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About EPA

About the Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO)

What We Do

OCFO formulates and manages EPA’s annual budget and performance plan, coordinates EPA’s strategic planning efforts, develops EPA’s annual Performance and Accountability Report, and implements the Government Performance and Results Act. OCFO also provides financial services for the Agency and makes payments to EPA grant recipients, contractors, and other vendors. The office provides policy, reports, and oversight essential for the financial operations of EPA and has responsibility for information technology planning, development, and deployment of financial and resources management systems for the Agency.


Vacant, Chief Financial Officer
David Bloom, Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Robin H. Richardson, Acting Assistant Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Howard Osborne, Associate Chief Financial Officer
The Office of the Chief Financial Officer includes: 

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Office of Budget

What We Do

The Office of Budget serves as EPA's central budget office, responsible for the formulation and defense of EPA's annual plan and budget request to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and to Congress. The office also serves a fiduciary role in executing the budget by monitoring and analyzing the utilization of all EPA resources. To do so, this office provides guidance to the agency to ensure proper use of resources and works to ensure proper accounting and reporting of resources. The Office of Budget also integrates goal-based decision making into the allocation of EPA resources through multi-year and annual planning and the annual budget and accounting processes.

Mail code: 2732A | EPA mailing addresses
Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

Office of Budget Leadership

Carol Terris, Director
Maria Williams, Acting Deputy Director

Office of Planning, Analysis and Accountability (OPAA)

What We Do

The Office of Planning, Analysis and Accountability (OPAA) serves as the Agency lead for strategic and annual planning and performance management and reporting efforts, working with a wide range of stakeholders. OPAA implements the Government Performance and Results Act and works to align strategies, measures and budget resources to accomplish Agency goals. Additionally, OPAA serves as the Agency lead for ensuring EPA’s compliance with the Federal Managers’ Financial Integrity Act and for follow-up on Office of Inspector General audit findings and recommendations.

Programs and projects managed by OPAA

Mail code: 2721A | EPA mailing addresses
Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OPAA Leadership

Kathy Sedlak O'Brien, Director
Malena Brookshire, Deputy Director

Office of Financial Management (OFM)

What We Do

The Office of Financial Management (OFM) provides policy, reports and oversight essential for the financial operations of EPA. Specifically, OFM:

  • furnishes financial policy guidance and support;
  • devises methods to capture the cost of EPA programs accurately;
  • prepares accurate and timely information on the status of the Agency’s financial resources and implements Government-wide financial reporting reforms;
  • provides financial information to Agency managers for daily business decisions;
  • develops and manages internal control programs associated with financial reporting, the Recovery Act Stewardship Plan, and the Administration’s Open Government Initiative; and
  • provides financial management oversight and support to the operation of the Agency’s Working Capital Fund.

Mail code: 2733R | EPA mailing addresses
Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OFM Leadership

Steve Silzer, Director

Meshell Jones-Peeler, Acting Deputy Director

Office of Technology Solutions (OTS)

What We Do

The Office of Technology Solutions has responsibility for information technology planning, standard setting, and development and deployment of financial and resources management systems for the Agency. This includes all aspects of formulating and overseeing implementation of a strategic approach to technology investment planning, budgeting, and resource allocation for financial systems and development and implementation of financial systems and policies that effectively support achievement of EPA’s environmental mission.

Mail code: 2731A | EPA mailing addresses
Location: EPA Headquarters at Washington, D.C. Federal Triangle campus

OTS Leadership

Quentin Jones, Director
Robert Hill, Deputy Director

Office of Financial Services (OFS)

What We Do

The Office of Financial Services (OFS) provides financial payment and support services for EPA through three finance centers, located in Ohio, Nevada, and North Carolina. OFS makes payments to and processes receivables from federal agencies; collects fines and penalties; provides financial administration of contracts and grants and related disbursements; manages fiscal and accounting services for areas such as commercial pay, travel, interagency agreements, payroll support services, EPA's working capital fund, and cash management; and performs specialized fiscal and accounting services for many EPA programs. OFS is also home to the Federal Employee Relocation Center, which counsels EPA and external federal employees who are relocating to another federal job.

Programs and projects managed by OFS


OFS Leadership

Jeanne Conklin, Director
Richard Gray, Acting Deputy Director, Operations
Leo Gueriguian, Acting Deputy Director, Strategic Planning and Oversight

Office of Resource and Information Management (ORIM)

What We Do

The Office of Resource and Information Management (ORIM) leads OCFO’s internal programs and stewardship initiatives to assure that its programs and resources are managed with integrity, customer service, and effectiveness. Specifically, ORIM manages OCFO's national program budget formulation and execution, human resources and information resources management programs, evaluation and reviews, audit follow up, records management, and correspondence control.

Mail code: 2710A | EPA mailing addresses

ORIM Leadership

Ruth-Alene Soward, Director
Kimberly Dubbs, Deputy Director

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