Stanford Environmental Law Journal (SELJ)


The Stanford Environmental Law Journal (ELJ) was founded in 1978. It is run by students who are eager to explore environmental issues, improve their writing skills, and be actively involved in academic discourse. ELJ publishes articles on a variety of issues in natural resources law, environmental policy, law and economics, international environmental law, and other topics relating to law and the environment. ELJ accepts submissions from academics, practitioners, or other writers, as well as students, throughout the year.

ELJ is excited to publish Volume 35 in the 2015-16 academic year.

Current Issue

Volume 34 , Number 2


Latest Blog

Scalia’s Swan Song: The “Irreconcilability Canon” Resolves the Clean Air Act’s Section 111(d) Drafting Error and Encourages Good Lawmaking

[This] is a ‘rare case.’ It is and should be . . . . But every generation or so a case comes along when this Court needs to say enough is enough.

— Chief Justice Roberts[1] Read more about Scalia’s Swan Song: The “Irreconcilability Canon” Resolves the Clean Air Act’s Section 111(d) Drafting Error and Encourages Good Lawmaking

Latest Online

A Note about Cumulative Impact Analysis under Functionally Equivalent Programs

Erin E. Prahler, Center for Ocean Solutions
Sarah M. Reiter, Center for Ocean Solutions
Meredith Bennett, Center for Ocean Solutions
Ashley L. Erickson, Center for Ocean Solutions
Molly Loughney Melius, Center for Ocean Solutions
Margaret R. Caldwell, Center for Ocean Solutions

An online supplement to Erin E. Prahler et al., It All Adds Up: Enhancing Ocean Health by Improving Cumulative Impact Analyses in Environmental Review Documents, 33 STAN. ENVTL. L.J. 351 (2014). Read more about A Note about Cumulative Impact Analysis under Functionally Equivalent Programs

  • August 13, 2014
  • 33 Stan.Envtl.L.J. 101