The Chronicle of Higher Education
Information Technology
article illustration READERS' CHOICE

Northwest Missouri State University's experiment with e-textbooks has yielded half a dozen lessons and some surprises. Kevin Green (above), a junior studying business management, enjoyed using an e-book in a marketing class but said he would rather use printed versions in his number-heavy accounting courses. (Photograph by Daniel Johnson)

A Calculating Web Site Could Ignite a New Campus 'Math War'

A new Web site called WolframAlpha not only solves complex math problems, but also can spell out the steps leading to those solutions. For professors, it reopens a debate that started back with the first handheld calculators.

Audio: Adam Smith on What's Next for Google Book Search

6 Lessons a Campus Learned About E-Textbooks

Tech Therapy: Help! My Boss Is an Idiot

Online Educators Won't Have to Spy on Students, New Rules Say

Blog Software Could Be a 'Blackboard Killer'

STOW THAT FEDORA: A new federal rule says distance educators won't have to behave like private investigators, using expensive tactics to ensure that students are who they say they are.


The Wired Campus

Tech Therapy: My Boss, the Dinosaur
How to deal with a boss who doesn't get technology.

Will WolframAlpha Improve Teaching or Assist Cheating?
A new Web site called WolframAlpha not only solves complex math problems, but also can spell out the steps leading to those solutions. For professors, it reopens a debate that started back with the first handheld calculators.

Educause 2007 Coverage

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Internet Restrictions and Censorship

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