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Fiorenza Micheli (Professor)

Fiorenza Micheli (831) 655-6251
Personal bio
Fiorenza Micheli is a marine ecologist and conservation biologist. She graduated from the University of Florence, Italy. She obtained her PhD in the US from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1995. She was then a postdoctoral researcher at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS), in Santa Barbara, California, and she has been part of the faculty of the Biology Department at Stanford University since 2001. Dr Micheliâ??s research focuses on the processes shaping marine communities and incorporating this understanding in the management and conservation of marine ecosystems. Dr Micheli is a member of the Science Advisory Committee for the WWF (Rome, Italy), of the the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Research Activity Panel, and of the Center for Ocean Solutions, in Monterey, California. She is a Pew fellow in marine conservation, a fellow of the California Academy of Sciences and of the Aldo Leopold Leadership Program. Web pages: http://micheli.stanford.edu/; http://www-marine.stanford.edu/micheli.htm.

Currently teaching
BIOHOPK 172H: Marine Ecology: From Organisms to Ecosystems (Winter)
BIOHOPK 272H: Marine Ecology: From Organisms to Ecosystems (Winter)
BIOHOPK 43: Plant Biology, Evolution, and Ecology (Spring)
BIOHOPK 44Y: Core Laboratory in Plant Biology, Ecology and Evolution (Spring)
BIOS 246: Introduction to Meta-Analysis (Spring)
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