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RCR Wireless News

Apple bringing 2,000 jobs to Arizona (RCR Mobile Minute)

128 views 4 days ago
Apple is building a solar powered factory in Mesa, AZ to make sapphire material for use in iPhones.
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Apple is building a solar powered factory in Mesa, AZ to make sapphire material for use in iPhones. Show less

#wishow - PCIA 2013 Wireless Infrastructure Show Play

RCR Wireless News was onsite during the 2013 Wireless Infrastructure Show. Check out combination of CEO, technology and panel videos. Sponsored by 3Z, Wideband Antennas, NB+C, SOLiD Technologies, Henkels & McCoy, NATE, and AT&T Towers.

#MWnice - RCRTV coverage of TM Forum's Management World Play

Video coverage of TM Forum's 2013 Management World in Nice, France. Arguably, TM Forum is the world's leading telecom software event. Central theme at this year's event was analytics. In addition to grappling with data tsunami, mobile operators are drowning in a sea of data.
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