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About EPA

About the National Center for Environmental Research (NCER)

What We Do

NCER's mission is to support high-quality research by the nation's leading scientists and engineers that will improve EPA’s scientific basis for decisions on national environmental issues. NCER supports leading edge extramural research in exposure, effects, risk assessment, and risk management by managing competitions for Science to Achieve Results (STAR) and People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) grants, STAR and Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships, and for research contracts under the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program. Research Funding Opportunities

Projects Managed by NCER

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James H. Johnson, Jr., Ph.D., Director

  • Biography
  • Phone: 703-347-0160
  • Email: johnson.jim@epa.gov

Mary Ellen Radzikowski, Deputy Center Director

Darrell Winner, Senior Science Advisor

NCER includes:

Peer Review Division (PRD)

Director: James Gentry

What We Do: PRD manages the external peer review process of applications submitted in response to competitive solicitations.

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Applied Science Division (ASD)

Director: Bryan Bloomer

What We Do: ASD manages NCER’s external research programs for Air, Global Climate, Ecology, and Water. ASD prepares solicitations in these research areas and manages grants issued under these solicitations.

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Technology and Engineering Division (TED)

Director (Acting): April Richards

What We Do: TED manages NCER’s external research programs for small business, green chemistry and green buildings, engineering, nanotechnology, P3, and sustainability. TED prepares solicitations in these research areas and manages grants issued under these solicitations.

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Health Research and Fellowships Division (HRFD)

Director: Sylvana Y. Li

What We Do: HRFD manages NCER’s external research programs for human health, safe products and pesticides, endocrine disruptors, and the fellowship programs. HRFD prepares solicitations in these research areas and manages grants issued under these solicitations. HRFD prepares fellowship solicitations and manages fellowships under these solicitations.

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Research Support Division (RSD)

Director (Acting): James Gentry

What We Do: RSD supports the other divisions of NCER through information and communications management, and financial and administrative tracking and management.

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