I upload a lot. My name is also spelled: Seamus
Contact/Business E-Mail - Seamus@thecreaturehub.com
Partner with Machinima since January 2010
I'm just a guy who likes to put up random playthroughs/walkthroughs of various games, new or old. I screw up a lot and people yell at me but for some reason they keep watching what I do. I also complain quite a bit but I never really mean it. Usually.
My GT is SSoH. My friends list is full.
My PSN is SSoHPKC, that list is also full.
Steam - SeamusPKC
Any other accounts claiming to be me are to be presumed fakes.
Please abide by the following channel rules and try not to do too much of:
- If it's stupid or you think it might be stupid: Don't do it.