Course Evaluation Customization Form

Viewing: EDUC 200A, section 02

Term: 1162 - Fall 2015
Instructor: Thille

Learning Goals

In a research article, identify the research questions, research hypotheses, and justification for the study.

How well did you achieve this learning goal in this course?

Describe the design and sampling approach used in a research study.

How well did you achieve this learning goal in this course?

Describe the characteristics, role and meaning of variables in a study.

How well did you achieve this learning goal in this course?

Describe the logic of hypothesis testing and state the null and alternative hypotheses for t-tests and ANOVA.

How well did you achieve this learning goal in this course?

Describe the logic of hypothesis testing and state the null and alternative hypotheses for correlation analysis and multiple regression analyses.
How well did you achieve this learning goal in this course?

Interpret the results of t-tests and ANOVA and draw conclusions in context.
How well did you achieve this learning goal in this course?

Interpret the results of correlation analysis and multiple regression analyses and draw conclusions in context.

How well did you achieve this learning goal in this course?

Assess claims made in research studies and Identify potential threats to design validity (internal, external, construct, statistical conclusion).
How well did you achieve this learning goal in this course?

Course Elements

How useful to you were the in-class discussions?

How useful to you were the lectures?

How useful to you were the writing assignments?

What was the quality of OLI200A Courseware?

What was the quality of PollEverywhere (in class polls)?

What was the quality of Supplemental material posted on CANVAS?

Additional Questions

What aspects of the course best supported your learning?

Other comments that you think would improve the course.

Being a TA is part of PhD student's professional development in the GSE. Please give us your feedback on any or all of the TAS with whom you interacted this quarter. (Elisa Garcia, Rob Semmens, Andrew Wild). Make sure to specify the name of the TA with your comment.

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