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Covers copyright, patent, trade mark and privacy/confidentiality issues from a UK and European perspective.
  • Mar 9

    Kiddee case evades Trunki's horned animal

    Kiddee case evades Trunki's horned animal
    This morning Lord Neuberger handed down the judgment of the UK Supreme Court in the Trunki case, PMS International Limited v Magmatic Limited [2016] UKSC 12. The Court dismissed the appeal filed by Magmatic, owners of the Community…
  • Mar 9

    BREAKING - Louboutin case referred to CJEU: can a colour be a shape?

    BREAKING - Louboutin case referred to CJEU: can a colour be a shape?
    The shape colour redVia a precious Katfriend who wishes to remain anonymous but nonetheless tweets as @TreatyNotifier comes the news that a new reference for a preliminary ruling in the area of trade marks has just been made to the Court of…
  • Mar 8

    Are myth and metaphor the primary drivers of innovation in intellectual property law?

    Are myth and metaphor the primary drivers of innovation in intellectual property law?
    It wasn't me....Are myth and metaphor the primary drivers of innovation in intellectual property law?  First, I think the answer is no (knock the straw over). However, they likely play a role in shaping public opinion.As Blogmeister…
Rank this Week: 119

Likelihood of Confusion

Likelihood of Confusion

Covers developments in trademark, copyright, new media and free speech. By Ron Coleman.
  • Mar 8

    Hurray for Hollywood!

    Hurray for Hollywood!
    The official website of the thing is here.  Register to attend by clicking here. I’ll be speaking about In re Tam but don’t worry, there will be thrills and chills and stuff you won’t read on LIKELIHOOD OF…
  • Mar 6

    Posner won’t butter up Dairy Maiden: In trademark dilution, fame isn’t everything

    Posner won’t butter up Dairy Maiden: In trademark dilution, fame isn’t everything
    There is a puzzling aspect to much of what emits from U.S. Circuit Court Judge Richard Posner, he of the “strange new respect” earned on certain issues not (usually) germane to this blog.  But his expression of puzzlement in…
  • Mar 2

    Multi Time Machine v. Amazon: SCOTUS not interested, initially or otherwise

    Multi Time Machine v. Amazon: SCOTUS not interested, initially or otherwise
    Sad, bad and not unexpected news via the Cert Pool Blog:  There will be no Supreme Court review of Multi Time Machine, Inc. v., Inc., et al., 792 F. 3d 1070 (9th Cir. 2015), in which the Ninth Circuit…
Rank this Week: 277

Chilling Effects Clearinghouse…

Chilling Effects Clearinghouse Notices

Features copyright, patent, trademark and trade secret cease and desist notices.
  • Sep 2

    Japanese Court Removal Request

    Japanese Court Removal Request
    International: Japanese Court Removal Request; <br> <i>From:</i> ( Japan) <i>To:</i> Twitter, Inc.
  • Sep 1

    This Website has no Pier

    This Website has no Pier
    Trademark: <br> <i>From:</i> York Condominium Corporation No. 382 <i>To:</i> <br><i>Date:</i> 2014-08-22
  • Aug 29

    DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google

    DMCA (Copyright) Complaint to Google
    DMCA Notices: <br> <i>From:</i> VeronickaM/ MyFreeCams <i>To:</i> Google, Inc.<br><i>Date:</i>
Rank this Week: 282



Focuses primarily on issues involving the intersection of law, technology and finance. By David Ma.
  • Mar 3

    weekly tweet roundup

    weekly tweet roundup
    q: how do you know when you've reached peak iot? a: when someone starts selling a smart cat food bowl. 2016-02-26 rbc announces blockchain proof of concept with ripple. 2016-02-26 dispute over…
  • Feb 25

    weekly tweet roundup

    weekly tweet roundup
    very interesting (but long) piece on the future of bitcoin, blockchains and private blockchains. 2016-02-23 [Click on title above to read the full post]
  • Feb 18

    weekly tweet roundup

    weekly tweet roundup
    researcher creates a "pirate bay" for 48 million research papers; vows to fight lawsuit by publishers. 2016-02-13 [Click on title above to read the full post]
Rank this Week: 426

Chicago IP Litigation Blog

Chicago IP Litigation Blog

Covers Northern District of Illinois intellectual property cases. By R. David Donoghue.
  • Feb 24

    No Reasonable Construction Would Save Plaintiff’s Patent Infringement Claim

    No Reasonable Construction Would Save Plaintiff’s Patent Infringement Claim
    Nalco Co. v. Chem-Mod, LLC, No. 14 C 2510, Slip Op. (N.D. Ill. Oct. 15, 2015) (Darrah, J.). Judge Darrah granted defendants’ motion to dismiss defendants’ motion to dismiss plaintiff Nalco’s Third Amended Complaint pursuant…
  • Feb 22

    Counterfeit Sales Warrant Statutory Damages, Permanent Injunction and Attorney’s Fee

    Counterfeit Sales Warrant Statutory Damages, Permanent Injunction and Attorney’s Fee
    Bulgari, S.P.A. V. Zou Xiaohong, No. 15 C 5148, Slip Op. (N.D. Ill. Oct. 15, 2015) (Coleman, J.). Judge Coleman granted in part plaintiff Bulgari’s motion for summary judgment of trademark infringement, a permanent injunction and its…
  • Feb 19

    Design Patent Functionality Decision is a Question of Law

    Design Patent Functionality Decision is a Question of Law
    Dyson, Inc. v. SharkNinja Operating LLC, No. 14 C 779, Slip Op. (N.D. Ill. Nov. 17, 2015) (Darrah, J.). Judge Darrah denied defendants’ (collectively “SharkNinja”) motion for reconsideration of the Court’s denial of…
Rank this Week: 393

Recording Industry vs The People

Recording Industry vs The People

Covers the RIAA's lawsuits of against ordinary working people.
  • Oct 6

    All EDNY subpoenas stayed by Judge Locke, due to "serious questions" raised by motion to quash

    All EDNY subpoenas stayed by Judge Locke, due to &quot;serious questions&quot; raised by motion to quash
    A motion to quash was made by one of the many John Doe defendants in the Eastern District of New York Malibu Media cases. The defendant was represented by Chejin Park, Esq., of Flushing. Due to the "serious questions as to whether good…
  • Jul 8

    Judge Hellerstein denies Malibu Media discovery motion

    Judge Hellerstein denies Malibu Media discovery motion
    In a recent decision in the Southern District of New York in Manhattan, in Malibu Media v. Doe, 15 CV 4369 AKH, Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein has denied Malibu Media's ex parte motion for permission to serve a subpoena on the internet service…
  • May 1

    UMG v Grooveshark settled. No money judgment against individual defendant

    UMG v Grooveshark settled. No money judgment against individual defendant
    UMG v. Escape Media, UMG's case against Grooveshark, has been settled just prior to trial. Under the terms of the settlement a judgment for $50,000,000.00 will be entered against the corporation only, and the corporation will shut down its…
Rank this Week: 354

Copyright Litigation Blog

Copyright Litigation Blog

Review of copyright law, copyright litigation, art litigation and relevant current events. Discussions of recent case law and federal rules of civil procedure. By Ray Dowd.
Rank this Week: 605

eLegal Canton

eLegal Canton

Technology law blog covering software, copyright, privacy, the Internet, electronic commerce, and computers. By David Canton.
  • Mar 2

    When corporate policies can backfire

    When corporate policies can backfire
    Businesses and organizations rely on internal and external policies and procedures to document the way they do certain things. But if not written carefully, they can actually add risk. Many of these are compliance based. In other words, they…
  • Feb 17

    Apple fights court imposed FBI backdoor order

    Apple fights court imposed FBI backdoor order
    Apple CEO Tim Cook has taken a very public stand against an FBI request and court order to create a backdoor into the Apple operating system.  This arose from the investigation into the San Bernardino mass shooting…
  • Jan 27

    Invasion of Privacy tort continues to develop

    Invasion of Privacy tort continues to develop
    In Ontario, conventional wisdom was that invasion of privacy was not something you could sue for.  But that is changing, as evidenced by a just released decision of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice called Jane Doe 464533. That…
Rank this Week: 466

Blawg IT

Blawg IT

Covers patent, copyright, trademark and Internet related legal issues. By Patent Attorney Brett Trout.
  • Sep 23

    Not So Fast – “Happy Birthday To You” May Not Be in the Public Domain

    Not So Fast – “Happy Birthday To You” May Not Be in the Public Domain
    The World’s Most popular Song You all know the tune, so why do you rarely hear the song Happy Birthday To You in movies and on television? The reason is that from 1988 until yesterday Warner/Chappell Music, Inc. had been demanding…
  • Mar 17

    Brett Trout Named Iowa Academy of Trial Lawyers Fellow

    Brett Trout Named Iowa Academy of Trial Lawyers Fellow
    Des Moines patent attorney Brett J. Trout has just been named a Fellow of the Iowa Academy of Trial Lawyers. Membership in the Academy is by invitation only, upon sponsorship and recommendation from peers and judges, and unanimous approval by…
  • Mar 16

    Brett Trout to Speak at The Seventh Annual Creighton Law Review Symposium

    Brett Trout to Speak at The Seventh Annual Creighton Law Review Symposium
    The 2015 Seventh Annual Creighton Law Review Symposium addresses the theme of Ethics and Electronics: Navigating Legal Ethics and New Technology. The symposium will be held March 27, 2014, at Creighton University’s School of Law. Brett…
Rank this Week: 548

Video Game Law Blog

Video Game Law Blog

Covers current Issues in video game law. By Davis LLP.
  • Mar 28


    A court in Berlin has ruled that some provisions of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use violate German consumer protection laws and are void. [More…]
  • Feb 26

    Ontario Youth Investment Accelerator Fund Recipients Announced

    Ontario Youth Investment Accelerator Fund Recipients Announced
    Recently, Ontario announced the first recipients of the Youth Investment Accelerator Fund Program (the “Program”). The Program, which mirrors the Investment Accelerator Fund, was launched in 2013 by the Province of Ontario with…
  • Feb 14

    Federal Budget 2014: Canada Invests an Additional $40 Million in Entrepreneurship

    Federal Budget 2014: Canada Invests an Additional $40 Million in Entrepreneurship
    On Tuesday February 11, 2014, Finance Minister Jim Flaherty presented the Canadian federal budget for fiscal year 2014-2015. The budget proposes to provide an additional $40 million over four years to the Canada Accelerator and Incubator…
Rank this Week: 507

S.D.N.Y. Intellectual Property Law

S.D.N.Y. Intellectual Property Law

Covers patent, copyright and trademark law in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. By Richard Crisona.
  • Mar 4

    Court Denies Stay Pending PTAB's Consideration of Petition to Institute IPR

    Court Denies Stay Pending PTAB's Consideration of Petition to Institute IPR
    In a March 3, 2016 ruling, Judge Katherine Polk Failla denied the defendant's motion for a stay of the plaintiff's patent infringement claims pending the PTAB's decision on whether to institute an IPR.  The deciding factor in the Court's…
  • Feb 17

    Court Refuses to Remand Complaint Finding Likelihood of Copyright Preemption

    Court Refuses to Remand Complaint Finding Likelihood of Copyright Preemption
    In a February 16, 2017 ruling, Judge Katherine B. Forrest declined to remand a complaint alleging claims for unjust enrichment, conversion and restitution, and an accounting arising from the defendant's exploitation of a taped ice skating…
  • Feb 4

    Court Finds Computer Program to Be a Work-for-Hire

    Court Finds Computer Program to Be a Work-for-Hire
    In a February 3, 2016 ruling, Judge Colleen McMahon declined to dismiss the plaintiff’s copyright infringement claim, finding that the defendant’s computing programming services under a written agreement constituted a…
Rank this Week: 893

Seattle Copyright Watch

Seattle Copyright Watch

Covers copyright and other intellectual property topics. By Tonya Gisselberg.
  • Mar 4

    Former NFL Pros' State Right of Publicity Claims Preempted by Copyright Act

    Former NFL Pros' State Right of Publicity Claims Preempted by Copyright Act
    John Frederick Dryer, Elvin Lamont Bethea, and Edward Alvin are former National Football League (NFL) players who participated in a class action against the NFL.  The former players sued the NFL, claiming right of publicity and Lanham…
  • Feb 26

    Copyright Owners Versus Car Makers on 1992 Digital Statute's Meaning

    Copyright Owners Versus Car Makers on 1992 Digital Statute's Meaning
    The Alliance of Artists and Recording Companies (AARC) sued General Motors and other car manufacturers and parts suppliers for violating the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992 (AHRA).  The AHRA, which is included in the Copyright Act, sets…
  • Feb 19

    Discovery Rule Bars Website Display Claims, But Not Other Copying Claim

    Discovery Rule Bars Website Display Claims, But Not Other Copying Claim
    Design Basics (DB) publishes and licenses architectural designs.  Carhart sells home building products and provides blueprint drafting services.  On February 24, 2010, DB’s senior designer investigated Carhart’s website…
Rank this Week: 836

Trademark, Copyright, and…

Trademark, Copyright, and Entertainment Law Forum

By Anthony Verna.
  • Nov 7

    We're moving

    We're moving
    Please visit and for more blog entries.-Anthony VernaKravitz & Verna LLC160 West End Avenue212-729-5651averna@kravitzverna.comThe Trademark, Copyright, and Entertainment Law Forum is written by…
  • Aug 16

    Is your trademark "fanciful"?

    Is your trademark "fanciful"?
    Is your trademark "fanciful"?
  • Aug 16

    The FTC won’t fine my company for violations of advertising laws, right?

    The FTC won’t fine my company for violations of advertising laws, right?
    The FTC won’t fine my company for violations of advertising laws, right?Wrong.
Rank this Week: 697

Case Clothesed For Fashion Law

Case Clothesed For Fashion Law

Covers trade dress, trademark, design patent and counterfeiting issues in the fashion industry. By New York Law School.
  • Oct 11

    Artistic Expression: Fashion Friend or Faux Pas?

    Artistic Expression: Fashion Friend or Faux Pas?
    By: Andriana Chryssikos High fashion luxury labels have found themselves to be stuck somewhere in between our youth culture’s fashion craze: streetwear parodies of well-known luxury labels, and a trademark infringement lawsuit. …
  • Oct 9

    Business of Fashion Part 1: Fashion Licensing

    Business of Fashion Part 1: Fashion Licensing
    By: Sandra Stanfield Fashion companies utilize a mechanism called licensing to expand the brand and also increase revenue via royalties. So what exactly is licensing? Licensing is the process of “renting” a fashion company’s…
  • Oct 7

    Ready or Not: 3-D Printing

    Ready or Not: 3-D Printing
    Written By: Tracy Weintstein Technology, technology, technology. It is all we hear and read about, and whether we like it or not, technology is rapidly altering the world around us. Some are completely intrigued by it and some begrudgingly…
Rank this Week: 769

Dozier Internet Law

Dozier Internet Law

Comments on Internet law issues including hacking, intellectual property infringment, spam, free speech and regulatory matters. By John W. Dozier, Jr.
  • Oct 12

    Internet Law: MySpace Murder in Virginia

    Internet Law: MySpace Murder in Virginia
    A suspect in the mass murder of four parents and teens in Farmville, Virginia has been arrested at the airport trying to flee to California. In "Google Bomb" I call for changes to Section 230 immunity so that web sites have the ability to…
  • Apr 16

    Traverse Internet Law: Medical Justice and Eric Goldman's Attack Site

    Traverse Internet Law: Medical Justice and Eric Goldman's Attack Site
    Eric Goldman is a professor at Santa Clara University and as a former general counsel to has a long standing view of free speech that is, to say the least, one sided. He seems to always support a very liberal interpretation of…
  • Apr 16

    Traverse Internet Law: Medical Justice and Eric Goldman's Attack Site

    Traverse Internet Law: Medical Justice and Eric Goldman's Attack Site
    Eric Goldman is a professor at Santa Clara University and as a former general counsel to has a long standing view of free speech that is, to say the least, one sided. He seems to always support a very liberal interpretation of…
Rank this Week: 672

Excess Copyright

Excess Copyright

Covers the harm of excess copyright enforcement. By Howard Knopf.
Rank this Week: 1673



Covers biotechnology, copyright, intellectual property, public policy, licensing, patents, software and trademark. By Douglas Sorocco, J. Matthew Buchanan and Laura C. Wood.
Rank this Week: 1607

Kluwer Copyright Blog

Kluwer Copyright Blog

Covers European copyright law. By Wolters Kluwer.
Rank this Week: 1376

Photo Attorney

Photo Attorney

Covers legal issues for photographers. By Carolyn E. Wright.
  • Mar 6

    Request for Assistance to Oppose OHV Access at Silver Salmon Creek

    Request for Assistance to Oppose OHV Access at Silver Salmon Creek
    Many photographers have enjoyed the beauty and great bear access at Silver Salmon Creek in Lake Clark National Park. But part of it is in jeopardy. Specifically, the National Park Service is considering a request from an in-holder in the…
  • Mar 3

    Copyright Office Extends Comment Period for Section 512 Study

    Copyright Office Extends Comment Period for Section 512 Study
    The United States Copyright Office has published a Federal Register notice extending the deadlines for public comment in connection with the Office’s study on section 512 of Title 17. The study was announced in a Notice of Inquiry…
  • Mar 1

    Charity Goal Reached!

    Charity Goal Reached!
    Get your COMPLETE PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS BUNDLE NOW (the deal ends in a few hours — Tuesday, March 1, at noon, pacific)!!! Check Photo Attorney on, in the Article Center, and on Twitter!You just finished reading…
Rank this Week: 931

Re:Marks on Copyright and…

Re:Marks on Copyright and Trademark

By DLA Piper.
  • Mar 3


    By Carla Nicolai (Frankfurt) The establishment of factory outlet centers as a new retail concept started as a trend in the US.  These centers, which tend to be located away from big cities, offer well-known brand product manufactures the…
  • Feb 25


    By Kerry O’Neill and Tamar Duvdevani Macy’s had a recent win at the US District Court for the Northern District of California, when the court granted its partial motion for summary judgment against Strategic Marks, LLC. …
  • Feb 18


    By Chris Bennett  Chris Bennett outlines common trademark mistakes companies face in Canada, providing tips on how to deal with upcoming changes to the country’s new law. Hockey players are taught a fundamental lesson at an…
Rank this Week: 1244

Troll Defense

Troll Defense

Tips and commentary for individuals accused of civil liability for Internet activities. By Benjamin Justus.
  • Mar 1

    Voltage Affiliates Test BitTorrent Litigation in Louisiana

    Voltage Affiliates Test BitTorrent Litigation in Louisiana
    Film production companies affiliated with with Voltage Pictures, LLC have filed new copyright infringement lawsuits against “John Doe” defendants in two separate U.S. District Courts in Louisiana. First, Dallas…
  • Mar 1

    “Fathers & Daughters” files BitTorrent Case in Oregon

    &ldquo;Fathers &amp; Daughters&rdquo; files BitTorrent Case in Oregon
    Fathers & Daughters Nevada, LLC , the owner of rights to the Russell Crowe drama Fathers and Daughters, has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit in federal court in Oregon. Fathers and Daughters was released in Europe and Asia last…
  • Mar 1

    Voltage Affiliate PTG Nevada Files Suit in…Nevada

    Voltage Affiliate PTG Nevada Files Suit in…Nevada
    PTG Nevada, LLC, the owner of copyrights to the Nicholas Cage film Pay the Ghost, has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against 14 Doe defendants in the U.S. District Court, District of Nevada. As Troll Defense earlier…
Rank this Week: 1176



Covers copyrights, creative commons, DRM, open source and more. By Andres Guadamuz.
  • Mar 1

    EU Commission adopts Privacy Shield

    EU Commission adopts Privacy Shield
    The European Commission has finally published the text of the programme called Privacy Shield, the name of the agreement reached with the United States to safeguard the export of personal data from European citizens across the Atlantic. This…
  • Feb 25

    Could European cookie law be a threat to cybersecurity?

    Could European cookie law be a threat to cybersecurity?
    The history of Internet Law is littered with bad legislation and legislative proposals. From the infamous SOPA and PIPA, to the Draft Investigatory Powers Bill, there is no shortage of badly-conceived legislation dealing with the Internet.…
  • Feb 10

    20 years of the Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace

    20 years of the Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace
    John Perry Barlow’s A Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace was published 20 years ago. While it is something that tends to concern mostly Internet regulation theorists, it is surprising just how relevant it continues to be. The…
Rank this Week: 1337

Technology Law Source

Technology Law Source

Brings together concepts that cut across traditional intellectual property lines, addressing both evolving technologies and concerns about privacy and data security. By Porter Wright.
  • Feb 25

    Big data and what can be done with it

    Big data and what can be done with it
    Our colleagues at recently shared parts one and two in a three part podcasting series; “Big data and what can be done with it.” Podcast host and editor, Jay Levine, talks with Phil Rist,…
  • Feb 19

    Ch-ch-ch-changes – Fourth Circuit upholds FCC’s rules streamlining certain wireless telecommunications upgrades and expansion

    Ch-ch-ch-changes – Fourth Circuit upholds FCC’s rules streamlining certain wireless telecommunications upgrades and expansion
    Mobile wireless service is ubiquitous. Growth of domestic mobile data use is astronomical with growth rates expected to increase by as much as 20 times over the next five years.  4G LTE is lighting up our homes, schools, and…
  • Dec 2

    Minimizing the damages of health care data breache

    Minimizing the damages of health care data breache
    Our colleagues over at Antitrust Law Source recently published a podcast on the inevitable health care data breach and how you can lessen the damages. Some key issues include: when to review data security policies, how to prepare for a…
Rank this Week: 1674

Copyright & Trademark Matters

Copyright & Trademark Matters

Offers insights and developments in copyright and trademark law. By Mintz Levin.
Rank this Week: 1208

Internet Cases

Internet Cases

Legal developments involving the Internet and new technologies. By Evan Brown.
Rank this Week: 1599



Covers content theft, plagiarism, and copyright issues on the Web. By Jonathan Bailey.
  • Jan 15

    3 Count: Tale of Two Artist

    3 Count: Tale of Two Artist
    Artist loses lawsuit over Starbucks campaign, artist lawsuit against Moschino over gala dress moves ahead and Twitter sued again over DMCA compliance.
  • Jan 14

    3 Count: Proxy War

    3 Count: Proxy War
    Mike Huckabee responds to Eye of the Tiger lawsuit, Netflix says it will start blocking proxies and more copyright trouble for the Tokyo Olympics.
  • Jan 13

    Copyright and the First Super Bowl

    Copyright and the First Super Bowl
    The first Super Bowl was though to be lost to history. But when a man with a taped copy came forward, he ran into some unique copyright challenges.
Rank this Week: 1531

Fairly Used Blog

Fairly Used Blog

Discusses news in the Copyright and Fair Use industry, as well as updates to the Stanford Copyright and Fair Use site.
  • Sep 25

    Happy Birthday – ruling plus full court docket filing

    Happy Birthday &ndash; ruling plus full court docket filing
    Justia has made the full docket of legal filings in the Happy Birthday case available for free online at The post Happy Birthday – ruling plus full court docket…
  • Dec 22

    How much of a photo do you need to alter to avoid copyright infringement? Hint: Cheshire Cat

    How much of a photo do you need to alter to avoid copyright infringement? Hint: Cheshire Cat
    Bloggers and artists often ask, “how much of a photo do you need to alter to avoid copyright infringement?”   Five changes? Fifteen?  The Seventh Circuit addressed the issue in the Kienitz v Sconnie Nation case recently.…
  • Nov 10

    IP Without IP? A Study of the Online Adult Entertainment Industry

    IP Without IP? A Study of the Online Adult Entertainment Industry
    Stanford Technology Law Review   Kate Darling Existing copyright policy is based largely on the utilitarian…
Rank this Week: 935

Blog Law Blog

Blog Law Blog

Covers the legal aspects of blogging. Topics include blog-related intellectual property law, Internet regulation, defamation, and censorship, as well as how blogs are used as evidence and authority in the courts. By Professor Eric E. Johnson.
  • Aug 31

    Peter W. Martin on the Future of Legal Treatise

    Peter W. Martin on the Future of Legal Treatise
    TweetPeter W. Martin, a professor at Cornell Law School, has just posted Possible Futures for the Legal Treatise in an Environment of Wikis, Blogs, and Myriad Online Primary Law Sources to SSRN. (Great subject!) Here’s the abstract:…
  • May 31

    Jennifer Murphy Romig on Legal Blogging

    Jennifer Murphy Romig on Legal Blogging
    TweetJennifer Murphy Romig of Emory University School of Law has posted to SSRN her paper, Legal Blogging and the Rhetorical Genre of Public Legal Writing. The paper is forthcoming in Legal Communication & Rhetoric: JALWD. Here is the…
  • Dec 31

    Pew Research Report on Tech and Worker

    Pew Research Report on Tech and Worker
    TweetA new report from the Pew Research Internet Project focuses on technology and workers. The first-listed key finding of the report is this: “Email and the internet are deemed the most important communications and information tools…
Rank this Week: 1695

Reasonable Balance

Reasonable Balance

Covers copyright and music. By Nancy Prager.
  • Jan 29

    A Taylor Swift Teaching Moment: What is a Trademark

    A Taylor Swift Teaching Moment: What is a Trademark
    In the past few years I’ve become a fan of Taylor Swift. Perhaps not of her music, but the way she handles her career and her life.  Standing up to Spotify and the paltry royalty rates it pays was just … Continue reading…
  • Jan 21

    Copyright and the King, this time Martin Luther King Jr.

    Copyright and the King, this time Martin Luther King Jr.
    Today is a momentus day. It’s the second inauguration of Barak Obama, the first African-American President of the United States.  Today is also the day on which we honor the memory and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., the…
  • Jul 20

    Intellectual Property Enforcement: Have your voice heard

    Intellectual Property Enforcement: Have your voice heard
    The Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2008 (the “PRO-IP Act”) enhanced civil and criminal penalties for intellectual property infringement as well as established the Intellectual Property Enforcement…
Rank this Week: 1246

The Shout

The Shout

Covers wiretaps, privacy, copyright, and free speech. By Jennifer Granick.
  • Jun 28

    The Criminal NSA

    The Criminal NSA
    My opinion piece “The Criminal NSA” co-authored with Professor Christopher Sprigman has been published in the New York Times. The op ed is about NSA spying programs Prism and the collection of all phone metadata about…
  • Oct 30

    Granick Slate Card: November 6, 2012 Election

    Granick Slate Card: November 6, 2012 Election
    GRANICK SLATE CARD NATIONAL ELECTION, NOVEMBER 2012   Friends, Romans, Republicans:  
  • Jul 24

    Catching Up

    Catching Up
    Unfortunately, I haven’t been keeping this site up to date as I’ve been blogging on the Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society site.  To that end, here are my most recent posts: The Unintended Consequences of CISPA New…
Rank this Week: 1073

Control Protect & Leverage

Control Protect & Leverage

Covers patents, trademark, copyright, and business law. By Leyendecker & Lemire.
  • Nov 19

    Does Tim own Tebowing?

    Does Tim own Tebowing?
    And does this mean you can’t do it any more? Has a trademark taken Tebowing off the table? The short answer: No. Neither Tim Tebow nor any business entity with which he is involved owns a trademark on his signature move.
  • Oct 15

    The Perils of Employee Classification

    The Perils of Employee Classification
    An ounce of prevention and all that… One of the battles employment attorneys constantly struggle with is raising awareness about the consequences of misclassifying workers that are technically employees as independent contractors. While…
  • Aug 13

    The perils of public-generated content

    The perils of public-generated content
    There is a well-known phrase known to businesses relying on the internet to help drive marketing and sales: “Content is king.” That phrase has expanded, in the wake of businesses turning to Facebook and YouTube and in the development and…
Rank this Week: 1639



Tracks copyright related policy & technology developments in Japan. By Andreas Bovens.
  • Jan 16

    Japan Times article on recent net related legislative development

    Japan Times article on recent net related legislative development
    A quick pointer to a Japan Times article about some of the issues mentioned in my last entry. Chris Salzberg, of Global Voices and fame, was so nice to include a quote from a recent conversation we had about this issue :-)
  • Jan 3

    Japan to outlaw downloading illegally reproduced content?

    Japan to outlaw downloading illegally reproduced content?
    The Private Music and Video Recording Subcommittee (??????????) of Japan’s Agency for Cultural Affairs is pushing for a revision of Article 30 of the copyright law, which will outlaw downloading illegal copies of content. Under the current…
  • Dec 19

    A long overdue update

    A long overdue update
    Now that has taken a while! More than 4 months without a single entry—luckily enough, my stats tool reminds me from time to time that people still find their way to this blog. Traffic hasn’t really gone down over the last four months, and…
Rank this Week: 1346

The Brand Protection Blog

The Brand Protection Blog

Reports on developments and trends in all areas of the law that impact brands, including the creation, promotion and protection of branded products and services. By Norton Rose Fulbright.
  • Mar 9

    Amarin and FDA settle off-label suit

    Amarin and FDA settle off-label suit
    As we reported last August, US District Judge Paul Engelmayer ruled that Amarin Pharma has a First Amendment right to truthfully promote its prescription drug Vascepa for off-label uses. August 10, 2015,  article. Shortly afterward,…
  • Feb 10

    When your brand becomes a product descriptor

    When your brand becomes a product descriptor
    Beware of the slide into “genericide” When launching a new brand, it is a marketer’s dream to have that brand name on every consumer’s lips, no matter the consequences. However, sometimes this is ultimately to the…
  • Feb 9

    Turkeys, Geese and the wild question of control

    Turkeys, Geese and the wild question of control
    For trade mark owners, there are many benefits to trade mark licensing.  Not only are there financial gains, but licensing agreements can build brand exposure and heighten the reputation of the existing business. However trade mark…
Rank this Week: 2306

Fashion Counsel with Anthony V.…

Fashion Counsel with Anthony V. Lupo

Arent Fox's fashion law blog highlights critical issues for designers, retailers, and manufacturers.
Rank this Week: 2140

Copyright, Intellectual Property,…

Copyright, Intellectual Property, Computer, Internet, e-Commerce Law

Covers IP/IT law, with a strong focus on copyright and internet law. By Barry Sookman.
  • Mar 9

    Computer and Internet Updates for 2016-03-08

    Computer and Internet Updates for 2016-03-08
    Hulk Hogan says he was humiliated by sex tape publication on Gawker -> Cyber security review still in early days, Public Security officials tell Senate -> Foreign Copyright Holders Could…
  • Mar 8

    Computer and Internet Updates for 2016-03-07

    Computer and Internet Updates for 2016-03-07
    Computer and Internet Updates for 2016-03-06 -> IP Osgoode » ‘Made in America’ 2015? The TPP and the Future of Canada’s Digital Economy -> Sharing has been hijacked…
  • Mar 7

    Computer and Internet Updates for 2016-03-06

    Computer and Internet Updates for 2016-03-06
    Twitter harassment ruling amended to omit 'homophobic’ tweets -> UN human rights chief backs Apple in encryption fight -> Beware California students, you could be expelled for…
Rank this Week: 2717

The 1709 Blog

The 1709 Blog

Covers all things copyright, warts and all.
  • Mar 9

    The CopyKat

    The CopyKat
    The YouTube channel of the state-run Vietnam Television (VTV) has been suspended with the national broadcaster later admitting that the termination was due to copyright infringement regarding its content. The channel, titled VTV -…
  • Mar 9

    IFPI and Sound Exchange make ISRC Codes publicly accessible for the first time

    IFPI and Sound Exchange make ISRC Codes publicly accessible for the first time
    The international trade body for the recording industry, IFPI, has partnered with the world’s biggest digital Collective Management Organisation, SoundExchange, to create a new website that will make it easier to identify sound…
  • Mar 7

    Live music sector put CMO 'kickbacks' into the spotlight

    Live music sector put CMO 'kickbacks' into the spotlight
    John Webster with Anthony Addis and Paul CrockfordThey may not want to be in the spotlight, and the until recently practices of 'discounts' or 'rebates' offered by European Collective Management Organisations such as Buma-Stemra in Holland…
Rank this Week: 2836

Photo Attorney

Photo Attorney

Covers copyright and intellectual property law. By the Law Office of Carolyn E. Wright, LLC.
  • Mar 6

    Request for Assistance to Oppose OHV Access at Silver Salmon Creek

    Request for Assistance to Oppose OHV Access at Silver Salmon Creek
    Many photographers have enjoyed the beauty and great bear access at Silver Salmon Creek in Lake Clark National Park. But part of it is in jeopardy. Specifically, the National Park Service is considering a request from an in-holder in the…
  • Mar 3

    Copyright Office Extends Comment Period for Section 512 Study

    Copyright Office Extends Comment Period for Section 512 Study
    The United States Copyright Office has published a Federal Register notice extending the deadlines for public comment in connection with the Office’s study on section 512 of Title 17. The study was announced in a Notice of Inquiry…
  • Mar 1

    Charity Goal Reached!

    Charity Goal Reached!
    Get your COMPLETE PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS BUNDLE NOW (the deal ends in a few hours — Tuesday, March 1, at noon, pacific)!!! Check Photo Attorney on, in the Article Center, and on Twitter!You just finished reading…
Rank this Week: 3090

Volpe and Koenig IP Law Blog

Volpe and Koenig IP Law Blog

Covers intellectual property (IP) law topics, including copyright law, trademark law, patent licensing, patent enforcement, and inter party matters.
Rank this Week: 2940



Discusses copyright law for those in the content industries and the general public. By Terry Hart.
  • Mar 4

    Friday’s Endnotes – 03/04/16

    Friday’s Endnotes – 03/04/16
    Software Piracy Hurts Linux Adoption, Research Finds — The theory is that if the commercial product is easily available for free, people will choose that over lower cost or even free open-source alternatives. Thus, weak copyright…
  • Mar 3

    Did Campbell v Acuff-Rose find 2 Live Crew’s song to be fair use?

    Did Campbell v Acuff-Rose find 2 Live Crew’s song to be fair use?
    Last week, a group of organizations including the Association of Research Libraries, EFF, and Public Knowledge celebrated “Fair Use Week.” As part of the celebration, a trio of writers and illustrators released a comic book…
  • Feb 19

    Friday’s Endnotes – 02/19/16

    Friday’s Endnotes – 02/19/16
    Future of TV Coalition: FCC Set-Top Item Is Google Gift — “Glist said that the set-top proposal was essentially a battle between Google and apps. ‘Google would like to have all information assimilated and searchable through…
Rank this Week: 4738

LoTempio Law Blog

LoTempio Law Blog

Covers patents, trademarks and copyright news. By Vincent G. LoTempio.
  • Feb 29

    Million Dollar Geniu

    Million Dollar Geniu
    Tune in to see the incredible story behind the biggest trending device used by people around the world today. The Selfie Stick has become an extremely popular and convenient device for taking pictures. The television series, Million Dollar…
  • Jan 27

    Blogging Gone Wrong

    Blogging Gone Wrong
    Blogging is all fun and games until you plagiarize someone else’s work. I’m sure we all learned this after our first research paper. For me it was 5th grade after Ms. Russo (RIP) handed back my research paper on Alcatraz.…
  • Nov 4

    Basic Copyright Questions Answered

    Basic Copyright Questions Answered
    The answers to the following questions should be read as preparatory rather than as definitive. What works are protected? What works are not protected by copyright? What is copyright registration? When is a work protected by copyright? How…
Rank this Week: 4975

Les Actifs creatifs

Les Actifs creatifs

Covers legal and commercial developments affecting all forms of intellectual property, including patent, trademark, copyright law, branding and advertising, trade dress and trade secrets. By Norton Rose Fulbright Canada.
  • Feb 25

    Le retour des troll

    Le retour des troll
    Ce n’est pas d’hier qu’on parle de patent trolls aux Actifs créatifs. Je pense notamment aux billets intitulés Les brevets et le hockey et La chasse aux chasseurs de brevets, de ma collègue Alexandra…
  • Feb 1

    À vos marques, prêts, CRISPRez! ou Comment les brevets s’invitent dans une révolution biotechnologique

    À vos marques, prêts, CRISPRez! ou Comment les brevets s’invitent dans une révolution biotechnologique
    Il n’y a pas si longtemps, la manipulation génétique était réservée à une poignée d’élu(e)s ayant obtenus ou en train de faire maîtrise ou doctorat. Le processus…
  • Jan 11

    Connaissez-vous l’Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle du Canada?

    Connaissez-vous l’Institut de la Propriété Intellectuelle du Canada?
    L’Institut de la Propriété intellectuelle du Canada (IPIC) est l’association professionnelle qui régit la profession des agents de brevets et de marques de commerce. Parmi les sujets chauds de…
Rank this Week: 2307



Covers entertainment and publishing law. By Lloyd Jassin.
  • Feb 22

    When Don't I Need to Ask Permission?

    When Don't I Need to Ask Permission?
    You hate clearing permissions.  After all, clearing rights is time consuming and expensive.  However, if you answer yes to any of the following questions, you may not need to seek permission, since no copyright…
  • Feb 4

    No Copyright Infringement Intended (Yeah Right)

    No Copyright Infringement Intended (Yeah Right)
    "No Copyright Infringement Intended" appears next to countless YouTube videos and other online works. However, it is a hollow disclaimer.  There is no pure heart and empty head defense to copyright infringement.  Copyright is what…
  • Feb 3

    The Law On "No Copyright Infringement Intended"

    The Law On &quot;No Copyright Infringement Intended&quot;
    "No Copyright Infringement Intended" appears next to countless YouTube videos and other online works. However, there is no pure heart and empty head defense to copyright infringement.   Copyright is what is known as a strict…
Rank this Week: 3070

Music & Copyright's Blog

Music & Copyright's Blog

Covers global copyright and legal issues affecting the music industry.
  • Feb 17

    New issue of Music & Copyright with South Africa country report

    New issue of Music &amp; Copyright with South Africa country report
    The latest issue of Music & Copyright is now available for subscribers to download. Here are some of the highlights. US court declares big is not bad in Live Nation IMP market abuse case A US Fourth Circuit appeals court has affirmed a…
  • Feb 3

    New issue of Music & Copyright with Canada country report

    New issue of Music &amp; Copyright with Canada country report
    The latest issue of Music & Copyright is now available for subscribers to download. Here are some of the highlights. Munich court rules in favor of YouTube in GEMA damages case A court in Munich has ruled that the online video service…
  • Jan 20

    New issue of Music & Copyright with US country report

    New issue of Music &amp; Copyright with US country report
    The latest issue of Music & Copyright is now available for subscribers to download. Here are some of the highlights. Spotify hit by second US copyright infringement lawsuit Music subscription service Spotify is facing a second class…
Rank this Week: 4552



Graham Smith's blog on law, IT, the Internet and new media
  • Feb 16

    The draft Investigatory Powers Bill - start all over again?

    The draft Investigatory Powers Bill - start all over again?
    No-one expected much from the Intelligence and Security Committee’s Report on the draft Investigatory Powers Bill last Monday. The main event was supposed to be the Joint Committee’s Report on Thursday. But after the ISC's…
  • Feb 7

    No Content: Metadata and the draft Investigatory Powers Bill

    No Content: Metadata and the draft Investigatory Powers Bill
    Puzzled and confused by the draft Investigatory Powers Bill? You are in good company, according to the House of Commons Science and Technology Committee which last week delivered a report on the technological issues raised by the draft Bill.…
  • Jan 16

    An itemised phone bill like none ever seen

    An itemised phone bill like none ever seen
    [Adapted from my evidence (PDF) to the Joint Parliamentary Committee scrutinising the Draft Investigatory Powers Bill]Mandatory retention of Internet Connection Records - destination IP address, service name (e.g. Facebook or…
Rank this Week: 2838

Privacy and IP Law Blog

Privacy and IP Law Blog

Addresses recent events in trademark, copyright, computer and privacy law. By Christina Frangiosa.
  • Feb 10

    Mobile Device Security Policies for Employers – Small and Large

    Mobile Device Security Policies for Employers – Small and Large
    Placing restrictions on access to Company information, however, should not be limited only to those BYOD devices. Instead, if the Company issues Company-owned devices to employees for use on Company systems, similar ground rules should be…
  • Dec 29

    Common Questions – What’s Involved in Registering a US Trademark?

    Common Questions – What’s Involved in Registering a US Trademark?
    So, you’ve decided to launch a brand name in the U.S. and are contemplating registering it in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (“PTO”). What can you expect? Not every application is the same, so there will be…
  • Oct 16

    California Enacts Electronic Communications Privacy Act (CalECPA)

    California Enacts Electronic Communications Privacy Act (CalECPA)
    “For what logical reason should a handwritten letter stored in a desk drawer enjoy more protection from warrantless government surveillance than an email sent to a colleague or a text message to a loved one?” On October 8, 2015,…
Rank this Week: 4869