Engineers for a Sustainable World

Stanford University


About ESW Stanford

We are the Stanford Chapter of the national organisation Engineers for a Sustainable World (ESW Stanford). We are also a student-lead affiliate of the Haas Center for Public Service.

Our goal is to inspire students to engage with local and global challenges surrounding engineering, sustainability, and social impact, in order to foster a deeper understanding of our identities as Stanford engineers and the potential of engineering to promote social change.

By working closely with our partners locally and around the world, we strive to establish lasting relationships that empower communities to pursue engineering challenges while creating an opportunity for Stanford students to learn about and critically reflect on what it means to engage in service as an engineer.




International Projects

ESW enables students to work on our international projects through a two-quarter class sequence, in which they learn the basics of ethical international service and get to work on real-world engineering problems in developing countries.


Local Initiatives

ESW's local initiatives provide many opportunities for students to get involved, whether you are interested the future of the sustainability and renewable energy industry, or want to engage in service-learning activities as an engineer.


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