Course Evaluation Customization Form

Viewing: ME 243, section 01

Term: 1162 - Fall 2015
Instructor: Karanian

Learning Goals

-Develop a deeper understanding of others
-Develop abilities to analyze diverse and complex problems using applied psychology and design methods
-Creative expression of the past and present to imagine and potentially predict future experiences.
-Qualitatively and sometimes quantifiably define problem space in preliminary co-imagining and building prototypes.

How well did you achieve this learning goal in this course?

Course Elements

How useful to you were the in-class discussions?

How useful to you were the group work activities?

How useful to you were the guest speakers?

How useful to you were the readings?

What was the quality of in-class practice exercises, simulations, and student participation?

Additional Questions

What is one specific memorable moment - something you did, heard, said, or saw- that will have a lasting impression on you?

Process Comments:

Key: 572
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