Stanford University

Rebele Internships

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Rowland and Pat Rebele Digital and Print Journalism Internship Program

A valued complement to the Department of Communication, Stanford University alumnus Rowland “Reb” Rebele and his wife Pat established the Rebele Digital and Print Journalism Internship Program in 1986. The Rebeles generously funded this program in support and encouragement of aspiring journalists and community newspapers with regional and national circulation. The Rebele Program enables newspaper publishers to benefit from the valuable contributions of dedicated interns and is equally beneficial for students who gain hands-on, journalistic work experience through quality print journalism internships.

In addition, the Rebele Program also funds the Rebele First Amendment Internship in conjunction with the California First Amendment Coalition, Rebele PhD Fellows, and occasionally special projects – especially those involving First Amendment issues.

A diverse and comprehensive list of associated news publications is viewable and applicants may contact the Rebele Internship Program Director to determine the eligibility of any specific US newspaper not presently listed. Stanford students at both graduate and undergraduate levels may actively pursue internship opportunities at weekly and daily periodicals across the continental United States and all are eligible to apply for Rebele stipends of up to $5,000. Funds are limited and funding is awarded to eligible students on a first come first served basis. If an internship is already funded by another resource at Stanford, the Rebele Internship Program will not provide additional support.

Rebele Interns can receive funding for any quarter of the Stanford academic year including summer. While most autumn, winter, and spring interns are graduate students, undergraduates are also invited to make productive use of Rebele funds for quarterly part-time internships. During the summer, Rebele stipends are provided for part-time and full-time internships lasting 8-12 weeks. Occasionally, students take a one-quarter leave of absence to pursue more immersive internship opportunities. Interested students should speak with the Rebele Internship Program Director regarding eligibility before applying for a leave of absence.

Once the internship position is secured and confirmed in writing, a Rebele Internship Program Application Form must be completed and an email sent to the Rebele Internship Program Director to set up an appointment to finalize funding details.

Rebele Application Form

Hard copies are available from the information stand outside the Internship Office in the Department of Communication (Bldg. 120, Rm. 110). The Rebele Internship Program Director will then arrange for a contract email to be dispatched to the prospective employer and intern. The process is complete upon receipt of email approval from both parties.

Due to Stanford University policy, it is mandatory that the department is provided with updated information for each quarter no later than the last week of the quarter before an internship begins. If an internship is accepted that spans more than one quarter, approval must be sought for a Rebele stipend each additional quarter, as available funding is determined on a quarterly basis and no retroactive stipends are permitted. It is the responsibility of students to gain approval before starting the internship. Contact the Rebele Internship Program Director for further details.

Partial List of Papers Eligible for Rebele Internships

Here is a list of some of the many newspapers/news organizations that have participated in the Rebele Internship Program at some point since summer 2007, though this is not a guarantee that they will do so again. The best way to find out is to contact the editor or the person in charge of the paper’s internship program. If you become aware of updated contact information, please email the Rebele Internship Program Director. Students are also welcome to introduce new papers to the Program. Contact the Rebele Internship Program Director to determine eligibility.

California News Organizations

Out-of-State News Organizations

Rebele First Amendment Internship

In conjunction with The California First Amendment Coalition

Who we are and what we do

The California First Amendment Coalition (CFAC), is a nonprofit public interest organization dedicated to advancing free speech and open-government rights.

CFAC’s activities include educational and informational programs, initiation of “test case” litigation, and legislative oversight of bills affecting free speech.

CFAC’s members are newspapers and other news organizations, community activists, and ordinary individuals seeking help in asserting rights of citizenship.

CFAC operates a Legal Hotline service that provides legal information and assistance, completely FREE, to thousands of individuals frustrated by recalcitrant bureaucracies.

CFAC conducts conferences to educate the public on first amendment issues. A recent conference featured Arianna Huffington, Dan Ellsberg, Judith Miller, National Security Agency general counsel Robert Deitz, Gabriel Schoenfeld, senior editor, Commentary Magazine, political columnist Dan Weintraub, and journalist/blogger Dan Gillmor–among other experts on First Amendment law, journalism and public policy.

The Internship

The intern will work (predominantly via email) with CFAC’s executive director on discrete projects involving substantive research on factual and legal issues, including summarizing and organizing recent court decisions for publication on CFAC’s web site; researching and writing news items for the organization’s newsletter; identifying and researching cases for possible law suits; assisting in preparing for meetings of CFAC’s Board of Directors, as well as seminars–for journalists and community groups– about open-government rights.

This is an excellent learning opportunity for graduate students in Communication or undergraduates contemplating a career in journalism or law. CFAC is accepting one intern for the summer quarter. Interns will receive a total payment of $500 from CFAC and will be eligible to receive a Rebele stipend of up to $5,000, based on a full-time 12 week internship. The successful candidate will be expected to travel to San Rafael to meet with the Executive Director periodically during the internship.

For information or to apply for this internship, email Peter Scheer, Executive Director, CFAC. Emails should be sent in the first instance to Rebele Internship Director and will be forwarded accordingly. The email subject heading should read Rebele FAI: Last name, First name. Emails should clearly list the applicant’s name, class year, degree and major (or undeclared if applicable).

Summer Application Deadline: May 1st (or closest work day)

Students interested in this internship should speak directly with the Rebele Internship Director, Bldg 120, Room 110A

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