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Terry L. Root (Emeritus Faculty)

Terry L. Root (650) 736-1296
Personal bio
Dr. Root�??s research has focused on the possible consequences of global warming on wildlife and plants, demonstrating that both flora and fauna have already begun to shift their ranges toward the poles and higher elevations, and to shift spring events, such as blooming and migration arrival, earlier. She is also working at the science-management and policy level to identify measures that will help species survive in our warming climate. Root is well known for her capacity to reach decision-makers and the general public, having published extensively and received several awards, including being part of the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with former Vice President Al Gore. Dr. Root is a Professor, by courtesy, in the Biology Department and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute for the Environment at Stanford University, and a fellow at the California Academy of Sciences. She earned her undergraduate degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of New Mexico, her master�??s degree in Biology from the University of Colorado and her doctorate in Biology from Princeton University.

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