug for multiple sclerosis targeted for adult patients with hard-to-control symptoms. Charlie Rose reports. Get more at http://www.cbsnews.com/
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  27. 27

    FDA reassessing cigarette warning labels

    by CBSNewsOnline 111 views

    Stocks opened higher on Wall Street as investors watch the situation in Cyprus, several major computer networks in South Korea crashed, and the FDA is changing its strategy for warning labels on cigarette packs. Erica Ferrari reports. Get more at http://www.cbsnews.com/
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  28. 28

    Food addiction: Is the food industry creating an epidemic?

    by CBSNewsOnline 353 views

    Michael Moss, investigative reporter for The New York Times, talks to Charlie Rose and Norah O'Donnell about his new book, "Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us," which suggests food companies manipulate their products to make us buy and eat more. Get more at http://www.cbsnews.com/
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  29. 29

    New Alzheimer's Statistics

    by CBSNewsOnline 179 views

    Dr. Gayatri Devi, Neurologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, joins UTTM to discuss the early signs of Alzheimer's. Get more at http://www.cbsnews.com/
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  30. 30

    Study: Older women can safely get mammograms less often

    by CBSNewsOnline 136 views

    How often women should be screened for breast cancer has been a big debate in recent years. Now, a new study is suggesting some older women can safely be screened for breast cancer less often. Marlie Hall reports. Get more at http://www.cbsnews.com/
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  31. 31

    New guidelines for sports concussions

    by CBSNewsOnline 88 views

    The American Academy of Neurology says any athlete showing signs of a concussion should be immediately removed from a game and not be allowed to return to play until approved by a doctor. As Bigad Shaban reports on the new guidelines. Get more at http://www.cbsnews.com/
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  32. 32

    Colonoscopies not always necessary for older adults: Study

    by CBSNewsOnline 140 views

    A new study finds a quarter of colonoscopies in older adults may be unnecessary. Dr. Jon LaPook takes a look at why that may be the case for some people, and who are good candidates for screenings. For more, go to http://www.cbsnews.com/

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  33. 33

    FDA warns "Z-pack" linked to heart problem

    by CBSNewsOnline 197 views

    The FDA says the antibiotic drug known as the "Z-pack" can cause a potentially deadly heart problem. Dr. Holly Phillips explains the study to the "CBS This Morning" co-hosts. For more, go to http://www.cbsnews.com/

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  34. 34

    FDA warns of fatal "Z-Pack" side effect

    by CBSNewsOnline 717 views

    The FDA is warning the public about a potentially fatal side effect of the popular antibiotic azithromycin, commonly referred to as "Z-Pack." As Dr. Jon LaPook reports, the pills can cause dangerous changes in the heart's electrical activity.

  35. 35

    Mid-life eating disorders on the rise

    by CBSNewsOnline 175 views

    In the past decade, eating disorder treatment centers have seen a nearly 50 percent jump in the number of people over 35 seeking help. Dr. Cynthia Bulick discusses her book on the topic.

  36. 36

    Ovarian cancer: Study says most women get wrong treatment

    by CBSNewsOnline 53 views

    A new study argues that just one-third of ovarian cancer patients are being treated by doctors and hospitals that have the right tools to fight the disease. Gayle King reports.

  37. 37

    Lethal medicine linked to meningitis outbreak

    by CBSNewsOnline 7,776 views

    Scott Pelley investigates New England Compounding Center (NECC), the pharmacy behind a tainted steroid that caused a deadly outbreak of fungal meningitis. Click this link to SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/WKcQhX

  38. 38

    Study: Women more affected by sleep deprivation

    by CBSNewsOnline 223 views

    New findings suggest that women need more sleep than men in order to experience less physical and emotional pain. Dr. Michael Breus explains. Click this link to SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/WKcQhX

  39. 39

    Pharmaceutical company made drugs without FDA oversight

    by CBSNewsOnline 634 views

    As part of a "60 Minutes" investigation, another insider from the company responsible for a deadly meningitis outbreak tells CBS News' Scott Pelley how they mass produced drugs without FDA oversight. Click this link to SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/WKcQhX

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