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Faculty Leaders

Roger Romani

professor of physics and a member of the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology

He is interested in the physics of the most extreme objects in the observable universe -- neutron stars and black holes -- where density, pressure and gravity reach their maximum measured values.

His research group makes observations of such objects, using premiere telescopes on the ground and in space, and constructs theoretical models to interpret the remarkable behaviors seen. One particular interest is studying how black holes and neutron stars accelerate particles to energies much higher than those yet produced on Earth and how they generate relativistic outflows in the form of winds and jets.

His reading tends towards the classics with a psychological bent. Perhaps his favorite novels are A Room with a View and The Red and the Black. However, he also enjoys speculative, but fact-based, science fiction; this month selection is chosen from that genre.


-- Rossi Prize, American Astronomical Society, 2013

The Stanford Book Salon [Seriously Unstuffy]

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Books Roger Hosted

  • The Martian