Copyright Crash CourseCopyright Crash CourseCopyright Crash CourseCopyright Crash Course

Own Manage Share
copyright's role in the flow of research and teaching

who owns what you just created...

how do you figure that out, how do you change it, how do you protect your work

your rights as a copyright owner...

probably way more than you really need, so find out how to slim down your big fat copyright by managing it

manage your copyrights...

to maximize your impact, the effectiveness of your creative effort, your audience, your academic success, your wealth (well, maybe), your eternal happiness (probably not, but then, who knows?) -- copyright management means being more thoughtful about how you handle your rights, retaining rights in certain circumstances, and sharing the wealth of rights the law gives us with others, in other situations. A copyright is not an all or nothing proposition. The set of rights is infintely devisible. Learn about the advantages of keeping some for yourself, and of giving others away

Creative Commons licenses

CC licenses provide free tools that let authors, scientists, artists, students and educators (like you) easily mark their creative work with the freedoms they want it to carry. You can use CC to change your copyright from "all rights reserved" to "some rights reserved." In other words, you can tag it "share," just like I tagged the Crash Course. To learn more about the role these licenses can play in the management of your copyrights, read, Your rights as a copyright owner, and Copyright management.

open access options and resources


negotiating with your publishers


Building On Others' Creative Expression
accessing and using your library's tens of millions of dollars of licensed resources

the public domain and orphan works

mass digitization of library collections is revealing a treasure trove of heretofor obscured works, works in the public domain that can be shared broadly with the public, and orphan works, those still protected, but whose copyright owners are unknown, unable to be located, or unresponsive. The potential these works hold puts pressure on copyright law and policy to adapt more quickly to new possibilities in a digital networked environment

content on the Web

implied licenses give you rights to, uh, well, uh, that's the problem with implied licenses, they're not real clear -- but they're there and within reason you can and should rely on them

Creative Commons on the flip side

search millions of CC licensed works for things you can use for free

fair use

copyright's safety valve, when it's working properly ... when should you rely on it; what does it cover


authorizes virtual classroom performances and displays, but what does it cover and how does it work with fair use

getting permission

processes, who pays

Copyright in the Library
Section 108, fair use, ISP liability limitations, mass digitization

the library is deep into copyright, it even has its own section in the Copyright Act

University Administrative Interests in Copyright
institutional policies...

should be comprehensive -- covering use of others' works (coursepacks, digital distribution through course management systems, library reserve systems, digitization projects, research copies) and careful management of our own copyrights

risk management

p2p, digital delivery, mass digitization projects

scholarly communication

institutional repositories, open access, university presses, libraries and collaborative publishing

Be CreativeBe Creative

Creative Commons License
The Copyright Crash Course is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License


Scholarly Communications @ Duke
The Patry Copyright Blog
Stanford Center for Internet & Society


Access to digital course materials
Catholic University
Crash Course tutorial
About the author, Georgia Harper

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The Copyright Crash Course © 2001, 2007 Georgia K. Harper