ABC News
Chinese Pet Treats
Are Your Dog's Treats Making Him Sick? Bereaved owners claim consumers should watch out for jerky treats made in China.
iranian bomb parts
Exclusive: Bangkok Bomb Plot Photos Alleged Iranian Bombs Hidden in Cheap Chinese Radios
PHOTO: Marianne and Newt Gingrich celebrate their wedding day.
Gingrich Women: Newt's 3 Wives Jackie, Marianne and Callista Gingrich, from 1974 to 2012.
PHOTO: This photo released, Dec. 8, 2011, by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, claims to show US RQ-170 Sentinel drone which Tehran says its forces downed earlier this week, as the chief of the aerospace division of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Amir
Covert War: Iran vs. Israel? Assassinations, explosions, computer worms and drones from 2007 to the present.
Immigrant Children Caught in the Middle
Tug-of-Love: Kids Taken from Immigrant Moms Children taken from immigrant mothers are placed in foster care, adopted.
PHOTO: Egg-borne salmonella from a custard tart sent Sarah Lewis of Freedom, California to the intensive care unit of a local hospital in May. She lost 30 pounds during two stays over two months.
How Sarah Lewis Got Salmonella Dessert at her sister's graduation dinner led to a long hospital stay.
PHOTO: TaxMasters Inc. has filed for bankruptcy.
TaxMasters, Patrick Cox Hit With Nearly $200 M Judgment Tax firm that was subject of ABC News probe found liable for deceptive practices
PHOTO: U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor fighter jets are seen at the U.S. air base July 26, 2010  in Osan, South Korea.
F-22 Fighter Ready for War Despite Mystery Problem: Air Force At special briefing for F-22 issues, Air Force insists crashed pilot at fault.
PHOTO: Mugshot of Joseph Picklo
Man With Explosives Tried to Board Plane in Philly Joseph Picklo 'fooling around' with materials, forgot he had them in backpack.
PHOTO: Anders Behring Breivik, a right-wing extremist who confessed to a bombing and mass shooting that killed 77 people, July 22, 2011, gestures as he arrives for a detention hearing at a court in Oslo, Norway, Feb. 6, 2012.
Norway Shooter Will Call Islamic Extremists as Defense Witnesses Anders Breivik's attorney says mullah who met with bin Laden will take stand.
PHOTO: Osama bin Laden is seen in this undated file photo.
Wife: Bin Laden Hid in Pakistan, Not Caves, for Decade In police report, wife says Osama hid, fathered kids in Pakistan after 9/11.
PHOTO: Benanel Merah
Shooter's Dad Says He'll Sue France Toulouse shooter's dad blames gov't for son's death, says he won't 'shut up.'
Brian Ross Investigates: A Weekly News Magazine
Feature Discussion

U.S. Navy Rescues Iranians from Pirates

"On the same day I read this article, I see that Iran has sentenced an American to death because they say he's a spy when all he wanted to do was visit relatives. Shows the difference between the two countries."
Posted by: Catherines_commenta
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PHOTO: A dolphin sits on a padded sling before being transported to a boat during a training exercise.
Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images
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  • Chief Investigative Correspondent: Brian Ross
  • Chief Investigative Producer: Rhonda Schwartz
  • Managing Editor: Mark Schone
  • Producer: Lee Ferran
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  • D.C. Reporter: Matthew Mosk
  • Investigative Unit: Cindy Galli, Avni Patel, Angela Hill, Vic Walter, Megan Chuchmach, Matthew Cole, Randy Kreider, Rym Momtaz