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John and Jackie Lewis Fund

John and Jackie Lewis Fund

John and Jackie Lewis Fund

John and Jackie Lewis Fund

Application period closed

The fund will support research of up to $1,000 by graduate students and predoctoral and postdoctoral fellows working on matters related to Asia. The preferred use is to support travel to Asia for research, conference attendance, or other purposes that will advance policy-relevant scholarship by the graduate student or fellow.

Note that we are not currently offering grants for travel within the United States for research purposes, the purchase of research materials, or the hiring of research assistants (all intended to advance scholarship or policy efforts linked to Asia), but may do so again in the future.

The fund will be administered by CISAC and available to graduate students working with faculty associated with FSI, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center, or CISAC, and to predoctoral and postdoctoral fellows at those institutions. 

To apply, please submit this application form with your project description, CV/resume, and other background materials to Shelby Speer, Fellowship and Student Programs Administrator, at Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis unless otherwise noted above.

Fellowship Coordinator

Center for International Security and Cooperation
Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
616 Serra Street
Stanford, CA 94305-6165

(650) 725-5365 (voice)

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