
Hannah Boutros

“When I was 12, my family and I were displaced due to war. That experience really shaped who I am today and influenced my involvement with the Syrian refugee crisis. Having grown up in Lebanon, I care deeply about helping as best I can with the largest humanitarian crisis since World War II. At the Li Ka Shing Center, I spend lots of time in a video-recording booth, making health education videos for refugee women about breastfeeding, labor and delivery, and immediate newborn care.”


“Stanford is truly a family to me. In a community like this, you are loved for your authentic self. Being a part of this family has helped me get to know myself so much better, and I now feel better equipped to serve others.”

Hannah Boutros, ’16, Human Biology

Hannah lives in BOB (Robert Moore South). She is from Bhamdoun, Lebanon, a mountain village near Beirut, world-renowned for its viticulture.

Photographed in front of the Li Ka Shing Center on January31, 2016.