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Boaler, Jo

Jo Boaler
Jo Boaler
Academic Title 
Contact Information
Program Affiliations 
CTE: Mathematics Education
CTE: Teacher Education
Gender Studies
Learning Communities
Mathematics Education
Teacher Education

An NSF study on the effectiveness of Jo’s student online class, working with over 150 teachers across the US.  Various studies on mathematics and mindset with Carol Dweck and Greg Walton. Studies on the effectiveness of math apps and games.

Mathematics teaching and learning - in particular, how different teaching approaches impact students' learning, how to teach mathematics for a “growth mindset”, and how equity is promoted in mathematics classrooms. STEM and mathematics - why women and girls choose out of science and mathematics. The role of groupwork and mathematical discussions in the development of understanding. The ways teachers may be supported in moving towards equitable and effective teaching environments. The effectiveness of mathematics taught through technology.


  • PhD (Mathematics Education) King's College, London University. (1996)
  • MA (Mathematics Education) King's College, London University (1991)
  • BSc (Psychology) Liverpool University (1985)
  • Assistant Professor, 1998-2000
  • Associate Professor 2000-2006
  • Professor 2006-2006
  • Professor 2010 - present
  • Teacher of Mathematics, Inner London comprehensive schools (ages 11-18)
  • Deputy Director Mathematics Assessment Team, King's College, London
  • Lecturer, Mathematics Education, King's College London
  • Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (2004-2005)
  • Marie Curie Professor, The University of Sussex
  • 263 A, B & C Curriculum & Instruction Mathematics
  • 232C The Study of Teaching
  • 359 Research in Mathematics and Science
  • 115 How to Learn Math



Boaler, J. What’s Math Got To Do With It - new edition, Spring 2015. Penguin.

Boaler, J. Mathematical Mindsets - summer 2015, Wiley Press. Foreward by Carol Dweck.

Boaler, J. (2009) What’s Math Got To Do With It? How Parents and Teachers Can Help Children Learn to Love Their Least Favorite Subject. Penguin: New York.

Boaler, J. (2010). The Elephant in the Classroom. Helping Children Learn & Love Maths. Souvenir Press: London. UK Edition of What’s Math Got To Do With It.

Boaler, J. & Humphreys, C. (2005). Connecting Mathematical Ideas: Middle School Cases of Teaching & Learning. Heinneman: Portsmouth.

Boaler, J. (2002). Experiencing School Mathematics: Traditional and Reform Approaches to Teaching and their Impact on Student Learning. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: Mahwah, New Jersey.

Boaler, J. (ed) (2000). Multiple Perspectives on Mathematics Teaching & Learning. Ablex Publishing: Westport, CT.

Boaler, J. (1997). Experiencing School Mathematics: Teaching Styles, Sex and Setting. Open University Press: Buckingham, England.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

Boaler, J., Altendorff, L. & Kent, G. (2011). Mathematics and Science in the United Kingdom: Inequities in Participation and Performance. Oxford Review of Education.

Boaler, J. (2011). Changing Students’ Lives Through the De-tracking of Urban Mathematics Classrooms. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education (Vol. 4, No. 1).

Boaler, J. (2009). When Politics Took the Place of Inquiry: A Response to the National Mathematics Advisory Panel's Review of Instructional Practices. Educational Researcher.

Boaler, J. (2008). Promoting 'Relational Equity' and High Mathematics Achievement Through an Innovative Mixed Ability Approach. British Educational Research Journal. 34 (2), 167-194.

Boaler, J & Staples, M. (2008). Creating Mathematical Futures through an Equitable Teaching Approach: The Case of Railside School. Teachers’ College Record. 110 (3), 608-645. Cited in the “Supreme Court of the United States” in the case of parents vs the Seattle Court District, (Nos 05-908 & 05-915)

Boaler, J. (2005). The ‘Psychological Prison’ from which they never escaped: The role of ability grouping in reproducing social class inequalities. FORUM, 47, 2&3, 135-144.

Boaler, J. (2003). When Learning no Longer Matters – standardized testing and the creation of inequality. Phi Delta Kappan, 84, 7, 502-506.

Boaler, J. (2002). Exploring the Nature of Mathematical Activity: Using theory, research and 'working hypotheses' to broaden conceptions of mathematics knowing. Invited Paper. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 51(1-2), 3-21.

Boaler, J. (2002). Learning from Teaching: Exploring the Relationship Between Reform Curriculum and Equity. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 33(4), 239-258.

Boaler, J. (2002). Paying the Price for "Sugar and Spice": Shifting the Analytical Lens in Equity Research. Mathematical Thinking and Learning. 4(2&3), 127-144.

Boaler, J. (2002). The Development of Disciplinary Relationships: Knowledge, Practice and Identity in Mathematics Classrooms. For the Learning of Mathematics, 22(1), 42-47.

Boaler, J. (2002). Mathematical Modeling and New Theories of Learning. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications. 20 (3), 121-127

Boaler, J., Wiliam, D., & Brown, M. (2000). Students' experiences of ability grouping - disaffection, polarization and the construction of failure. British Educational Research Journal, 26, 5, 631-648.

Boaler, J. (2000). Exploring Situated Insights into Research and Learning. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 39 (1), 113-119

Boaler, J. (2000). Mathematics from another World: Traditional Communities and the Alienation of Learners. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 18 (4), 1-19.

Boaler, J. (1999). Participation, Knowledge and Beliefs: A Community Perspective on Mathematics Learning. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 40, 259-281.

Boaler, J. (1998). Open and Closed Mathematics Approaches: Student Experiences and Understandings Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. 29 (1) 41-62.

Boaler, J. (1998). Mathematical Equity: Under Achieving Boys or Sacrificial Girls? Journal of Inclusive Education, 2 (2).

Boaler, J. (1998). Alternative Approaches to Teaching, Learning and Assessing Mathematics. Evaluation and Program Planning, 21, 129-141.

Boaler, J. (1997). Equity, Empowerment and Different Ways of Knowing. Mathematics Education Research Journal., 9(3), 325-342.

Boaler, J. (1997). Setting, Social Class and Survival of the Quickest. British Educational Research Journal. 23 (5) 575-595.

Boaler, J. (1997). Reclaiming School Mathematics: The Girls Fight Back. Gender and Education. 9 (3) 285-306.

Boaler, J. (1997). When Even the Winners are Losers: Evaluating the Experience of ‘top set’ students. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 29 (2) 165-182.

Boaler, J. (1996). Learning to Lose in the Mathematics Classroom: a critique of traditional schooling practices. Qualitative Studies in Education, 9 (1) 17-34.

Boaler, J. (1994). When do girls prefer football to fashion? An analysis of female under achievement in relation to realistic mathematics contexts. British Educational Research Journal, 20 (5), 551- 564.

Boaler, J. (1993). Encouraging the Transfer of ‘School’ Mathematics to the ‘Real World’ through the Integration of Process and Content, Context and Culture. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 25, 341 - 373.

Boaler, J. (1993). The Role of Contexts in the Mathematics Classroom: do they make mathematics more real? For the learning of Mathematics, 13 (2) 12 - 17.