Posted by Duane On July - 25 - 20093 COMMENTS
Culture is a blend of so many things. Some things we like and other things we wish could stay buried. The widespread rapes that have been going on throughout Africa for years is one of those topics that typically do not appear on the top 10 things that is on the minds of African-Americans. Search our news sites, blogs, listen to our other media outlets and you will find that ...More
  Tags : Headlines, Our children, The Media, World
Posted by Duane On July - 25 - 2009ADD COMMENTS
...we will turn on you in a second. Now that Obama had to kinda, sorta apologize, some folks are now taking a second look at Gates. [caption id="attachment_9488" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption=""][/caption] (Text inside voice bubble: "I LOOOOOVE White the men...especially the police...that's a different story.") And yes, he is being called things like "coon" and "Uncle Tom" on the thread (click on image to visit page). More
  Tags : Headlines, Just "Why?", Should Be Slapped
Posted by Duane On July - 24 - 2009ADD COMMENTS
Unnamed sources are telling me that Crawley will be playing the role of "Scarecrow" in a future remake of the movie "The Wiz". Part 1 Part 2. It does not matter... Crawley is a graduate of the same system of "purification" that was crafted in part by the biggest mouths out there right now on this Gates' mess. "Cambridge Sgt. James Crowley has taught a class on racial profiling for five years at the Lowell ...More
  Tags : Commentary, Headlines, Politics, The Media
Posted by Duane On July - 22 - 20092 COMMENTS
"If some individuals contribute to general social deterioration by overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility—just as they can be required to exercise responsibility in their resource-consumption patterns—providing they are not denied equal protection." (Excerpt from the book "Ecoscience". It was co-written by John Holdren, President Obama's Science Czar. ) In case some of y'all need me to spell it ...More
  Tags : Commentary, Headlines, Politics, Should Be Slapped
Posted by Duane On July - 22 - 20096 COMMENTS
Naaah! He does not fit the story line. "Gates wasn't arrested for burglary, he was arrested for disorderly conduct. I know Gates and his sympathizers want to make this a racial story. If they truly want to go down that route, did they at least talk to the black policeman in the photo?" (Tyrone - Commenter on BookerRising) [caption id="attachment_9472" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Photo: AP"][/caption] More
  Tags : Commentary, Just "Why?", The Media
Posted by Duane On July - 22 - 2009ADD COMMENTS
From National Newspaper Publishers Association (A.K.A. the Black press) "It is easy to get caught-up in the fact the Washington Post’s African-American play,, is owned by one of the most respected media outlets. And sister site is no wallflower either. With that said you may think that there is a lot of muscle behind theRoot’s operation but a closer looks reveals a smarter more realistic approach. ...More
  Tags : Headlines, Our Expression, Science & Research, Tech, The Media
Posted by Duane On July - 22 - 20093 COMMENTS
"'I hate that Jack and Jill Club mentality that some people have,” she said, explaining: “Jack and Jill is essentially a mothers’ club and it is elitist. You have to be voted in, and it’s supposed to be for black families that make over a certain income. It’s basically just another little self-segregation pool, which perpetuates that whole crabs-in-a-barrel, no we’re not going to support each other, paper bag club ...More
  Tags : Our Expression, Quotes
Posted by Duane On July - 21 - 20093 COMMENTS
Those dirty, stinkin' racist cops who make up most of the police force are at it again (At least that is what the popular narrative wants us to believe about our men and women in blue). As you may well know by now, Harvard scholar and historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested in front of his own home after a witness reported to police that two men were trying to ...More
  Tags : Commentary, Headlines, Just "Why?"
Posted by Duane On July - 21 - 2009ADD COMMENTS
Thank God we live in a day where the Black community has to come to a stop because of the actions of a few. Tyler Perry gives the gift of Disney World to Phila. campers Six-year-old Creative Steps camper Dajuan Tucker doesn't remember much about his last trip to Walt Disney World. He was only 4 years old and has vague memories of water slides and meeting Spider-Man. Thanks to multi-millionaire media ...More
  Tags : Headlines, Our children, The Brothas, success
Posted by Duane On July - 21 - 2009ADD COMMENTS
As reported by Eugene Robinson for the Washington Post~ "I've noticed that when I talk about personal responsibility in the African American community, that gets highlighted," Obama said in an interview Friday. "But then the whole other half of the speech, where I talked about government's responsibility . . . that somehow doesn't make news." I could say a whole lot of things in response to this, but let's keep it simple. Mr. ...More
  Tags : Commentary, Politics
Posted by Duane On July - 20 - 2009ADD COMMENTS
Politics is no different than any other sport, in my lil' opinion. You have winners and you have losers. Those that claim to be in the middle and above the fray only work to build a third team that will eventually replace one of the teams on the field. Staying on the theme of comparing politics to sports-- when was the last time you saw a player apologize for dunking? ...More
  Tags : Commentary, Politics
Posted by Duane On July - 17 - 20094 COMMENTS
Translation: Your people support this, why not you? This brutha was on point. He should have asked her if she included any reports from Jewish organizations like the "American Jewish Committee" or the "American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)." He could have also asked if Jewish business leaders like Michael Dell or Ralph Lauren cared to weigh in on the matter. And in case you still do not know, he OPPOSES the ...More
  Tags : Headlines, Politics, Should Be Slapped
Posted by Duane On July - 16 - 2009ADD COMMENTS
I'm working on a few projects this week that is leaving me with little time to write. In the meantime, I will be primarily working on Twitter until about Monday of next week. Peace and thank you for your readership. D~ More
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