
Cover photo
Stefan Molyneux
Works at Freedomain Radio
Attended York University
Lives in Canada
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Stefan Molyneux

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What Pisses Me Off About Ken Bone
A.R. BEATZ's profile photo
Can that guy piss you off? Just look at him😂😂😂
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Stefan Molyneux

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The Truth About The Donald Trump Sexual Assault Allegations
Hector Claudio's profile photo
Donald J Trump opening for its third debate:
Good evening to my fellow Americans and all the people, who are watching online. Tonight I hope that the opposition would have a descent debate about policies that can make America great again. I certainly came to have that type of debate for the decent people of this country, but if the opposition deems that is better to continue slinging mud and personal trump up attacks in effort to do whatever it takes to win, I sure am ready to fight back for the people and to make America great again. You have being told what a descent politician should be by the parties and media, they talk about them with beautiful words of approval, they even seem to rim when they fall over them. It seems that this day and age taking away Americans future by bad trade deals and bad health care policies is moral and decent as long as the person doing it tells you something in public while hiding their real position and giving it to the especial interest. It does not matter to them if your jobs go to different countries and the jobs we stuck here in America don’t feed our next generation as long as you appear to be decent to the media and parties you can take away Americas greatness away from the average American. I have being privilege to prosper and maybe I have acted larger than life, but I have not taken the average American’s future away from them to be sold to especial interest. I have not clouted to give favors to especial interest disregarding Americans from all walks of life, whether they are young and old, with or black or Hispanic; male or females the other side considers taking their opportunity of a great America away from them as decent. Tonight I want to discuss the policies that would make that would make America great again, but if the mudslinging is going to continue I will point out the moral compass of the opposition which have created an elite class that can take jobs away and prosperity away from men and women that are decent Americans.

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Stefan Molyneux

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The Truth About The Hillary Clinton Wikileaks Scandal
ButterCookie's profile photo
Stefan, please please ease speak on the FAKE new "sexual assault" allegations on Trump..some made 30 yrs ago. 
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Stefan Molyneux

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Economic Collapse Countdown | Peter Schiff and Stefan Molyneux
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Stefan Molyneux

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Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton | Second Presidential Debate Analysis
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Stefan Molyneux

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The Fall of Deutsche Bank. Prepare Yourself Accordingly.
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Stefan Molyneux

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More Donald Trump Sexual Assault Allegations | True News
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Stefan Molyneux

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Why Cultural Marxism Is Destroying America | Duke Pesta and Stefan Molyenux
Marz Kie's profile photoSan Pedro's profile photoHector Claudio's profile photo
Donald J Trump Opening for Third Debate
Good evening to my fellow Americans and all the people, who are watching online. Tonight I hope that the opposition would have a descent debate about policies that can make America great again. I certainly came to have that type of debate for the decent people of this country, but if the opposition deems that is better to continue slinging mud and personal trump up attacks in effort to do whatever it takes to win, I sure am ready to fight back for the people and to make America great again. You have being told what a descent politician should be by the parties and media, they talk about them with beautiful words of approval, they even seem to rim when they fall over them. It seems that this day and age taking away Americans future by bad trade deals and bad health care policies is moral and decent as long as the person doing it tells you something in public while hiding their real position and giving it to the especial interest. It does not matter to them if your jobs go to different countries and the jobs we stuck here in America don’t feed our next generation as long as you appear to be decent to the media and parties you can take away Americas greatness away from the average American. I have being privilege to prosper and maybe I have acted larger than life, but I have not taken the average American’s future away from them to be sold to especial interest. I have not colluded to give favors to especial interest disregarding Americans from all walks of life, whether they are young and old, white or black or Hispanic; male or females the other side considers taking their opportunity of a great America away from them as decent. Tonight I want to discuss the policies that would make America great again, but if the mudslinging is going to continue I will point out the moral compass of the opposition which has created an elite class that can take jobs away and prosperity away from men and women that are decent Americans.
The presidential debate is about ideas and procedures that would make the individual American excel in whatever dream he or she is trying to accomplish. Is not fair for a few elites t get it all at the expense of regular Americans. It’s not fair to say promise something in public and do something else in private and for a few. That is the type of thinking that have made policy and deals to against the American people in main stream. That is how Wall Street gets the best deals while the opposition just fills your ears. You hear about better health care, but you get bigger fees. You hear about good jobs and all you get is part time. You here about student dept but the career you wanted someone does it for less. You here how my opposition are moral and wonderful people, but their good deeds are never for you, they are for political clonies and foreign interest. Their moral compass seems to point everywhere but you. In November you have a choice, you got a candidate that have thirty years of empty promises and abuse of your trust. Not only of you trust but the prosperity that you could have fairly fought for and got. The media doesn’t care about what affects you but what affects them in terms of sells and advertisement. The political elite just want to be on top and to have their positions with their exclusivity. I Donald J Trump want to make America great again for all Americans; Black, white or Hispanic, men or women. You will get the same very presentable cordial candidate. You will get a candidate that will fight in your behalf, who would make smart deals. That would open up the tax code to be fair when we all chare. I don’t meet the mold that the establishment wants, they want good deals for them and not for you. If you want to have a Great America you need that people like you lift it up by having you be successful and Great, because you are the ones that make American great again and come November I want to turn you lose to make us great again.

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Stefan Molyneux

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Donald Trump Will Not Be Stopped | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux
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Stefan Molyneux

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Fantastic information, funny presentation, and the speech of my life at the end!
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Stefan Molyneux

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Hillary Clinton: Pathological Liar?
Damaged Industries's profile photoGordon Runkle's profile photoNathan Marciniak's profile photoAtomic Punk's profile photo
Go Trump and Stefan
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Stefan Molyneux

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In Trump We Trust | Ann Coulter and Stefan Molyneux
Steve Williams's profile photomike clason's profile photoRobert Barela's profile photo
Trump sucks balls
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I am the host of Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web –
Stefan Molyneux is the founder and host of Freedomain Radio, the largest and most popular philosophical show in the world. With more than 3000 podcasts, 10 books and 100 million downloads, Stefan has spread the cause of liberty and philosophy to listeners throughout the world.

Prior to launching Freedomain Radio, Stefan built a thriving career as a software entrepreneur and executive. In 2006, he left his work in the tech industry to devote his efforts to Freedomain Radio. Now a self-identified full-time parent and philosopher, Stefan speaks regularly at liberty-themed events all over North and South America. His speeches cover subjects ranging from politics, philosophy, science, atheism and economics to relationships, parenting and how to achieve real freedom in your life.

Stefan is the author of two novels, "Revolutions" and "The God of Atheists," as well as eight non-fiction books on relationships, government and religion.

Past live appearances include presentations at the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, the Porcupine Freedom Festival, Libertopia, Students For Liberty, FreedomFest, LibertyNow, Capitalism and Morality, LibertyFest West, the Brazilian Mises Institute's Idieas em Movimento, Freedom Summit, and the Global Escape Hatch.

Stefan has participated in a number of live debates, among them: "Bitcoin vs. Gold: The Future of Money" with Peter Schiff, "Zeitgeist Versus the Market" with Peter Joseph, "The Function of the State in Society" with Professor Vladimir Safatle and "How Much Government is Necessary?" with Michael Badnarik.

In addition to hosting his own regular show, Stefan has been a guest on audio and television programs such as RT America's "Breaking the Set" with Abby Martin, "Adam vs. The Man" with Adam Kokesh, "The Keiser Report" with Max Keiser and "The Joe Rogan Experience" with Joe Rogan.
  • York University
    English Literature
  • McGill University
  • University of Toronto
  • National Theater School of Canada
Basic Information
Philosopher, Host of Freedomain Radio
  • Freedomain Radio
    Philosopher, Host of Freedomain Radio, 2004 - present
Map of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has livedMap of the places this user has lived
England, Ireland, Africa, Canada