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Undergraduate Program in African and African American Studies

The Program in African and African American Studies (AAAS), established in 1969, was the first ethnic studies program developed at Stanford University and the first African and African American Studies program at a private institution in the U.S. The AAAS program provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the study of peoples of African descent as a central component of American culture, offering a course of study that promotes research across disciplinary and departmental boundaries as well as providing research training and community service learning opportunities for undergraduates. It has developed an extensive network of Stanford scholars who work in race studies specific to AAAS and in concert with the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity.

AAAS encourages an interdisciplinary program of study drawn from fields including anthropology, art, art history, economics,education, drama, history, languages, linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology. The program emphasizes rigorous and creative scholarship and research, and fosters close academic advising with a faculty adviser, the AAAS Associate Director, and the Director.

AAAS is an interdisciplinary program (IDP) affiliated with the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE) and offers a major independent of it. CCSRE offers additional majors in Asian American Studies, Chicana/o Studies, Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity, and Native American Studies.

The Interdisciplinary Program in African and African American Studies (AAAS) provides students the opportunity to structure a major or minor with a core curriculum designed to develop a comparative and multidisciplinary understanding of the experiences and communities on the continent of Africa and African Americans within a broader global, diasporic dialogue. Additionally, majors or minors can focus their course work in one of eleven thematic concentrations.

The directors of the program and the advisory board constitute the AAAS curriculum committee, the policy making body for the interdisciplinary program. 

Mission Statement for the Undergraduate Program in African and African American Studies

The mission of the undergraduate program in African and African American Studies is to provide students with an interdisciplinary introduction to the study of people of African descent as a central component of American culture. Courses in the major promote research across disciplinary and departmental boundaries as well as provide students with research training and community service learning opportunities. Courses of study are drawn from anthropology, art, art history, economics, education, drama, history, languages, linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology among others. The program provides an intellectual background for students considering graduate school or professional careers.

Learning Outcomes (Undergraduate)

The department expects undergraduate majors in the program to be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes. These learning outcomes are used in evaluating students and the program's undergraduate program. Students are expected to demonstrate:

  1. an interdisciplinary understanding of scholarship related to the African diaspora and Africa, drawing on interdisciplinary course work and each student's individualized concentration.
  2. the ability to identify and critically assess different disciplinary, methodological, and interpretive approaches to the study of African Americans, Africans, and/or people of the African diaspora.
  3. an understanding of comparative approaches to race.
  4. skills in disciplinary methods necessary for their study.
  5. the ability to express their interpretive and analytical arguments in clear, effective prose. 

Bachelor of Arts in African and African American Studies

Core Curriculum

All core courses taken for the major must be taken for a letter grade.


Majors must complete a total of 60 units, consisting of the following:

  1. One of two required courses:
    1. AFRICAAM 43 Introduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature (5 units), or
    2. AFRICAAM 105 Introduction to African and African American Studies (5 units)
  2. One Social Science course from AAAS approved core course list. (5 units)
  3. One Humanities course from AAAS approved core course list. (5 units)
  4. One course in African Studies. (5 units)
  5. AFRICAAM 200X Honors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar - WIM. (5 units)
  6. 35 units of AAAS core and related courses

Students also work closely with a faculty adviser, the AAAS associate director, and the AAAS director in developing a coherent thematic emphasis within their major that reflects their scholarly interests in the field.

Thematic Emphasis

AAAS majors select a thematic emphasis. Selecting an emphasis allows students to customize their curriculum and synthesize coursework taken across various departments and programs into a coherent focus. Emphases offered include (but are not limited to):

Core Courses

AFRICAAM 16NAfrican Americans and Social Movements3
AFRICAAM 19Studies in Music, Media, and Popular Culture: The Soul Tradition in African American Music3-4
AFRICAAM 21African American Vernacular English3-5
AFRICAAM 30The Egyptians3-5
AFRICAAM 31RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora1
AFRICAAM 32The 5th Element: Hip Hop Knowledge, Pedagogy, and Social Justice1-5
AFRICAAM 43Introduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature5
AFRICAAM 47History of South Africa3
AFRICAAM 48QSouth Africa: Contested Transitions4
AFRICAAM 50B19th Century America3
AFRICAAM 54NAfrican American Women's Lives3-4
AFRICAAM 64CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now!: African American History, 1865-19653
AFRICAAM 75EBlack Cinema2
AFRICAAM 105Introduction to African and African American Studies5
AFRICAAM 116Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
AFRICAAM 123Great Works of the African American Tradition5
AFRICAAM 147History of South Africa5
AFRICAAM 152GHarlem Renaissance and Modernism5
AFRICAAM 156Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
AFRICAAM 159James Baldwin & Twentieth Century Literature5
AFRICAAM 166Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle3-5
AFRICAAM 181QAlternative Viewpoints: Black Independent Film4
AFRICAAM 189Black Life and Death in the Neoliberal Era5
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 200YHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 200ZHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 226Mixed-Race Politics and Culture5
AFRICAAM 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
AFRICAAM 262DAfrican American Poetics5
AFRICAAM 267EMartin Luther King, Jr. - His Life, Ideas, and Legacy4-5
AFRICAST 72SIConflict in the Congo1-2
AFRICAST 109Running While Others Walk: African Perspectives on Development5
AFRICAST 111Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa5
AFRICAST 112AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa5
AFRICAST 115South African Encounters1
AFRICAST 127African Art and Politics, c. 1900 - Present4
AFRICAST 135Designing Research-Based Interventions to Solve Global Health Problems3-4
AFRICAST 138Conflict and Reconciliation in Africa: International Intervention3-5
AFRICAST 139AForgotten Africa: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa5
AFRICAST 141AScience, Technology, and Medicine in Africa4
AFRICAST 142Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs Advancing Democracy, Development and Justice3-5
AFRICAST 151AIDS in Africa3
AFRICAST 190Madagascar Prefield Seminar1-2
AFRICAST 195Back from Africa Workshop1-2
AFRICAST 199Independent Study or Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAST 200The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Tanzania: A Pre-Field Seminar1
AFRICAST 209Running While Others Walk: African Perspectives on Development5
AFRICAST 211Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa5
AFRICAST 212AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa5
AFRICAST 224Memory and Heritage In South Africa Syllabus1
AFRICAST 235Designing Research-Based Interventions to Solve Global Health Problems3-4
AFRICAST 299Independent Study or Directed Reading1-10
AFRICAST 301AThe Dynamics of Change in Africa4-5
AMSTUD 166Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle3-5
AMSTUD 261EMixed Race Literature in the U.S. and South Africa5
AMSTUD 262CAfrican American Literature and the Retreat of Jim Crow5
AMSTUD 262DAfrican American Poetics5
ARCHLGY 139AForgotten Africa: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa5
ARTHIST 127AAfrican Art and Politics, c. 1900 - Present4
ARTHIST 178Ethnicity and Dissent in United States Art and Literature4
COMPLIT 145BAfrica in Atlantic Writing3-5
HISTORY 45BAfrica in the Twentieth Century3
HISTORY 47History of South Africa3
HISTORY 48QSouth Africa: Contested Transitions4
HISTORY 54NAfrican American Women's Lives3-4
HISTORY 145BAfrica in the 20th Century5
HISTORY 164CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now: African American History, 1865-19655
HISTORY 166Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle3-5
HISTORY 245GLaw and Colonialism in Africa4-5
HISTORY 254DLaw, Slavery, and Race5
HISTORY 267EMartin Luther King, Jr. - His Life, Ideas, and Legacy4-5
LINGUIST 152Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies2-4
LINGUIST 252Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies2-4
MUSIC 147JStudies in Music, Media, and Popular Culture: The Soul Tradition in African American Music3-4
OSPMADRD 31Hip Hop Madrid: La Globalizacion de la Cultura, Arte, y Politica de Hip Hop3
POLISCI 146AAfrican Politics4-5
POLISCI 246PThe Dynamics of Change in Africa4-5
SOC 16NAfrican Americans and Social Movements3
SOC 149The Urban Underclass4
TAPS 32The 5th Element: Hip Hop Knowledge, Pedagogy, and Social Justice1-5
TAPS 181QAlternative Viewpoints: Black Independent Film4

Directed Reading and Research

Directed reading and research allows students to focus on a special topic of interest. In organizing a reading or research plan, the student consults with the director of the major and one or more faculty members specializing in the area or discipline.

Courses that fulfill directed reading and research requirements:

AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5

Senior Seminar

Research and writing of the senior honors thesis or senior paper is under the supervision of a faculty project adviser. All majors in the IDP in AAAS, even those who opt to write honors theses in other departments and programs, must enroll in AFRICAAM 200X Honors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar, offered in Autumn Quarter. The course takes students through the process of researching an honors thesis, including conceptualization, development of prospectus, development of theses, research, analysis, and finally the process of drafting and writing. This course meets the Writing in the Major requirement (WIM). 

Honors Program for Majors in African and African American Studies

The honors program offers an opportunity to do independent research for a senior thesis. It is open to majors who have maintained a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5 in the major and 3.3 overall. The honors thesis is intended to enable students to synthesize skills to produce a document or project demonstrating a measure of competence in their specialty.

The honors program begins with a proposal describing the project that is approved by the faculty adviser and AAAS directors. Students are required to identify both a faculty adviser and a second reader for the thesis project. The faculty adviser for the honors thesis must be an academic council faculty member and affiliated faculty of the student's major. 

Honors students must enroll in AFRICAAM 200X Honors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar which fulfills the program's WIM requirement, during Autumn Quarter of the senior year and may take up to an additional 10 units of honors work (AFRICAAM 200Y Honors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research and AFRICAAM 200Z Honors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research) to be distributed across Winter and Spring quarters of senior year to continue their access to peer and faculty support as they write their theses. Students must complete their theses with a grade of 'B+' to receive honors in AAAS.

In May of the senior year, honors students are afforded an opportunity to present their research formally. Prizes for best undergraduate honors thesis are awarded annually by the Program in African and African American Studies.

Thematic Emphasis

AAAS majors select a thematic emphasis. Selecting an emphasis allows students to customize their curriculum and synthesize course work taken across various departments and programs into a coherent focus. Emphases offered include; for faster navigation click on the links to the right:

Thematic Emphasis in Africa

Students in the African and African American Studies major can choose a concentration in Africa. The Thematic Emphasis in Africa concentration is designed to investigate how individual African states' domestic and foreign policy, law, history, culture, and society are formed within conversations, debates, policies and studies. Issues of immigration, citizenship, empire and expansion, defense, diplomacy, human rights, public welfare, social justice and law, educational rights and other topics are explored.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Africa concentration.

AFRICAAM 24Introduction to Dance in the African Diaspora4
AFRICAAM 30The Egyptians3-5
AFRICAAM 31RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora1
AFRICAAM 47History of South Africa3
AFRICAAM 48QSouth Africa: Contested Transitions4
AFRICAAM 87Egyptomania! The Allure of Ancient Egypt Over the Past 3,500 Years5
AFRICAAM 111AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa5
AFRICAAM 115South African Encounters1
AFRICAAM 133Literature and Society in Africa and the Caribbean4
AFRICAAM 145BAfrica in the 20th Century5
AFRICAAM 146AAfrican Politics4-5
AFRICAAM 147History of South Africa5
AFRICAAM 148Africa in Atlantic Writing3-5
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 200YHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 200ZHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 261EMixed Race Literature in the U.S. and South Africa5
AFRICAST 72SIConflict in the Congo1-2
AFRICAST 109Running While Others Walk: African Perspectives on Development5
AFRICAST 111Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa5
AFRICAST 112AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa5
AFRICAST 115South African Encounters1
AFRICAST 127African Art and Politics, c. 1900 - Present4
AFRICAST 135Designing Research-Based Interventions to Solve Global Health Problems3-4
AFRICAST 138Conflict and Reconciliation in Africa: International Intervention3-5
AFRICAST 139AForgotten Africa: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa5
AFRICAST 141AScience, Technology, and Medicine in Africa4
AFRICAST 142Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs Advancing Democracy, Development and Justice3-5
AFRICAST 151AIDS in Africa3
AFRICAST 190Madagascar Prefield Seminar1-2
AFRICAST 195Back from Africa Workshop1-2
AFRICAST 199Independent Study or Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAST 200The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Tanzania: A Pre-Field Seminar1
AFRICAST 209Running While Others Walk: African Perspectives on Development5
AFRICAST 211Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa5
AFRICAST 212AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa5
AFRICAST 224Memory and Heritage In South Africa Syllabus1
AFRICAST 235Designing Research-Based Interventions to Solve Global Health Problems3-4
AFRICAST 299Independent Study or Directed Reading1-10
AFRICAST 301AThe Dynamics of Change in Africa4-5
AMSTUD 261EMixed Race Literature in the U.S. and South Africa5
ANTHRO 27NEthnicity and Violence: Anthropological Perspectives3-5
ANTHRO 138BUrban Africa5
ANTHRO 139Ethnography of Africa5
ANTHRO 139AForgotten Africa: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa5
ANTHRO 140Ethnography of Africa3
ANTHRO 141AScience, Technology, and Medicine in Africa4
ANTHRO 185Medical Anthropology of Contemporary Africa5
ANTHRO 187AThe Anthropology of Race, Nature, and Animality5
ANTHRO 239Ethnography of Africa5
ANTHRO 241The State in Africa5
ANTHRO 285Medical Anthropology of Contemporary Africa5
ARCHLGY 139AForgotten Africa: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa5
ARTHIST 127AAfrican Art and Politics, c. 1900 - Present4
ARTHIST 192BArt of the African Diaspora4
CLASSICS 87Egyptomania! The Allure of Ancient Egypt Over the Past 3,500 Years5
COMPLIT 145BAfrica in Atlantic Writing3-5
DANCE 24Introduction to Dance in the African Diaspora4
DANCE 26Dance and at the African Diaspora4
HISTORY 45BAfrica in the Twentieth Century3
HISTORY 47History of South Africa3
HISTORY 48QSouth Africa: Contested Transitions4
HISTORY 50AColonial and Revolutionary America3
HISTORY 106AGlobal Human Geography: Asia and Africa5
HISTORY 145BAfrica in the 20th Century5
HISTORY 146History of Humanitarian Aid in sub-Saharan Africa4-5
HISTORY 147History of South Africa5
HISTORY 244Egyptomania! The Allure of Ancient Egypt Over the Past 3,500 Years5
HISTORY 245Violence and Identity in the African Great Lakes Region4-5
HISTORY 245GLaw and Colonialism in Africa4-5
HISTORY 247Violence in African History: Conflict and Healing in sub-Saharan Africa4-5
HISTORY 248SColonial States and African Societies, Part I4-5
HISTORY 249SColonial States and African Societies, Part II4-5
ILAC 219Lusophone Africa3-5
LINGUIST 252Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies2-4
POLISCI 11NThe Rwandan Genocide3
POLISCI 146AAfrican Politics4-5
POLISCI 242AWhy is Africa Poor?,Civil War and Peace Processes5
POLISCI 246PThe Dynamics of Change in Africa4-5

Thematic Concentration in African Americans

Students in the African and African American Studies major can choose a concentration in African Americans. The Thematic Concentration in African Americans concentration is designed to explore the historical and contemporary experiences of African Americans. Attention is paid to the interactions between the social, economic, cultural, historical, linguistic, genetic, geopolitical, ecological, and biomedical factors that shape and have shaped African American society.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the African American concentration.

AFRICAAM 16NAfrican Americans and Social Movements3
AFRICAAM 18AJazz History: Ragtime to Bebop, 1900-19403
AFRICAAM 18BJazz History: Bebop to Present, 1940-Present3
AFRICAAM 19Studies in Music, Media, and Popular Culture: The Soul Tradition in African American Music3-4
AFRICAAM 20AJazz Theory3
AFRICAAM 21African American Vernacular English3-5
AFRICAAM 24Introduction to Dance in the African Diaspora4
AFRICAAM 31RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora1
AFRICAAM 43Introduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature5
AFRICAAM 50B19th Century America3
AFRICAAM 54NAfrican American Women's Lives3-4
AFRICAAM 64CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now!: African American History, 1865-19653
AFRICAAM 75EBlack Cinema2
AFRICAAM 105Introduction to African and African American Studies5
AFRICAAM 116Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
AFRICAAM 121XHip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language3-4
AFRICAAM 123Great Works of the African American Tradition5
AFRICAAM 125VThe Voting Rights Act5
AFRICAAM 150B19th-Century America5
AFRICAAM 152GHarlem Renaissance and Modernism5
AFRICAAM 154Black Feminist Theory5
AFRICAAM 156Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
AFRICAAM 158Black Queer Theory5
AFRICAAM 166Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle3-5
AFRICAAM 181QAlternative Viewpoints: Black Independent Film4
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 200YHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 200ZHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 226Mixed-Race Politics and Culture5
AFRICAAM 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
AFRICAAM 254DLaw, Slavery, and Race5
AFRICAAM 262DAfrican American Poetics5
AFRICAAM 267EMartin Luther King, Jr. - His Life, Ideas, and Legacy4-5
AFRICAST 142Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs Advancing Democracy, Development and Justice3-5
AMSTUD 15Global Flows: The Globalization of Hip Hop Art, Culture, and Politics1-2
AMSTUD 50NThe Literature of Inequality: Have and Have-Nots from the Gilded Age to the Occupy Era3
AMSTUD 51QComparative Fictions of Ethnicity4
AMSTUD 101American Fiction into Film: How Hollywood Scripts and Projects Black and White Relations3-5
AMSTUD 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
AMSTUD 121XHip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language3-4
AMSTUD 164CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now: African American History, 1865-19655
AMSTUD 166Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle3-5
AMSTUD 201History of Education in the United States3-5
AMSTUD 214The American 1960s: Thought, Protest, and Culture5
AMSTUD 226Race and Racism in American Politics5
AMSTUD 255DRacial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
AMSTUD 261EMixed Race Literature in the U.S. and South Africa5
AMSTUD 262CAfrican American Literature and the Retreat of Jim Crow5
AMSTUD 262DAfrican American Poetics5
ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
ARTHIST 178Ethnicity and Dissent in United States Art and Literature4
COMPLIT 290Human Rights in a Global Frame: Race, Place, Redress, Resistance3-5
DANCE 31Chocolate Heads Performance2
DANCE 45Dance Improvisation Techniques and Strategies Lab: From Hip Hop to Contact2
DANCE 60The Evolution of Hip Hop and the Dance Stage: From Broadway to Hollywood and MTV1
EDUC 193CPsychological Well-Being On Campus: Perspectives Of The Black Diaspora1
EDUC 216Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
ENGLISH 68NMark Twain and American Culture4
HISTORY 11WService-Learning Workshop on Issues of Education Equity1
HISTORY 50AColonial and Revolutionary America3
HISTORY 50B19th Century America3
HISTORY 50CThe United States in the Twentieth Century3
HISTORY 54NAfrican American Women's Lives3-4
HISTORY 74SSounds of the Century: Popular Music and the United States in the 20th Century5
HISTORY 150B19th-Century America5
HISTORY 150CThe United States in the Twentieth Century5
HISTORY 158BHistory of Education in the United States3-5
HISTORY 164CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now: African American History, 1865-19655
HISTORY 166Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle3-5
HISTORY 167AMartin Luther King, Jr. and the Global Freedom Struggle3-5
HISTORY 254DLaw, Slavery, and Race5
HISTORY 255EEducation, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
HISTORY 267EMartin Luther King, Jr. - His Life, Ideas, and Legacy4-5
HUMBIO 121EEthnicity and Medicine1-3
HUMBIO 122SSocial Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health4
LAWGEN 114QDilemmas of Regulating Race and Inequality in American Society3
LINGUIST 65African American Vernacular English3-5
LINGUIST 152Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies2-4
LINGUIST 252Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies2-4
MUSIC 20AJazz Theory3
MUSIC 147JStudies in Music, Media, and Popular Culture: The Soul Tradition in African American Music3-4
MUSIC 186AMusic and Religious Experience in the Contemporary World3-5
MUSIC 286AMusic and Religious Experience in the Contemporary World3-5
POLISCI 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
POLISCI 125VThe Voting Rights Act5
POLISCI 226Race and Racism in American Politics5
PSYCH 29NGrowing Up in America3
PSYCH 183SPARQshop: Social Psychological Answers to Real-world Questions2
PSYCH 215Mind, Culture, and Society3
PUBLPOL 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
SOC 16NAfrican Americans and Social Movements3
SOC 45QUnderstanding Race and Ethnicity in American Society4
SOC 145Race and Ethnic Relations in the USA4
SOC 149The Urban Underclass4
TAPS 32The 5th Element: Hip Hop Knowledge, Pedagogy, and Social Justice1-5
TAPS 176SFinding Meaning in Life's Struggles: Narrative Ways of Healing5
TAPS 181QAlternative Viewpoints: Black Independent Film4
URBANST 112The Urban Underclass4

Thematic Concentration in Class

Students in the African and African American Studies major can choose a concentration in Class. The Thematic Concentration in Class concentration is designed to explore the cultural, social, legal, and political construction of racial and ethnic differences in African and/or African American history, while examining the historical specificity of markets, money, property, and labor relations and explores the interdependence between the economy and politics, society, and culture.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Class concentration.

AFRICAAM 16NAfrican Americans and Social Movements3
AFRICAAM 54NAfrican American Women's Lives3-4
AFRICAAM 64CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now!: African American History, 1865-19653
AFRICAAM 154Black Feminist Theory5
AFRICAAM 156Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 226Mixed-Race Politics and Culture5
AFRICAAM 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
AFRICAAM 254DLaw, Slavery, and Race5
AFRICAAM 255Racial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
AFRICAST 111Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa5
AFRICAST 211Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa5
ANTHRO 145Race and Power5
ANTHRO 245Race and Power5
ARTHIST 178Ethnicity and Dissent in United States Art and Literature4
EDUC 232Culture, Learning, and Poverty2-3
EDUC 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
HISTORY 47History of South Africa3
HISTORY 50AColonial and Revolutionary America3
HISTORY 164CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now: African American History, 1865-19655
HISTORY 248SColonial States and African Societies, Part I4-5
HISTORY 254DLaw, Slavery, and Race5
HUMBIO 122SSocial Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health4
LAWGEN 114QDilemmas of Regulating Race and Inequality in American Society3
POLISCI 242AWhy is Africa Poor?,Civil War and Peace Processes5
POLISCI 246PThe Dynamics of Change in Africa4-5
PSYCH 29NGrowing Up in America3
PSYCH 183SPARQshop: Social Psychological Answers to Real-world Questions2
SOC 45QUnderstanding Race and Ethnicity in American Society4
SOC 135Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in the United States3
SOC 140Introduction to Social Stratification3
SOC 148Comparative Ethnic Conflict4
SOC 149The Urban Underclass4
URBANST 112The Urban Underclass4

Thematic Concentration in Diaspora

Students in the African and African American Studies major can choose a concentration in the Diaspora. The Thematic Concentration in Diaspora concentration is designed to explore the exchanges among peoples and cultures from the continent of Africa and their global impact through symbolic, aesthetic and empirical exchanges (i.e. trade, travel, exploration, and migration). This concentration will also examine comparisons, connections and genealogical relations among geographically dispersed cases in order to consider past and present African identities in their global contexts.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Diaspora concentration.

AFRICAAM 21African American Vernacular English3-5
AFRICAAM 31RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora1
AFRICAAM 115South African Encounters1
AFRICAAM 126BCurricular Public Policies for the Recognition of Afro-Brazilians and Indigenous Population3-4
AFRICAAM 133Literature and Society in Africa and the Caribbean4
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 290Human Rights in a Global Frame: Race, Place, Redress, Resistance3-5
AFRICAST 138Conflict and Reconciliation in Africa: International Intervention3-5
AFRICAST 139AForgotten Africa: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa5
AMSTUD 261EMixed Race Literature in the U.S. and South Africa5
ANTHRO 27NEthnicity and Violence: Anthropological Perspectives3-5
ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
ANTHRO 121AHip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language3-4
ANTHRO 138Medical Ethics in a Global World: Examining Race, Difference and Power in the Research Enterprise5
ANTHRO 139Ethnography of Africa5
ANTHRO 139AForgotten Africa: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa5
ANTHRO 141AScience, Technology, and Medicine in Africa4
ANTHRO 239Ethnography of Africa5
ARTHIST 127AAfrican Art and Politics, c. 1900 - Present4
ARTHIST 192BArt of the African Diaspora4
COMPLIT 145BAfrica in Atlantic Writing3-5
COMPLIT 290Human Rights in a Global Frame: Race, Place, Redress, Resistance3-5
DANCE 24Introduction to Dance in the African Diaspora4
DANCE 26Dance and at the African Diaspora4
DANCE 106Choreography Project: Dancing, Recollected1
HISTORY 48QSouth Africa: Contested Transitions4
HISTORY 50AColonial and Revolutionary America3
HISTORY 106AGlobal Human Geography: Asia and Africa5
HISTORY 249SColonial States and African Societies, Part II4-5
HISTORY 254DLaw, Slavery, and Race5
LINGUIST 152Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies2-4
TAPS 181QAlternative Viewpoints: Black Independent Film4

Thematic Concentration in Education

Students in the African and African American Studies major can choose a concentration in Education. The Thematic Concentration in Education concentration is designed to explore the history, policy, and practice in education to understand how issues of race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, culture, and language shape educational opportunity. The goal of the concentration is to develop an understanding of the core issues facing educators and policy makers so that students may learn how they can contribute to the social and political discourse surrounding issues of education and opportunity policy.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Diaspora concentration.

AFRICAAM 31RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora1
AFRICAAM 32The 5th Element: Hip Hop Knowledge, Pedagogy, and Social Justice1-5
AFRICAAM 106Race, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices3-5
AFRICAAM 112Urban Education3-4
AFRICAAM 116Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
AFRICAAM 130Community-based Research As Tool for Social Change:Discourses of Equity in Communities & Classrooms3-5
AFRICAAM 165Race, Athletics and College Achievement3
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 200YHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 200ZHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 233ACounseling Theories and Interventions from a Multicultural Perspective3-5
AFRICAAM 267EMartin Luther King, Jr. - His Life, Ideas, and Legacy4-5
AFRICAST 111Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa5
AFRICAST 112AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa5
AFRICAST 135Designing Research-Based Interventions to Solve Global Health Problems3-4
AFRICAST 141AScience, Technology, and Medicine in Africa4
AFRICAST 211Education for All? The Global and Local in Public Policy Making in Africa5
AFRICAST 212AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa5
AMSTUD 164CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now: African American History, 1865-19655
AMSTUD 201History of Education in the United States3-5
AMSTUD 226Race and Racism in American Politics5
ANTHRO 121AHip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language3-4
EDUC 12SCHip Hop as a Universal Language2
EDUC 103BRace, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices3-5
EDUC 110Sociology of Education: The Social Organization of Schools4
EDUC 165History of Higher Education in the U.S.3-5
EDUC 193CPsychological Well-Being On Campus: Perspectives Of The Black Diaspora1
EDUC 201History of Education in the United States3-5
EDUC 216Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
EDUC 232Culture, Learning, and Poverty2-3
EDUC 243Writing Across Languages and Cultures: Research in Writing and Writing Instruction3-5
EDUC 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
EDUC 322Community-based Research As Tool for Social Change:Discourses of Equity in Communities & Classrooms3-5
HISTORY 11WService-Learning Workshop on Issues of Education Equity1
HISTORY 64Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Modern America4-5
HISTORY 158BHistory of Education in the United States3-5
HISTORY 255EEducation, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
LINGUIST 65African American Vernacular English3-5
LINGUIST 152Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies2-4
LINGUIST 252Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies2-4
SOC 132Sociology of Education: The Social Organization of Schools4
SOC 135Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in the United States3
TAPS 32The 5th Element: Hip Hop Knowledge, Pedagogy, and Social Justice1-5

Thematic Concentration in Gender

Students in the African and African American Studies major can choose a concentration in Gender. The Thematic Concentration in Gender concentration is designed to explore the historical and contemporary experiences and histories of women or men among the cultures from the continent of Africa and the diaspora. Students also explore how these how societies organize gender roles, relations, and identities, and how these intersect with other hierarchies of power, such as class, race, nationality, ethnicity, sexuality, disability and age.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Gender concentration.

AFRICAAM 16NAfrican Americans and Social Movements3
AFRICAAM 31RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora1
AFRICAAM 43Introduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature5
AFRICAAM 54NAfrican American Women's Lives3-4
AFRICAAM 145APoetics and Politics of Caribbean Women's Literature5
AFRICAAM 154Black Feminist Theory5
AFRICAAM 158Black Queer Theory5
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
AFRICAAM 255Racial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
AMSTUD 178Ethnicity and Dissent in United States Art and Literature4
AMSTUD 201History of Education in the United States3-5
ANTHRO 135HConversations in CSRE: Case Studies in the Stanford Community1-2
ANTHRO 135ICSRE House Seminar: Race and Ethnicity at Stanford1-2
ANTHRO 187AThe Anthropology of Race, Nature, and Animality5
ARTHIST 162Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Art4
ARTHIST 178Ethnicity and Dissent in United States Art and Literature4
CSRE 144Transforming Self and Systems: Crossing Borders of Race, Nation, Gender, Sexuality, and Class5
EDUC 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
FEMGEN 154Black Feminist Theory5
HISTORY 54NAfrican American Women's Lives3-4
HISTORY 74SSounds of the Century: Popular Music and the United States in the 20th Century5
HISTORY 145BAfrica in the 20th Century5
HISTORY 158BHistory of Education in the United States3-5
HISTORY 255DRacial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
LINGUIST 156Language and Gender4
LINGUIST 256Language, Gender and Sexuality1-4
PSYCH 183SPARQshop: Social Psychological Answers to Real-world Questions2
SOC 16NAfrican Americans and Social Movements3
SOC 140Introduction to Social Stratification3
SOC 142Sociology of Gender5

Thematic Concentration in Historical Period

Students in the African and African American Studies major can choose a concentration in Historical Period. The Thematic Concentration in Historical Period concentration is designed to explore African and/or African American history and politics from a multidisciplinary perspective.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Historical Period concentration.

AFRICAAM 18AJazz History: Ragtime to Bebop, 1900-19403
AFRICAAM 18BJazz History: Bebop to Present, 1940-Present3
AFRICAAM 30The Egyptians3-5
AFRICAAM 50B19th Century America3
AFRICAAM 64CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now!: African American History, 1865-19653
AFRICAAM 102Introduction to Public History and Public Service4-5
AFRICAAM 105Introduction to African and African American Studies5
AFRICAAM 107CThe Black Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and Antiquity4-5
AFRICAAM 116Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
AFRICAAM 145BAfrica in the 20th Century5
AFRICAAM 150B19th-Century America5
AFRICAAM 152GHarlem Renaissance and Modernism5
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 262DAfrican American Poetics5
AFRICAAM 267EMartin Luther King, Jr. - His Life, Ideas, and Legacy4-5
AFRICAST 139AForgotten Africa: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa5
AMSTUD 164CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now: African American History, 1865-19655
AMSTUD 166Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle3-5
AMSTUD 255DRacial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
AMSTUD 261EMixed Race Literature in the U.S. and South Africa5
AMSTUD 262CAfrican American Literature and the Retreat of Jim Crow5
EDUC 216Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
ENGLISH 68NMark Twain and American Culture4
HISTORY 45BAfrica in the Twentieth Century3
HISTORY 50AColonial and Revolutionary America3
HISTORY 50B19th Century America3
HISTORY 50CThe United States in the Twentieth Century3
HISTORY 54NAfrican American Women's Lives3-4
HISTORY 145BAfrica in the 20th Century5
HISTORY 147History of South Africa5
HISTORY 150B19th-Century America5
HISTORY 164CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now: African American History, 1865-19655
HISTORY 166Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle3-5
HISTORY 167AMartin Luther King, Jr. and the Global Freedom Struggle3-5
HISTORY 245GLaw and Colonialism in Africa4-5
HISTORY 247Violence in African History: Conflict and Healing in sub-Saharan Africa4-5
HISTORY 255EEducation, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
HISTORY 267EMartin Luther King, Jr. - His Life, Ideas, and Legacy4-5
MUSIC 18AJazz History: Ragtime to Bebop, 1900-19403
MUSIC 18BJazz History: Bebop to Present, 1940-Present3
SOC 119Understanding Large-Scale Societal Change: The Case of the 1960s5

Thematic Concentration in Identity, Diversity and Aesthetics (IDA)

The Identity, Diversity, and Aesthetics concentration is designed to be attainable and flexible within the AAAS major. Each quarter IDA offers a range of courses taught by IDA-affiliated faculty or Artists. A concentration typically requires 15 units in IDA-approved courses, which may include the senior honors thesis.

IDA Concentration students must also complete a senior creative project. Possible senior projects could include: a stage production, an album of music, a fiction or creative non-fiction piece, or an arts workshop curriculum for a community setting. Students who elect to write an honors thesis may incorporate their project as the basis for their thesis.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office and/or The Institute for Diversity in the Arts.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Identity, Diversity and Aesthetics (IDA) concentration.

AFRICAAM 8Conjure and Manifest: Building a Sustainable Artistic Practice3
AFRICAAM 18AJazz History: Ragtime to Bebop, 1900-19403
AFRICAAM 18BJazz History: Bebop to Present, 1940-Present3
AFRICAAM 19Studies in Music, Media, and Popular Culture: The Soul Tradition in African American Music3-4
AFRICAAM 20AJazz Theory3
AFRICAAM 24Introduction to Dance in the African Diaspora4
AFRICAAM 32The 5th Element: Hip Hop Knowledge, Pedagogy, and Social Justice1-5
AFRICAAM 36REPRESENT! Covering Race, Culture, and Identity In The Arts through Writing, Media, and Transmedia.5
AFRICAAM 37Chocolate Heads Movement Band Performance Workshop2
AFRICAAM 40Liquid Flow: Introduction to Contemporary Dance and Dance-making1
AFRICAAM 45Dance Improvisation Techniques and Strategies Lab: From Hip Hop to Contact2
AFRICAAM 52Introduction to Improvisation in Dance: From Salsa to Vodun to Tap Dance3-4
AFRICAAM 75EBlack Cinema2
AFRICAAM 103Dance, Text, Gesture: Performance and Composition1
AFRICAAM 121XHip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language3-4
AFRICAAM 122EArt in the Streets: Identity in Murals, Site-specific works, and Interventions in Public Spaces4
AFRICAAM 127ACan't Stop Won't Stop: A History Of The Hip-Hop Arts4
AFRICAAM 148Africa in Atlantic Writing3-5
AFRICAAM 152GHarlem Renaissance and Modernism5
AFRICAAM 156Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
AFRICAAM 159James Baldwin & Twentieth Century Literature5
AFRICAAM 176BDocumentary Fictions4
AFRICAAM 181QAlternative Viewpoints: Black Independent Film4
AFRICAAM 189Black Life and Death in the Neoliberal Era5
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 194Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: "We Gon Be Alright": Contemporary Black Rhetorics4
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 255Racial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
AFRICAAM 262DAfrican American Poetics5
AFRICAST 127African Art and Politics, c. 1900 - Present4
AMSTUD 15Global Flows: The Globalization of Hip Hop Art, Culture, and Politics1-2
AMSTUD 178Ethnicity and Dissent in United States Art and Literature4
AMSTUD 262DAfrican American Poetics5
ANTHRO 121AHip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language3-4
ARTHIST 127AAfrican Art and Politics, c. 1900 - Present4
ARTHIST 162Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Art4
ARTHIST 178Ethnicity and Dissent in United States Art and Literature4
ARTHIST 192BArt of the African Diaspora4
CSRE 51QComparative Fictions of Ethnicity4
CSRE 123AAmerican Indians and the Cinema5
CSRE 123BLiterature and Human Experimentation3-5
CSRE 127ACan't Stop Won't Stop: A History Of The Hip-Hop Arts4
CSRE 129BLiterature and Global Health3-5
CSRE 134Museum Cultures: Material Representation in the Past and Present3-5
CSRE 145BAfrica in Atlantic Writing3-5
CSRE 152Introduction to Improvisation in Dance: From Salsa to Vodun to Tap Dance3-4
CSRE 179GIndigenous Identity in Diaspora: People of Color Art Practice in North America3-5
DANCE 24Introduction to Dance in the African Diaspora4
DANCE 26Dance and at the African Diaspora4
DANCE 30Chocolate Heads Movement Band Performance Workshop2
DANCE 31Chocolate Heads Performance2
DANCE 39Intro/Beginning Contemporary Modern1
DANCE 45Dance Improvisation Techniques and Strategies Lab: From Hip Hop to Contact2
DANCE 58Beginning Hip Hop1
DANCE 60The Evolution of Hip Hop and the Dance Stage: From Broadway to Hollywood and MTV1
DANCE 103Dance, Text, Gesture: Performance and Composition1
DANCE 106Choreography Project: Dancing, Recollected1
DANCE 108Hip Hop Meets Broadway1
DANCE 118Developing Creativity In Dance2
DANCE 141Advanced Contemporary Modern Technique2
DANCE 152Introduction to Improvisation in Dance: From Salsa to Vodun to Tap Dance3-4
DANCE 197Dance in Prison: The Arts, Juvenile Justice, and Rehabilitation in America4
EDUC 12SCHip Hop as a Universal Language2
HISTORY 74SSounds of the Century: Popular Music and the United States in the 20th Century5
HISTORY 145BAfrica in the 20th Century5
ILAC 193The Cinema of Pedro Almodovar3-5
MUSIC 18AJazz History: Ragtime to Bebop, 1900-19403
MUSIC 18BJazz History: Bebop to Present, 1940-Present3
MUSIC 20AJazz Theory3
MUSIC 186AMusic and Religious Experience in the Contemporary World3-5
MUSIC 286AMusic and Religious Experience in the Contemporary World3-5
TAPS 32The 5th Element: Hip Hop Knowledge, Pedagogy, and Social Justice1-5
TAPS 151HID21 STRATLAB: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improvising Identities4-5
TAPS 152Introduction to Improvisation in Dance: From Salsa to Vodun to Tap Dance3-4
TAPS 156Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
TAPS 176SFinding Meaning in Life's Struggles: Narrative Ways of Healing5
TAPS 181QAlternative Viewpoints: Black Independent Film4

Thematic Concentration in Linguistics

Students in the African and African American Studies major can choose a concentration in Linguistics. The Thematic Concentration in Linguistics concentration is designed to explore the relationships between language, race and ethnicity across a wide range of social, cultural and educational contexts.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office. Students may obtain credit for the study of approved AAAS languages towards their degree. If students take 15 or more units of an approved language relevant to AAAS, they may apply 5 of those units toward their degree.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Linguistics concentration.

AFRICAAM 21African American Vernacular English3-5
AFRICAAM 121XHip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language3-4
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AMELANG 100ABeginning Amharic, First Quarter4
AMELANG 100BFirst-Year Amharic, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 100CFirst-Year Amharic, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 101ASecond-Year Amharic, First Quarter4
AMELANG 101BSecond-Year Amharic, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 101CSecond-Year Amharic, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 103AFirst-Year Hausa, First Quarter4
AMELANG 103BFirst-Year Hausa, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 103CFirst-Year Hausa, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 106AFirst-Year Swahili, First Quarter5
AMELANG 106BFirst-Year Swahili, Second Quarter5
AMELANG 106CFirst-Year Swahili, Third Quarter5
AMELANG 107ASecond-Year Swahili, First Quarter4
AMELANG 107BSecond-Year Swahili, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 107CSecond-Year Swahili, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 108AThird-Year Swahili, First Quarter3
AMELANG 108BThird-Year Swahili, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 108CThird-Year Swahili, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 110AFirst-Year Wolof, First Quarter3
AMELANG 114ABeginning Afrikaans, First Quarter4
AMELANG 114BBeginning Afrikaans, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 115ASecond year - Afrikaans, First Quarter4
AMELANG 115BSecond - year Afrikaans, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 115CSecond - YearAfrikaans, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 134AFirst-Year Igbo, First Quarter4
AMELANG 134BFirst-Year Igbo, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 134CFirst-Year Igbo, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 135ASecond-Year Igbo, First Quarter4
AMELANG 136AFirst-Year Xhosa, First Quarter4
AMELANG 136BFirst-Year Xhosa, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 136CFirst-Year Xhosa, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 137ASecond-Year Xhosa, First Quarter4
AMELANG 137BSecond-Year Xhosa, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 137CSecond-Year Xhosa, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 153Introduction to Twi1
AMELANG 153AFirst-Year Twi, First Quarter4
AMELANG 153BFirst-Year Twi, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 153CFirst-Year Beginning Twi, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 154ASecond-Year Twi, First Quarter4
AMELANG 154BSecond-Year Twi, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 154CSecond-Year Twi, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 156AFirst-Year Zulu, First Quarter4
AMELANG 156BFirst-Year Zulu, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 156CFirst-Year Zulu, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 157ASecont-Year Zulu, First Quarter4
AMELANG 157BSecond-Year Zulu, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 157CSecond-Year Zulu, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 180AFirst-Year Kinyarwanda, First Quarter4
AMELANG 180BFirst-Year Kinyarwanda, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 182AIntermediate Fulani, First Quarter3
AMELANG 182BIntermediate Fulani, Second Quarter3
AMELANG 182CIntermediate Fulani, Third Quarter3
AMELANG 187AFirst-Year Yoruba, First Quarter4
AMELANG 187BFirst-Year Yoruba, Second Quarter4
AMELANG 187CFirst-Year Yoruba, Third Quarter4
AMELANG 203ABeginning Hausa, First Quarter3
AMELANG 203BBeginning Hausa, Second Quarter3
AMELANG 206BIntensive Beginning Swahili, Part B4
AMELANG 206CIntensive Beginning Swahili, Part C4
EDUC 12SCHip Hop as a Universal Language2
LINGUIST 65African American Vernacular English3-5
LINGUIST 152Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies2-4
LINGUIST 251Sociolinguistic Field Methods3-5
LINGUIST 252Sociolinguistics and Pidgin Creole Studies2-4
LINGUIST 256Language, Gender and Sexuality1-4

Thematic Concentration in Mixed Race

Students in the African & African American Studies major can choose a concentration in Mixed Race. The Thematic Concentration in Mixed Race concentration is designed to explore how African and/or African American identities were and are constituted in relation to issues of race and ethnicity. The concentration investigates how conversations, debates, and policies on mixed race identities effect domestic and foreign policy, law, history, culture, society and studies on race and ethnicity. In this concentration a number of topics (Issues of immigration, citizenship, empire and expansion, defense, diplomacy, human rights, public welfare, social justice and law, educational rights, etc) are explored from the angle of how racial and ethnic difference impacts debate and policy.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Mixed Race concentration.

AFRICAAM 31RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora1
AFRICAAM 41Genes and Identity3
AFRICAAM 126BCurricular Public Policies for the Recognition of Afro-Brazilians and Indigenous Population3-4
AFRICAAM 131Genes and Identity5
AFRICAAM 156Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
AFRICAAM 158Black Queer Theory5
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 200YHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 200ZHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 226Mixed-Race Politics and Culture5
AFRICAAM 233ACounseling Theories and Interventions from a Multicultural Perspective3-5
AFRICAAM 255Racial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
AFRICAAM 261EMixed Race Literature in the U.S. and South Africa5
AMSTUD 51QComparative Fictions of Ethnicity4
AMSTUD 101American Fiction into Film: How Hollywood Scripts and Projects Black and White Relations3-5
AMSTUD 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
AMSTUD 178Ethnicity and Dissent in United States Art and Literature4
AMSTUD 226Race and Racism in American Politics5
AMSTUD 255DRacial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
ANTHRO 27NEthnicity and Violence: Anthropological Perspectives3-5
ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
ANTHRO 135HConversations in CSRE: Case Studies in the Stanford Community1-2
ANTHRO 135ICSRE House Seminar: Race and Ethnicity at Stanford1-2
ANTHRO 145Race and Power5
ANTHRO 187AThe Anthropology of Race, Nature, and Animality5
ANTHRO 245Race and Power5
ARTHIST 162Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Art4
ARTHIST 178Ethnicity and Dissent in United States Art and Literature4
COMPLIT 41QEthnicity and Literature5
COMPLIT 51QComparative Fictions of Ethnicity4
CSRE 144Transforming Self and Systems: Crossing Borders of Race, Nation, Gender, Sexuality, and Class5
EDUC 103BRace, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices3-5
ENGLISH 15SCA New Millennial Mix: The Art & Politics of the "Mixed Race Experience"2
HISTORY 254DLaw, Slavery, and Race5
HISTORY 255DRacial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
POLISCI 11NThe Rwandan Genocide3
POLISCI 28NThe Changing Nature of Racial Identity in American Politics3
POLISCI 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
PSYCH 29NGrowing Up in America3
PSYCH 215Mind, Culture, and Society3
PUBLPOL 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
SOC 145Race and Ethnic Relations in the USA4
SOC 155The Changing American Family4
TAPS 176SFinding Meaning in Life's Struggles: Narrative Ways of Healing5

Thematic Concentration in Theory

Students in the African and African American Studies major can choose a concentration in Theory. The Thematic Concentration in Theory concentration is a program designed to explore the meta-narratives and theoretical frameworks for analyzing enduring issues of cultural, religious, and political life both within African and/or African American societies and between political communities. Students will also explore the role of identities, values and prejudices that are the product of historical processes and the interaction of different peoples.

The concentration is not declared on Axess; it does not appear on the transcript or diploma. Students interested in this concentration should contact the AAAS undergraduate program office.

Students may find the following courses useful in fulfilling requirements in the Theory concentration.

AFRICAAM 31RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora1
AFRICAAM 107CThe Black Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and Antiquity4-5
AFRICAAM 125VThe Voting Rights Act5
AFRICAAM 127ACan't Stop Won't Stop: A History Of The Hip-Hop Arts4
AFRICAAM 154Black Feminist Theory5
AFRICAAM 158Black Queer Theory5
AFRICAAM 190Directed Reading1-5
AFRICAAM 195Independent Study5
AFRICAAM 199Honors Project1-5
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 200YHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 200ZHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research3-5
AFRICAAM 233ACounseling Theories and Interventions from a Multicultural Perspective3-5
AFRICAAM 254DLaw, Slavery, and Race5
AFRICAST 135Designing Research-Based Interventions to Solve Global Health Problems3-4
AFRICAST 142Challenging the Status Quo: Social Entrepreneurs Advancing Democracy, Development and Justice3-5
AFRICAST 195Back from Africa Workshop1-2
AMSTUD 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
HISTORY 254DLaw, Slavery, and Race5
HUMBIO 170Justice, Policy, and Science5
LAWGEN 112NLaw and Inequality3
LAWGEN 114QDilemmas of Regulating Race and Inequality in American Society3
LINGUIST 156Language and Gender4
LINGUIST 251Sociolinguistic Field Methods3-5
LINGUIST 255BSociolinguistics Classics and Community Studies3-5
POLISCI 146AAfrican Politics4-5
POLISCI 226Race and Racism in American Politics5
POLISCI 242AWhy is Africa Poor?,Civil War and Peace Processes5
PSYCH 75Introduction to Cultural Psychology5
RELIGST 246Constructing Race and Religion in America4-5
SOC 14NInequality in American Society4
SOC 15NThe Transformation of Socialist Societies3
SOC 46NRace, Ethnic, and National Identities: Imagined Communities3
SOC 118Social Movements and Collective Action4
SOC 119Understanding Large-Scale Societal Change: The Case of the 1960s5
URBANST 123Approaching Research and the Community2-3

Minor in African and African American Studies

Students who minor in AAAS complete a minimum of 30 units of approved courses. 15 of the required units must include:

  1. One of two required courses:
    1. AFRICAAM 43 Introduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature (5 units) or
    2. AFRICAAM 105 Introduction to African and African American Studies (5 units)
  2. One Social Science course from AAAS approved core course list. (5 units)
  3. One Humanities course from AAAS approved core course list. (5 units)

Director: Dr. H. Samy Alim (Education)

Associate Director: Dr. Cheryl A. Brown

Advisory Committee: H. Samy Alim (Education), Ralph Richard Banks (Law), Jan Barker-Alexander (Director, Black Community Services Center), Jennifer Brody (Drama), Bryan Anthony Brown (Education), Cheryl Brown (Program in African and African American Studies), James Campbell (History), Clayborne Carson (History), Prudence Carter (Education), Jennifer Eberhardt (Psychology), Harry Elam (Drama), Michele Elam (English), James Ferguson (Anthropology), Corey Fields (Sociology), Shelley Fisher Fishkin (English), Linda Darling-Hammond (Education), Allyson Hobbs (History), Vaughn Rasberry (English), John R. Rickford (Linguistics), Joel Samoff (African Studies), Matt Snipp (Sociology), Grant Parker (Classics)

Affiliated Faculty: David Abernethy (Political Science, emeritus), H.Samy Alim (Education), R. Lanier Anderson (Philosophy), Anthony Antonio (Education), Arnetha Ball (Education), Ralph Richard Banks (Law), Lucius Barker (Political Science, emeritus), Don Barr (Sociology), Shasad Bashir (Religious Studies), Carl Bielefeldt (Religious Studies), Jennifer Brody (Drama), Bryan Anthony Brown (Education), Cheryl Brown (Associate Director, Program in African and African American Studies), Albert Camarillo (History), James Campbell (History), Clayborne Carson (History), Prudence Carter (Education), Gordon Chang (History), Wanda Corn (Art and Art History, emerita), David Degusta (Anthropology), Sandra Drake (English, emerita), Jennifer Eberhardt (Psychology), Paulla Ebron (Anthropology), Harry Elam (Vice Provost), Michele Elam (English), Corey Fields (Sociology), James Ferguson (Anthropology), Shelley Fisher Fishkin (English), Charlotte Fonrobert (Religious Studies), Aleta Hayes (Drama), Jeff Chang (Director, Identity Diversity, and Aesthetics), Allyson Hobbs (History), Gavin Jones (English), Terry Karl (Political Science), Anthony Kramer (Drama), Teresa LaFromboise (Education), Brian Lowery (Graduate School of Business), Lisa Malkki (Anthropology), Hazel Markus (Psychology), Barbaro Martinez-Ruiz (Art and Art History), Daniel Murray (Director, Service Learning in Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity), Paula Moya (English), Elisabeth Mudimbe-Boyi (French and Comparative Literature), Susan Olzak (Sociology), David Palumbo-Liu (Comparative Literature), Arnold Rampersad (English), Vaughn Rasberry (English), John R. Rickford (Linguistics), Richard Roberts (History), Sonia Rocha (Sociology), Michael Rosenfeld (Sociology), José David Saldívar (English), Ramón Saldívar (English), Joel Samoff (African Studies), Gary Segura (Political Science), Paul Sniderman (Political Science), C. Matthew Snipp (Sociology), Ewart Thomas (Psychology), Jeane Tsai (Psychology), Jeremy Weinstein (Political Science), Bryan Wolf (American Art and Culture), Yvonne Yarbo-Bejarno (Spanish and Portuguese), Grant Parker (Classics), Alvan Ikoku (Comparative Literature and Medicine), Lauren Davenport (Political Science), Adam Banks (Education)

Related Courses

AFRICAAM 8Conjure and Manifest: Building a Sustainable Artistic Practice3
AFRICAAM 18AJazz History: Ragtime to Bebop, 1900-19403
AFRICAAM 18BJazz History: Bebop to Present, 1940-Present3
AFRICAAM 20AJazz Theory3
AFRICAAM 24Introduction to Dance in the African Diaspora4
AFRICAAM 28Health and Medical Impact of Sexual Assault across the Lifecourse1-3
AFRICAAM 31RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora1
AFRICAAM 36REPRESENT! Covering Race, Culture, and Identity In The Arts through Writing, Media, and Transmedia.5
AFRICAAM 37Chocolate Heads Movement Band Performance Workshop2
AFRICAAM 40Liquid Flow: Introduction to Contemporary Dance and Dance-making1
AFRICAAM 41Genes and Identity3
AFRICAAM 45Dance Improvisation Techniques and Strategies Lab: From Hip Hop to Contact2
AFRICAAM 52NMixed-Race Politics and Culture3
AFRICAAM 87Egyptomania! The Allure of Ancient Egypt Over the Past 3,500 Years5
AFRICAAM 100Grassroots Community Organizing: Building Power for Collective Liberation4-5
AFRICAAM 101FRace & Technology1-2
AFRICAAM 102Introduction to Public History and Public Service4-5
AFRICAAM 103Dance, Text, Gesture: Performance and Composition1
AFRICAAM 106Race, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices3-5
AFRICAAM 107CThe Black Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and Antiquity4-5
AFRICAAM 111AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa5
AFRICAAM 112Urban Education3-4
AFRICAAM 115South African Encounters1
AFRICAAM 121XHip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language3-4
AFRICAAM 122EArt in the Streets: Identity in Murals, Site-specific works, and Interventions in Public Spaces4
AFRICAAM 125VThe Voting Rights Act5
AFRICAAM 126BCurricular Public Policies for the Recognition of Afro-Brazilians and Indigenous Population3-4
AFRICAAM 127ACan't Stop Won't Stop: A History Of The Hip-Hop Arts4
AFRICAAM 130Community-based Research As Tool for Social Change:Discourses of Equity in Communities & Classrooms3-5
AFRICAAM 131Genes and Identity5
AFRICAAM 132Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health4
AFRICAAM 133Literature and Society in Africa and the Caribbean4
AFRICAAM 145APoetics and Politics of Caribbean Women's Literature5
AFRICAAM 145BAfrica in the 20th Century5
AFRICAAM 146AAfrican Politics4-5
AFRICAAM 148Africa in Atlantic Writing3-5
AFRICAAM 150B19th-Century America5
AFRICAAM 154Black Feminist Theory5
AFRICAAM 157PSolidarity and Racial Justice4-5
AFRICAAM 158Black Queer Theory5
AFRICAAM 159James Baldwin & Twentieth Century Literature5
AFRICAAM 165Race, Athletics and College Achievement3
AFRICAAM 176BDocumentary Fictions4
AFRICAAM 189Black Life and Death in the Neoliberal Era5
AFRICAAM 192Sexual Violence in America4-5
AFRICAAM 194Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: "We Gon Be Alright": Contemporary Black Rhetorics4
AFRICAAM 200XHonors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar5
AFRICAAM 223Literature and Human Experimentation3-5
AFRICAAM 229Literature and Global Health3-5
AFRICAAM 233ACounseling Theories and Interventions from a Multicultural Perspective3-5
AFRICAAM 254DLaw, Slavery, and Race5
AFRICAAM 255Racial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
AFRICAAM 261EMixed Race Literature in the U.S. and South Africa5
AFRICAAM 290Human Rights in a Global Frame: Race, Place, Redress, Resistance3-5
AMELANG 108AThird-Year Swahili, First Quarter3
AMSTUD 15Global Flows: The Globalization of Hip Hop Art, Culture, and Politics1-2
AMSTUD 50NThe Literature of Inequality: Have and Have-Nots from the Gilded Age to the Occupy Era3
AMSTUD 51QComparative Fictions of Ethnicity4
AMSTUD 101American Fiction into Film: How Hollywood Scripts and Projects Black and White Relations3-5
AMSTUD 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
AMSTUD 121XHip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language3-4
AMSTUD 121ZPolitical Power in American Cities5
AMSTUD 150B19th-Century America5
AMSTUD 164CFrom Freedom to Freedom Now: African American History, 1865-19655
AMSTUD 166Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle3-5
AMSTUD 178Ethnicity and Dissent in United States Art and Literature4
AMSTUD 201History of Education in the United States3-5
AMSTUD 214The American 1960s: Thought, Protest, and Culture5
AMSTUD 226Race and Racism in American Politics5
AMSTUD 255DRacial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
ANTHRO 27NEthnicity and Violence: Anthropological Perspectives3-5
ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
ANTHRO 121AHip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language3-4
ANTHRO 135HConversations in CSRE: Case Studies in the Stanford Community1-2
ANTHRO 135ICSRE House Seminar: Race and Ethnicity at Stanford1-2
ANTHRO 138Medical Ethics in a Global World: Examining Race, Difference and Power in the Research Enterprise5
ANTHRO 138BUrban Africa5
ANTHRO 139Ethnography of Africa5
ANTHRO 139AForgotten Africa: An Introduction to the Archaeology of Africa5
ANTHRO 140Ethnography of Africa3
ANTHRO 141AScience, Technology, and Medicine in Africa4
ANTHRO 145Race and Power5
ANTHRO 185Medical Anthropology of Contemporary Africa5
ANTHRO 187AThe Anthropology of Race, Nature, and Animality5
ANTHRO 238Medical Ethics in a Global World: Examining Race, Difference and Power in the Research Enterprise5
ANTHRO 239Ethnography of Africa5
ANTHRO 241The State in Africa5
ANTHRO 245Race and Power5
ANTHRO 285Medical Anthropology of Contemporary Africa5
ARTHIST 162Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Art4
ARTHIST 192BArt of the African Diaspora4
COMPLIT 41QEthnicity and Literature5
COMPLIT 51QComparative Fictions of Ethnicity4
COMPLIT 290Human Rights in a Global Frame: Race, Place, Redress, Resistance3-5
CSRE 127ACan't Stop Won't Stop: A History Of The Hip-Hop Arts4
CSRE 144Transforming Self and Systems: Crossing Borders of Race, Nation, Gender, Sexuality, and Class5
DANCE 24Introduction to Dance in the African Diaspora4
DANCE 26Dance and at the African Diaspora4
DANCE 30Chocolate Heads Movement Band Performance Workshop2
DANCE 31Chocolate Heads Performance2
DANCE 45Dance Improvisation Techniques and Strategies Lab: From Hip Hop to Contact2
DANCE 58Beginning Hip Hop1
DANCE 60The Evolution of Hip Hop and the Dance Stage: From Broadway to Hollywood and MTV1
DANCE 103Dance, Text, Gesture: Performance and Composition1
DANCE 106Choreography Project: Dancing, Recollected1
DANCE 108Hip Hop Meets Broadway1
EDUC 12SCHip Hop as a Universal Language2
EDUC 103BRace, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices3-5
EDUC 110Sociology of Education: The Social Organization of Schools4
EDUC 165History of Higher Education in the U.S.3-5
EDUC 193CPsychological Well-Being On Campus: Perspectives Of The Black Diaspora1
EDUC 201History of Education in the United States3-5
EDUC 216Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
EDUC 232Culture, Learning, and Poverty2-3
EDUC 243Writing Across Languages and Cultures: Research in Writing and Writing Instruction3-5
EDUC 245Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development3-5
EDUC 322Community-based Research As Tool for Social Change:Discourses of Equity in Communities & Classrooms3-5
ENGLISH 15SCA New Millennial Mix: The Art & Politics of the "Mixed Race Experience"2
ENGLISH 68NMark Twain and American Culture4
FEMGEN 154Black Feminist Theory5
HISTORY 11WService-Learning Workshop on Issues of Education Equity1
HISTORY 50AColonial and Revolutionary America3
HISTORY 50B19th Century America3
HISTORY 50CThe United States in the Twentieth Century3
HISTORY 64Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Modern America4-5
HISTORY 74SSounds of the Century: Popular Music and the United States in the 20th Century5
HISTORY 106AGlobal Human Geography: Asia and Africa5
HISTORY 146History of Humanitarian Aid in sub-Saharan Africa4-5
HISTORY 147History of South Africa5
HISTORY 150B19th-Century America5
HISTORY 150CThe United States in the Twentieth Century5
HISTORY 158BHistory of Education in the United States3-5
HISTORY 167AMartin Luther King, Jr. and the Global Freedom Struggle3-5
HISTORY 244Egyptomania! The Allure of Ancient Egypt Over the Past 3,500 Years5
HISTORY 245Violence and Identity in the African Great Lakes Region4-5
HISTORY 247Violence in African History: Conflict and Healing in sub-Saharan Africa4-5
HISTORY 248SColonial States and African Societies, Part I4-5
HISTORY 249SColonial States and African Societies, Part II4-5
HISTORY 255DRacial Identity in the American Imagination4-5
HISTORY 255EEducation, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
HISTORY 260California's Minority-Majority Cities4-5
HUMBIO 121EEthnicity and Medicine1-3
HUMBIO 122SSocial Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health4
HUMBIO 170Justice, Policy, and Science5
ILAC 219Lusophone Africa3-5
LAWGEN 112NLaw and Inequality3
LAWGEN 114QDilemmas of Regulating Race and Inequality in American Society3
LINGUIST 65African American Vernacular English3-5
LINGUIST 156Language and Gender4
LINGUIST 251Sociolinguistic Field Methods3-5
LINGUIST 255BSociolinguistics Classics and Community Studies3-5
LINGUIST 256Language, Gender and Sexuality1-4
MUSIC 18AJazz History: Ragtime to Bebop, 1900-19403
MUSIC 18BJazz History: Bebop to Present, 1940-Present3
MUSIC 20AJazz Theory3
MUSIC 186AMusic and Religious Experience in the Contemporary World3-5
MUSIC 286AMusic and Religious Experience in the Contemporary World3-5
POLISCI 11NThe Rwandan Genocide3
POLISCI 28NThe Changing Nature of Racial Identity in American Politics3
POLISCI 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
POLISCI 125VThe Voting Rights Act5
POLISCI 226Race and Racism in American Politics5
POLISCI 242AWhy is Africa Poor?,Civil War and Peace Processes5
PSYCH 29NGrowing Up in America3
PSYCH 75Introduction to Cultural Psychology5
PSYCH 150Race and Crime3
PSYCH 183SPARQshop: Social Psychological Answers to Real-world Questions2
PSYCH 215Mind, Culture, and Society3
PUBLPOL 121LRacial-Ethnic Politics in US5
RELIGST 246Constructing Race and Religion in America4-5
SOC 14NInequality in American Society4
SOC 15NThe Transformation of Socialist Societies3
SOC 45QUnderstanding Race and Ethnicity in American Society4
SOC 46NRace, Ethnic, and National Identities: Imagined Communities3
SOC 118Social Movements and Collective Action4
SOC 119Understanding Large-Scale Societal Change: The Case of the 1960s5
SOC 132Sociology of Education: The Social Organization of Schools4
SOC 135Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in the United States3
SOC 140Introduction to Social Stratification3
SOC 142Sociology of Gender5
SOC 145Race and Ethnic Relations in the USA4
SOC 148Comparative Ethnic Conflict4
SOC 155The Changing American Family4
TAPS 151HID21 STRATLAB: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Improvising Identities4-5
TAPS 156Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson4
TAPS 176SFinding Meaning in Life's Struggles: Narrative Ways of Healing5
URBANST 112The Urban Underclass4
URBANST 123Approaching Research and the Community2-3

Overseas Studies Courses in African and African American Studies

The Bing Overseas Studies Program manages Stanford study abroad programs for Stanford undergraduates. Students should consult their department or program's student services office for applicability of Overseas Studies courses to a major or minor program.

The Bing Overseas Studies course search site displays courses, locations, and quarters relevant to specific majors.

For course descriptions and additional offerings, see the listings in the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses or Bing Overseas Studies.

OSPCPTWN 18Xhosa Language and Culture2
OSPCPTWN 24ATargeted Research Project in Community Health and Development3
OSPCPTWN 24BTargeted Research Project in Community Health and Development5
OSPCPTWN 31Political Economy of Foreign Aid3
OSPCPTWN 33Southern Africa: from Liberation Struggles to Region-Building4
OSPCPTWN 36The Archaeology of Southern African Hunter Gatherers4
OSPCPTWN 38Genocide: African Experiences in Comparative Perspective3-5
OSPPARIS 186FContemporary African Literature in French4


AFRICAAM 8. Conjure and Manifest: Building a Sustainable Artistic Practice. 3 Units.

In this course, student-artists spend time investigating their artistic practice as a framework for promoting power, wellness, and creativity; and as a tangible means for navigating the first steps of their artistic careers. We spend time critically examining the philosophies and works of Black artists including James Baldwin, Octavia Butler, RZA (Wu-Tang Clan) and Nayyirah Waheed, in order to explore new visions for the artist as activist, as futurist and as spiritual healer. We then use a mixture of these ideas and our own¿along with meditation and mindfulness experiences¿to begin conjuring and manifesting intimate relationships with our art practice and ourselves. Student-artists will develop creative confidence, formulate game plans for success, and begin to find balance between the uncertainty and ultimate freedom that life as an artist can bring.
Same as: CSRE 8

AFRICAAM 16N. African Americans and Social Movements. 3 Units.

Theory and research on African Americans' roles in post-Civil Rights, US social movements. Topics include women¿s right, LGBT rights, environmental movement, and contemporary political conservativism.
Same as: CSRE 16N, SOC 16N

AFRICAAM 18A. Jazz History: Ragtime to Bebop, 1900-1940. 3 Units.

From the beginning of jazz to the war years.
Same as: MUSIC 18A

AFRICAAM 18B. Jazz History: Bebop to Present, 1940-Present. 3 Units.

Modern jazz styles from Bebop to the current scene. Emphasis is on the significant artists of each style.
Same as: MUSIC 18B

AFRICAAM 19. Studies in Music, Media, and Popular Culture: The Soul Tradition in African American Music. 3-4 Units.

The African American tradition of soul music from its origins in blues, gospel, and jazz to its influence on today's r&b, hip hop, and dance music. Style such as rhythm and blues, Motown, Southern soul, funk, Philadelphia soul, disco, Chicago house, Detroit techno, trip hop, and neo-soul. Soul's cultural influence and global reach; its interaction with politics, gender, place, technology, and the economy. Pre-/corequisite (for music majors): MUSIC 22. (WIM at 4 units only.).
Same as: AMSTUD 147J, CSRE 147J, MUSIC 147J, MUSIC 247J

AFRICAAM 20A. Jazz Theory. 3 Units.

Introduces the language and sounds of jazz through listening, analysis, and compositional exercises. Students apply the fundamentals of music theory to the study of jazz. Prerequisite: 19 or consent of instructor.
Same as: MUSIC 20A

AFRICAAM 21. African American Vernacular English. 3-5 Units.

The English vernacular spoken by African Americans in big city settings, and its relation to Creole English dialects spoken on the S. Carolina Sea Islands (Gullah), in the Caribbean, and in W. Africa. The history of expressive uses of African American English (in soundin' and rappin'), and its educational implications. Service Learning Course (certified by Haas Center).
Same as: LINGUIST 65

AFRICAAM 24. Introduction to Dance in the African Diaspora. 4 Units.

This course introduces students to dance as an important cultural force in the African Diaspora. From capoeira in Brazil to dance hall in Jamaica to hip hop in the United States and Ghana, we will analyze dance as a form of resistance to slavery, colonialism, and oppression; as an integral component of community formation; and as a practice that shapes racial, gendered, and national identity. We will explore these topics through readings, film viewings, and movement workshops (no previous dance experience required). Students will have the option to do a creative performance as part of their final project.
Same as: CSRE 24D, DANCE 24, TAPS 152D

AFRICAAM 28. Health and Medical Impact of Sexual Assault across the Lifecourse. 1-3 Unit.

Cross-listed with SOMGEN 237 and FEMGEN 237. HumBio students must enroll in HUMBIO 28 or AFRICAAM 28. An overview of the acute and chronic physical and psychological health impact of sexual abuse through the perspective of survivors of childhood, adolescent, young and middle adult, and elder abuse, including special populations such as pregnant women, military and veterans, prison inmates, individuals with mental or physical impairments. Also addresses: race/ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, and other demographic and societal factors, including issues specific to college culture. Professionals with expertise in sexual assault present behavioral and prevention efforts such as bystander intervention training, medical screening, counseling and other interventions to manage the emotional trauma of abuse. Undergraduates must enroll for 3 units. Medical and graduate students should enroll in SOMGEN 237 for 1-2 units. To receive a letter grade in any listing, students must enroll for 3 units.
Same as: HUMBIO 28

AFRICAAM 30. The Egyptians. 3-5 Units.

Overview of ancient Egyptian pasts, from predynastic times to Greco-Roman rule, roughly 3000 BCE to 30 BCE. Attention to archaeological sites and artifacts; workings of society; and cultural productions, both artistic and literary. Participation in class is required.

AFRICAAM 31. RealTalk: Intimate Discussions about the African Diaspora. 1 Unit.

Students to engage in an intellectual discussion about the African Diaspora with leading faculty at Stanford across departments including Education, Linguistics, Sociology, History, Political Science, English, and Theater & Performance Studies. Several lunches with guest speakers. This course will meet in the Program for African & African American Studies Office in Building 360 Room 362B (Main Quad). This course is limited to Freshman and Sophomore enrollment.

AFRICAAM 32. The 5th Element: Hip Hop Knowledge, Pedagogy, and Social Justice. 1-5 Unit.

This course-series brings together leading scholars with critically-acclaimed artists, local teachers, youth, and community organizations to consider the complex relationships between culture, knowledge, pedagogy and social justice. Participants will examine the cultural meaning of knowledge as "the 5th element" of Hip Hop Culture (in addition to MCing, DJing, graffiti, and dance) and how educators and cultural workers have leveraged this knowledge for social justice. Overall, participants will gain a strong theoretical knowledge of culturally relevant and culturally sustaining pedagogies and learn to apply this knowledge by engaging with guest artists, teachers, youth, and community youth arts organizations.
Same as: AMSTUD 32, CSRE 32A, EDUC 32, EDUC 432, TAPS 32

AFRICAAM 36. REPRESENT! Covering Race, Culture, and Identity In The Arts through Writing, Media, and Transmedia.. 5 Units.

Probably since the first audience formed for the first chalk scrawls in a cave, there have been storytellers to narrate that caveperson's art and life, and critics to troll that caveperson's choice and usage of color. And so it goes. This course is an exploration into how to cover race, culture, and identity in the arts in journalism, such as print, web, video, radio, and podcasting. It is also an arts journalism practicum. During the quarter, we will be working toward creating work that is publishable in various venues and outlets. In this course, we will be discussing exemplary arts writers and their works and interrogating critical questions around race, identity, representation, and ethics. Experienced journalists, editors, and experts from different platforms and backgrounds will also be imparting important skills and training that will help you to navigate today's working media and transmedia environments. Those who enroll in the class will be expected to produce quality content (e.g. articles, blog posts, video reports, podcasts) for media outlets. Some travel outside of class may be required for additional reporting and training. This seminar class will be By Instructor Approval Only. Please submit an application by February 22 at 11:59pm. Starred items are required. The app is available at: Those selected for this class will be informed by March 2nd so that they may enroll in the course. Please do not apply for the course if you are unsure about completing it. If you have any questions, you may email the instructor at:
Same as: CSRE 36

AFRICAAM 37. Chocolate Heads Movement Band Performance Workshop. 2 Units.

Students from diverse dance styles (ballet to hip-hop to contemporary) participate in the dance-making/remix process and collaborate with musicians, visual artists, designers and spoken word artists, to co-create multidisciplinary fully produced production and installation. Open to student artists of different genres, styles, disciplines and levels. By audition and/or discussion with the instructor.
Same as: DANCE 30

AFRICAAM 40. Liquid Flow: Introduction to Contemporary Dance and Dance-making. 1 Unit.

This introductory dance course combines the fundamentals of contemporary dance technique and exercises from various movement practices, such as yoga and Tai chi. Liquid Flow implies the continuum from the dance of the everyday to the studio to the stage. Students will develop articulation, flexibility and "grace", learn contemporary, popular and classic dance vocabulary, and gain freedom dancing with others. Designed for beginners, we welcome student movers from diverse dance traditions, non-dancers, athletes, and more advanced dancers, who desire fluidity in their daily life, from thought to action.
Same as: DANCE 43

AFRICAAM 40SI. Possessive Investment in Whiteness. 1-2 Unit.

An approachable but nuanced way of developing a notion of the construction and maintenance of whiteness in the United States. By focusing on George Lipsitz's book, the class works to challenge and refine the ideas of white privilege and race in the history and contemporary United States. By focusing on the single text, with some outside supplementary material, the course does not contend that Lipsitz is providing the only truth, but the class looks to complicate his notions and expand them with personal and outside understandings. May be repeated for credit.

AFRICAAM 41. Genes and Identity. 3 Units.

In recent decades genes have increasingly become endowed with the cultural power to explain many aspects of human life: physical traits, diseases, behaviors, ancestral histories, and identity. In this course we will explore a deepening societal intrigue with genetic accounts of personal identity and political meaning. Students will engage with varied interdisciplinary sources that range from legal cases to scientific articles, medical ethics guidelines, films, and anthropological works (ethnographies). We will explore several case studies where the use of DNA markers (as proof of heritage, disease risk, or legal standing) has spawned cultural movements that are biosocial in nature. Throughout we will look at how new social movements are organized around gene-based definitions of personhood, health, and legal truth. Several examples include political analyses of citizenship and belonging. On this count we will discuss issues of African ancestry testing as evidence in slavery reparations cases, revisit debates on whether Black Freedman should be allowed into the Cherokee and Seminole Nations, and hear arguments on whether people with genetic links to Jewish groups should have a right of return to Israel. We will also examine the ways genetic knowledge may shape different health politics at the individual and societal level. On this count we will do close readings of how personal genomics testing companies operate, we will investigate how health disparities funding as well as orphan disease research take on new valences when re-framed in genetic terms, and we will see how new articulations of global health priorities are emerging through genetic research in places like Africa. Finally we will explore social implications of forensic uses of DNA. Here we will examine civil liberties concerns about genetic familial searching in forensic databases that disproportionately target specific minority groups as criminal suspects, and inquire into the use of DNA to generate digital mugshots of suspects that re-introduce genetic concepts of race.
Same as: ANTHRO 41, CSRE 41A

AFRICAAM 43. Introduction to English III: Introduction to African American Literature. 5 Units.

(Formerly English 43/143). In his bold study, What Was African American Literature?, Kenneth Warren defines African American literature as a late nineteenth- to mid-twentieth-century response to the nation's Jim Crow segregated order. But in the aftermath of the Jim Crow era and the Civil Rights movement, can critics still speak, coherently, of "African American literature"? And how does this political conception of African American literary production compare with accounts grounded in black language and culture? Taking up Warren's intervention, this course will explore African American literature from its earliest manifestations in the spirituals and slave narratives to texts composed at the height of desegregation and decolonization struggles at mid-century and beyond.
Same as: AMSTUD 12A, ENGLISH 12A

AFRICAAM 45. Dance Improvisation Techniques and Strategies Lab: From Hip Hop to Contact. 2 Units.

By learning various dance improvisation forms across cultures, students will develop techniques to gain a deep understanding of generating movement from the inside-out, inspired by conceptual strategies from master improvisors while harnessing that potential for creating dances. Guest dancer/choreographer workshops and Dance Jams enhance the learning experience. All Levels welcome.
Same as: DANCE 45

AFRICAAM 47. History of South Africa. 3 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 147. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 147.) Introduction, focusing particularly on the modern era. Topics include: precolonial African societies; European colonization; the impact of the mineral revolution; the evolution of African and Afrikaner nationalism; the rise and fall of the apartheid state; the politics of post-apartheid transformation; and the AIDS crisis.
Same as: HISTORY 47

AFRICAAM 48Q. South Africa: Contested Transitions. 4 Units.

Preference to sophomores. The inauguration of Nelson Mandela as president in May 1994 marked the end of an era and a way of life for South Africa. The changes have been dramatic, yet the legacies of racism and inequality persist. Focus: overlapping and sharply contested transitions. Who advocates and opposes change? Why? What are their historical and social roots and strategies? How do people reconstruct their society? Historical and current sources, including films, novels, and the Internet.
Same as: HISTORY 48Q

AFRICAAM 50B. 19th Century America. 3 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 150B. History majors and others taking 5 units, register in 150B.) Territorial expansion, social change, and economic transformation. The causes and consequences of the Civil War. Topics include: urbanization and the market revolution; slavery and the Old South; sectional conflict; successes and failures of Reconstruction; and late 19th-century society and culture.
Same as: HISTORY 50B

AFRICAAM 52. Introduction to Improvisation in Dance: From Salsa to Vodun to Tap Dance. 3-4 Units.

This seminar introduces students to Dance Studies by exploring the topic of improvisation, a central concept in multiple genres of dance and music. We will survey a range of improvised dance forms¿from salsa to vodun to tap dance¿through readings, video viewings, discussion, and movement exercises (no previous dance experience required). When studying each genre, we will examine how race, gender, sexuality, citizenship, and other power structures affect the practices and theorizations of improvisation. Topics include community and identity formation; questions of technique versus ¿natural¿ ability; improvisation as a spiritual practice; and the role of history in improvisers¿ quest for spontaneity. Course material will focus on improvised dance, but we will also read pertinent literature in jazz music, theatre, and the law.
Same as: CSRE 152, DANCE 152, TAPS 152

AFRICAAM 52N. Mixed-Race Politics and Culture. 3 Units.

Today, almost one-third of Americans identify with a racial/ethnic minority group, and more than 9 million Americans identify with multiple races. What are the implications of such diversity for American politics and culture? In this course, we approach issues of race from an interdisciplinary perspective, employing research in the social sciences and humanities to assess how race shapes perceptions of identity as well as political behavior in 21st century U.S. We will examine issues surrounding the role of multiculturalism, immigration, acculturation, racial representation and racial prejudice in American society. Topics we will explore include the political and social formation of ¿race¿; racial representation in the media, arts, and popular culture; the rise and decline of the ¿one-drop rule¿ and its effect on political and cultural attachments; the politicization of Census categories and the rise of the Multiracial Movement.

AFRICAAM 54N. African American Women's Lives. 3-4 Units.

Preference to freshmen. The everyday lives of African American women in 19th- and 20th-century America in comparative context of histories of European, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American women. Primary sources including personal journals, memoirs, music, literature, and film, and historical texts. Topics include slavery and emancipation, labor and leisure, consumer culture, social activism, changing gender roles, and the politics of sexuality.

AFRICAAM 54Q. African American Women's Lives. 3-4 Units.

Preference to sophomores. African American women have been placed on the periphery of many historical documents. This course will encourage students to think critically about historical sources and to use creative and rigorous historical methods to recover African American women¿s experiences. Drawing largely on primary sources such as letters, personal journals, literature and film, this course explores the everyday lives of African American women in 19th- and 20th-century America. We will begin in our present moment with a discussion of Michelle Obama and then we will look back on the lives and times of a wide range of African American women including: Charlotte Forten Grimké, a 19th-century reformer and teacher; Nella Larsen, a Harlem Renaissance novelist; Josephine Baker, the expatriate entertainer and singer; and Ida B. Wells and Ella Baker, two luminaries of civil rights activism. We will examine the struggles of African American women to define their own lives and improve the social, economic, political and cultural conditions of black communities. Topics will include women¿s enslavement and freedom, kinship and family relations, institution and community building, violence, labor and leisure, changing gender roles, consumer and beauty culture, social activism, and the politics of sexuality.

AFRICAAM 64C. From Freedom to Freedom Now!: African American History, 1865-1965. 3 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 164C. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 164C.) Explores the working lives, social worlds, political ideologies and cultural expressions of African Americans from emancipation to the early civil rights era. Topics include: the transition from slavery to freedom, family life, work, culture, leisure patterns, resistance, migration and social activism. Draws largely on primary sources including autobiographies, memoirs, letters, personal journals, newspaper articles, pamphlets, speeches, literature, film and music.

AFRICAAM 75E. Black Cinema. 2 Units.

How filmmakers represent historical and cultural issues in Black cinema.

AFRICAAM 87. Egyptomania! The Allure of Ancient Egypt Over the Past 3,500 Years. 5 Units.

Why does Egypt fascinate us? From Napoleon's invasion to Katy Perry's latest music video, we have interpreted ancient Egyptian history and mythology for centuries; in fact, this obsession dates back to the Egyptians themselves. This seminar explores Egyptomania from the Pharaonic period to the 20th century. Topics include: ancient Egypt, Greek historians, medieval Arabic scholars, hieroglyphic decipherment, 19th century travel, 20th century pop culture, and how historians have interpreted this past over the centuries.
Same as: CLASSICS 87, HISTORY 244

AFRICAAM 100. Grassroots Community Organizing: Building Power for Collective Liberation. 4-5 Units.

This course explores the theory, practice and history of grassroots community organizing as a method for developing community power to promoting social justice. We will develop skills for 1-on-1 relational meetings, media messaging, fundraising strategies, power structure analysis, and strategies organizing across racial/ethnic difference. And we will contextualize these through the theories and practices developed in the racial, gender, queer, environmental, immigrant, housing and economic justice movements to better understand how organizing has been used to engage communities in the process of social change. Through this class, students will gain the hard skills and analytical tools needed to successfully organize campaigns and movements that work to address complex systems of power, privilege, and oppression. As a Community-Engaged Learning course, students will work directly with community organizations on campaigns to address community needs, deepen their knowledge of theory and history through hands-on practice, and develop a critical analysis of inequality at the structural and interpersonal levels. Placements with community organizations are limited. Enrollment will be determined on the first day through a simple application process. Students will have the option to continue the course for a second quarter in the Winter, where they will execute a campaign either on campus or in collaboration with their community partner.
Same as: CSRE 100, FEMGEN 100X, URBANST 108

AFRICAAM 101F. Race & Technology. 1-2 Unit.

The program in African & African American Studies will be offering a weekly lecture series to expose and introduce underrepresented groups to the world of technology by creating a space where the idea of starting can lead to a "Start Up". The AAAS "Race & Technology" course endeavors to de-code the language of technology creation, how to build a team, problem solving, pitching an idea, leveraging the work of all disciplines in creating an entrepreneurship mindset. nnnScholars and industry people will cover topics such as the digital divide, women in technology, and social media.
Same as: AFRICAAM 201F

AFRICAAM 102. Introduction to Public History and Public Service. 4-5 Units.

Gateway course for the History and Public Service interdisciplinary track. Topics include the production, presentation, and practice of public history through narratives, exhibits, web sites, and events in museums, historical sites, parks, and public service settings in nonprofit organizations, government agencies, and educational institutions. Service Learning Course (certified by Haas Center).
Same as: CSRE 201, HISTORY 201, HISTORY 301

AFRICAAM 103. Dance, Text, Gesture: Performance and Composition. 1 Unit.

Students practice, compose and combine the languages of dance, gestural movement, music and text, to render complete expression in performance. Suitable for dancers, actors, spoken word artists and triple threat performers to devise original performance, dance and theater, culminating in an end of quarter showing.
Same as: DANCE 103

AFRICAAM 105. Introduction to African and African American Studies. 5 Units.

Interdisciplinary. Central themes in African American culture and history related to race as a definitive American phenomenon. African survivals and interpretations of slavery in the New World, contrasting interpretations of the Black family, African American literature, and art. Possible readings: Frederick Douglass, Harriet Jacobs, Booker T. Washington, W.E.B. DuBois, Richard Wright, Maya Angelou, James Baldwin, Malcolm X, Alice Walker, and Bell Hooks. Focus may vary each year.

AFRICAAM 106. Race, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices. 3-5 Units.

Focus is on classrooms with students from diverse racial, ethnic and linguistic backgrounds. Studies, writing, and media representation of urban and diverse school settings; implications for transforming teaching and learning. Issues related to developing teachers with attitudes, dispositions, and skills necessary to teach diverse students.
Same as: CSRE 103B, EDUC 103B, EDUC 337

AFRICAAM 107C. The Black Mediterranean: Greece, Rome and Antiquity. 4-5 Units.

Explore problems of race and ethnicity as viable criteria in studying ancient societies and consider the question, What is the Mediterranean?, in relation to premodern evidence. Investigate the role of blackness as a marker of ethnicity; the demography of slavery and its roles in forming social identities; and environmental determinism as a factor in ethnic and racial thinking. Consider Greek and Roman perspectives and behavior, and their impact on later theories of race and ethnicity as well as the Mediterranean as a whole.
Same as: CSRE 107

AFRICAAM 111. AIDS, Literacy, and Land: Foreign Aid and Development in Africa. 5 Units.

Is foreign aid a solution? or a problem? Should there be more aid, less aid, or none at all? How do foreign aid and local initiatives intersect? A clinic in Uganda that addresses AIDS as a family and community problem. Multiple strategies in Tanzania to increase girls' schooling. These are imaginative and innovative approaches to pressing and contested policy challenges. We will examine several contentious issues in contemporary Africa, exploring their roots and the intense conflicts they engender, with special attention to foreign aid and the aid relationship. As African communities and countries work to shape their future, what are the foreign roles and what are their consequences?.
Same as: AFRICAST 112, AFRICAST 212

AFRICAAM 112. Urban Education. 3-4 Units.

(Graduate students register for EDUC 212X or SOC 229X). Combination of social science and historical perspectives trace the major developments, contexts, tensions, challenges, and policy issues of urban education.
Same as: CSRE 112X, EDUC 112, EDUC 212, SOC 129X, SOC 229X

AFRICAAM 115. South African Encounters. 1 Unit.

This course is a prerequisite for all those accepted to or on the wait list for the following quarter's BOSP Cape Town term abroad. It will explore issues in contemporary South Africa.
Same as: AFRICAST 115

AFRICAAM 116. Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-1990. 3-5 Units.

Seminar. The relationship among race, power, inequality, and education from the 1880s to the 1990s. How schools have constructed race, the politics of school desegregation, and ties between education and the late 20th-century urban crisis.
Same as: CSRE 216X, EDUC 216, HISTORY 255E

AFRICAAM 121X. Hip Hop, Youth Identities, and the Politics of Language. 3-4 Units.

Focus is on issues of language, identity, and globalization, with a focus on Hip Hop cultures and the verbal virtuosity within the Hip Hop nation. Beginning with the U.S., a broad, comparative perspective in exploring youth identities and the politics of language in what is now a global Hip Hop movement. Readings draw from the interdisciplinary literature on Hip Hop cultures with a focus on sociolinguistics and youth culture.
Same as: AMSTUD 121X, ANTHRO 121A, CSRE 121X, EDUC 121, LINGUIST 155

AFRICAAM 122E. Art in the Streets: Identity in Murals, Site-specific works, and Interventions in Public Spaces. 4 Units.

This class will introduce students to both historical and contemporary public art practices and the expression of race and identity through murals, graffiti, site-specific works and performative interventions in public spaces. Involving lectures, guest speakers, field trips, and hands-on art practice, students will be expected to produce both an individual and group piece as a final project.
Same as: CSRE 122E

AFRICAAM 123. Great Works of the African American Tradition. 5 Units.

Foundational African and African American scholarly figures and their work from the 19th century to the present. Historical, political, and scholarly context. Dialogues distinctive to African American culture. May be repeated for credit.

AFRICAAM 125V. The Voting Rights Act. 5 Units.

Focus is on whether and how racial and ethnic minorities including African Americans, Asian Americans, and Latinos are able to organize and press their demands on the political system. Topics include the political behavior of minority citizens, the strength and effect of these groups at the polls, the theory and practice of group formation among minorities, the responsiveness of elected officials, and the constitutional obstacles and issues that shape these phenomena.
Same as: CSRE 125V, POLISCI 125V

AFRICAAM 126B. Curricular Public Policies for the Recognition of Afro-Brazilians and Indigenous Population. 3-4 Units.

Recently two laws in Brazil (10639/2003 and 13465/2008), which came about due to intense pressure from Black and Indigenous social movements throughout the 20th century, have introduced changes in public education curriculum policies. These new curriculum policies mandate that the study of Afro-Brazilian, African, and Indigenous histories and cultures must be taught at all educational levels including at the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels. As part of this mandate, educators are now directed to incorporate considerations of ethnic-racial diversity in relation to people's thinking and experiences. These policies aim to fight racism as well as other forms of discrimination, and moreover, encourage the building of more equitable pedagogies. This course will discuss past and current policies and practices in Brazilian education from the point of view of different social projects organized by Indigenous Peoples, Afro-Brazilians, Asian-Brazilians, as well as Euro-Brazilians. It will also focus on Latin American efforts to promote equity in education, as well as to articulate different points of view, and reinforce and build epistemologies that support the decolonization of thinking, behaviors, research and policies. As part of this process, the course will study the experiences of people demanding these new public policies in terms of the extent to which they were able to influence institutional structures and to establish particular policy reforms. The course will also analyze theoretical frameworks employed by opponents of these movements to resist policies that might challenge their privileged place in society. In doing this, the course will offer theoretical and methodological avenues to promote research that can counter hegemonic curricular policies and pedagogical practices. The course will be fully participatory and oriented towards generating ongoing conversations and discussion about the various issues that arose in Brazil in relation to these two recent laws. To meet these goals, we will do a close reading of relevant scholarly works, paying particular attention to their theoretical frameworks, research designs, and findings.
Same as: CSRE 126B, EDUC 136B, EDUC 236B, PUBLPOL 126B

AFRICAAM 127A. Can't Stop Won't Stop: A History Of The Hip-Hop Arts. 4 Units.

This course explores the history and development of the hip-hop arts movement, from its precursor movements in music, dance, visual arts, literature, and folk and street cultures to its rise as a neighborhood subculture in the Bronx in the early 1970s through its local, regional and global expansion and development. Hip-hop aesthetics, structures, and politics will be explored within the context of the movement¿s rise as a post-multicultural form in an era of neoliberal globalization.
Same as: CSRE 127A

AFRICAAM 130. Community-based Research As Tool for Social Change:Discourses of Equity in Communities & Classrooms. 3-5 Units.

Issues and strategies for studying oral and written discourse as a means for understanding classrooms, students, and teachers, and teaching and learning in educational contexts. The forms and functions of oral and written language in the classroom, emphasizing teacher-student and peer interaction, and student-produced texts. Individual projects utilize discourse analytic techniques.
Same as: CSRE 130, EDUC 123, EDUC 322

AFRICAAM 131. Genes and Identity. 5 Units.

In recent decades genes have increasingly become endowed with the cultural power to explain many aspects of human life: physical traits, diseases, behaviors, ancestral histories, and identity. In this course we will explore a deepening societal intrigue with genetic accounts of personal identity and political meaning. Students will engage with varied interdisciplinary sources that range from legal cases to scientific articles, medical ethics guidelines, films, and ethnographies. We will explore several case studies where the use of DNA markers (either as proof of heritage or disease risk) has spawned cultural movements that are biosocial in nature. nnExamples include legal and political analyses of African ancestry testing as ¿evidence¿ in slavery reparations cases, debates on whether Black Freedman should be allowed into the Cherokee and Seminole Nations, considerations on whether people with genetic links to Jewish groups should have a right of return to Israel, close readings of The U.S. Food and Drug Administration¿s crackdown on personal genomics testing companies (such as 23andMe), examinations of genetic identity politics in health disparities funding and orphan disease research, inquiries into new social movements organized around gene-based definitions of personhood, and civil liberties concerns about genetic ¿familial searching¿ in forensic databases that disproportionately target specific minority groups as criminal suspects. nnStudents will engage in a short observational ¿pilot¿ ethnographic project that allows them to further explore issues from the course for their final paper.
Same as: ANTHRO 131, CSRE 131

AFRICAAM 132. Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health. 4 Units.

Examines health disparities in the U.S., looking at the patterns of those disparities and their root causes. Explores the intersection of lower social class and ethnic minority status in affecting health status and access to health care. Compares social and biological conceptualizations of race and ethnicity.
Same as: HUMBIO 122S

AFRICAAM 133. Literature and Society in Africa and the Caribbean. 4 Units.

This course aims to equip students with an understanding of the cultural, political and literary aspects at play in the literatures of Francophone Africa and the Caribbean. Our primary readings will be Francophone novels and poetry, though we will also read some theoretical texts, as well as excerpts of Francophone theater. The assigned readings will expose students to literature from diverse French-speaking regions of the African/Caribbean world. This course will also serve as a "literary toolbox," with the intention of facilitating an understanding of literary forms, terms and practices. Students can expect to work on their production of written and spoken French (in addition to reading comprehension) both in and outside of class. Required readings include: Aimé Césaire, "Cahier d'un retour au pays natal," Albert Memmi, "La Statue de Sel," Kaouther Adimi, "L'envers des autres", Maryse Condé, "La Vie sans fards". Movies include "Goodbye Morocco", "Aya de Yopougon", "Rome plutôt sue Vous". Taught in French. Prerequisite: FRENLANG 124 or consent of instructor.
Same as: FRENCH 133, JEWISHST 143

AFRICAAM 145A. Poetics and Politics of Caribbean Women's Literature. 5 Units.

Mid 20th-century to the present. How historical, economic, and political conditions in Haiti, Cuba, Jamaica, Antigua, and Guadeloupe affected women. How Francophone, Anglophone, and Hispanophone women novelists, poets, and short story writers respond to similar issues and pose related questions. Caribbean literary identity within a multicultural and diasporic context; the place of the oral in the written feminine text; family and sexuality; translation of European master texts; history, memory, and myth; and responses to slave history, colonialism, neocolonialism, and globalization.

AFRICAAM 145B. Africa in the 20th Century. 5 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 45B. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 145B.) The challenges facing Africans from when the continent fell under colonial rule until independence. Case studies of colonialism and its impact on African men and women drawn from West, Central, and Southern Africa. Novels, plays, polemics, and autobiographies written by Africans.
Same as: HISTORY 145B

AFRICAAM 146A. African Politics. 4-5 Units.

Africa has lagged the rest of the developing world in terms of economic development, the establishment of social order, and the consolidation of democracy. This course seeks to identify the historical and political sources accounting for this lag, and to provide extensive case study and statistical material to understand what sustains it, and how it might be overcome.
Same as: POLISCI 146A

AFRICAAM 147. History of South Africa. 5 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 47. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 147.) Introduction, focusing particularly on the modern era. Topics include: precolonial African societies; European colonization; the impact of the mineral revolution; the evolution of African and Afrikaner nationalism; the rise and fall of the apartheid state; the politics of post-apartheid transformation; and the AIDS crisis.
Same as: HISTORY 147

AFRICAAM 148. Africa in Atlantic Writing. 3-5 Units.

This course explores the central place Africa holds in prose writing emerging during periods of globalization across the Atlantic, including the middle passage, colonialism, black internationalism, decolonization, immigration and diasporic return. We will begin with Equiano's Interesting Narrative (1789), a touchstone for the Atlantic prose tradition, and study how writers crossing the Atlantic have continued to depict Africa in later centuries: to dramatize scenes of departure and arrival in stories of new citizenship, to evoke histories of racial unity and examine social fragmentation, to imagine new national communities or question their norms and borders. Our readings will be selected from English, French, Portuguese and Spanish-language traditions. And we will pay close attention to genres of prose fiction (Adichie, Condé, Olinto), prose poetry (Césaire, Neto, Walcott), theoretical reflection (Fanon, Glissant), reportage (Gide, Gourevitch), ethnography (Leiris, Ouologuem) and autobiography (Barack Obama).

AFRICAAM 150B. 19th-Century America. 5 Units.

(Same as HISTORY 50B. History majors and others taking 5 units, register for 150B.) Territorial expansion, social change, and economic transformation. The causes and consequences of the Civil War. Topics include: urbanization and the market revolution; slavery and the Old South; sectional conflict; successes and failures of Reconstruction; and late 19th-century society and culture.
Same as: AMSTUD 150B, HISTORY 150B

AFRICAAM 152G. Harlem Renaissance and Modernism. 5 Units.

Examination of the explosion of African American artistic expression during 1920s and 30s New York known as the Harlem Renaissance. Amiri Baraka once referred to the Renaissance as a kind of "vicious Modernism", as a "BangClash", that impacted and was impacted by political, cultural and aesthetic changes not only in the U.S. but Europe, the Caribbean and Latin America. Focus on the literature, graphic arts, and the music of the era in this global context.
Same as: AMSTUD 152G, ENGLISH 152G

AFRICAAM 154. Black Feminist Theory. 5 Units.

This course will examine black feminist theoretical traditions, marking black women's analytic interventions into sexual and pleasure politics, reproduction, citizenship, power, violence, agency, art, representation, and questions of the body. Exploring concepts like intersectionality, matrices of violence, the politics of respectability, womanism, and other contours of a black feminist liberation politic, we will look to black feminist scholars, activists, and artists from the 19th century to today.
Same as: FEMGEN 154

AFRICAAM 156. Performing History: Race, Politics, and Staging the Plays of August Wilson. 4 Units.

This course purposefully and explicitly mixes theory and practice. Students will read and discuss the plays of August Wilson, the most celebrated and most produced contemporary American playwright, that comprise his 20th Century History Cycle. Class stages scenes from each of these plays, culminating in a final showcase of longer scenes from his work as a final project.
Same as: TAPS 156, TAPS 356

AFRICAAM 157P. Solidarity and Racial Justice. 4-5 Units.

Many activists in the racial justice, immigrant, indigenous, feminist, and LGBTQ movements, are committed to principles of leadership by frontline communities - their goal is to build power in communities that are disempowered by dominant institutions and practices. This makes for complicated relationships with those that are not part of those frontline communities but recognize that their own silence makes them complicit in systems of oppression. In this course, we will examine how power and privilege can undermine attempts to collaborate in social justice work, and then explore principles and practices of solidarity and allyship that attempt to overcome these challenges. We will discuss texts on white privilege and anti-racism as our primary point of reference, but will connect to other kinds of ally work and movements for collective liberation. As a community-engaged learning course, students will work with community partners to establish long-term relationships based in solidarity. Students are encouraged to work with movements and organizations with whom they already have relationships (e.g., through student-activism). Throughout the quarter, we will have guest lectures and workshops with community partners and movement strategy organizations.
Same as: AMSTUD 157P, CSRE 157P, FEMGEN 157P

AFRICAAM 158. Black Queer Theory. 5 Units.

This course takes a multifaceted approach to black queer theory, not only taking up black theories of gender and queer sexuality, but queer theoretical interrogations of blackness and race. The course will also examine some of the important ways that black queer theory reads and is intersected with issues like affect, epistemology, space and geography, power and subjectivity, religion, economy, the body, and the law, asking questions like: How have scholars critiqued the very language of queer and the ways it works as a signifier of white marginality? What are the different spaces we can find queer black relationality, eroticism, and kinship? How do we negotiate issues like trans*misogyny or tensions around gender and sexuality in the context of race? Throughout the course, students will become versed in foundational and emerging black queer theory as we engage scholars like Sharon Holland, Cathy Cohen, Hortense Spillers, Marlon B. Ross, Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman, Barbara Smith, Roderick Ferguson, Robert Reid-Pharr, E. Patrick Johnson, and many others. Students will also gain practice applying black queer theory as an interpretive lens for contemporary social issues and cultural production including film, music, art, and performance.
Same as: FEMGEN 158

AFRICAAM 159. James Baldwin & Twentieth Century Literature. 5 Units.

Black, gay and gifted, Baldwin was hailed as a ¿spokesman for the race¿¿although he personally, and controversially, eschewed titles and classifications of all kinds. This course examines his classic novels and essays as well his exciting work across many lesser-examined domains¿poetry, music, theatre, sermon, photo-text, children¿s literature, public media, comedy and artistic collaboration. Placing his work in context with other writers of the 20C (Faulkner, Wright,Morrison) and capitalizing on a resurgence of interest in the writer (NYC just dedicated a year of celebration of Baldwin and there are 2 new journals dedicated to study of Baldwin), the course seeks to capture the power and influence of Baldwin's work during the Civil Rights era as well as his relevance in the ¿post-race¿ transnational 21st century, when his prescient questioning of the boundaries of race, sex, love, leadership and country assume new urgency.
Same as: ENGLISH 159, FEMGEN 159

AFRICAAM 165. Race, Athletics and College Achievement. 3 Units.

How do social identities affect how people experience academic interactions? How can learning environments be better structured to support the success of all students? In this class, we will explore how a variety of identities such as race, gender, social class, and athletic participation can affect academic achievement, with the goal of identifying concrete strategies to make learning environments at Stanford and similar universities more inclusive. Readings will draw from psychology, sociology, education, and popular press. This class is a seminar format.
Same as: CSRE 165, VPTL 165

AFRICAAM 166. Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle. 3-5 Units.

Using the unique documentary resources and publications of Stanford's Martin Luther King Jr. Research and Education Institute, this course will utilize multi-media materials to shed light on the relationship between grassroots activism and King's visionary leadership.
Same as: AMSTUD 166, HISTORY 66, HISTORY 166

AFRICAAM 176B. Documentary Fictions. 4 Units.

More and more of our best fiction, plays, and comics are being created out of documentary practices such as in-depth interviewing, oral histories, and reporting. Novels like Dave Egger¿s What is the What and plays like Anna Deavere Smith¿s Let Me Down Easy act as both witnesses and translators of people¿s direct experience and push art into social activism in new ways. This course takes a close look at a diverse range of these contemporary works and explores how to adopt their research and aesthetic strategies for work of your own. We start with a brief look back at the recent origins of this trend and look at excerpts from forerunners such as Richard Wright, Truman Capote, and Bertolt Brecht. We then turn to the rise of documentary fictions in the last few decades and read works by Eggers, Adam Johnson, G.B. Tran, Maria Hummel, and Daniel Alarcon and watch performances by the Tectonic Theater Project and Elevator Repair Service. Students write one analytic essay and then conduct or study interviews to design a work of their own. The course will feature class visits by a number of our authors and a special half-day workshop with Smith.
Same as: TAPS 176B

AFRICAAM 181Q. Alternative Viewpoints: Black Independent Film. 4 Units.

Preference to sophomores. Do you want to learn more about independent film as it was practiced in major urban centers by young filmmakers? This class focuses on major movements by groups such as the Sankofa Film Collective and the L.A. Rebellion. Learn how to analyze film and to discuss the politics of production as you watch films by Spike Lee, Julie Dash, Melvin Van Peebles, Ngozi Onwurah and more. We will discuss representation, lighting, press material, and of course the films themselves. This course includes a workshop on production, trips to local film festivals and time to critique films frame-by-frame. It matters who makes film and how they do so. When you have completed this class you will be able to think critically about "alternative viewpoints" to Hollywood cinema. You will understand how independent films are made and you will be inspired to seek out and perhaps produce or promote new visions.
Same as: FILMSTUD 181Q, TAPS 181Q

AFRICAAM 188. Who We Be: Art, Images & Race in Post-Civil Rights America. 2-4 Units.

Over the past half-century, the U.S. has seen profound demographic and cultural change. But racial progress still seems distant. After the faith of the civil rights movement, the fervor of multiculturalism, and even the brief euphoria of a ¿post-racial¿ moment, we remain a nation divided. Resegregation is the norm. The culture wars flare as hot as ever.nnThis course takes a close examination of visual culture¿particularly images, works, and ideas in the contemporary arts, justice movements, and popular culture¿to discuss North American demographic and cultural change and cultural politics over the past half-century. From the Watts uprising to the #BlackLivesMatter movement, from multiculturalism through hip-hop to ¿post-identity¿ art, we will deeply explore the questions: How do Americans see race now? Do we see each other any more clearly than before?.

AFRICAAM 189. Black Life and Death in the Neoliberal Era. 5 Units.

Professor Robin Kelley will teach this course. Of course, this is a history/genealogy of how we got to this place - precarity, mass incarceration, privatization and (re)dispossession of black lives, and the movements that erupted ¿ all since the early 1970s. It is as much an intellectual history as it is a political and cultural one since I will circle back to the roots of "neoliberal thinking¿ in 18th and 19th century liberalism, colonialism, imperialism, social Darwinism in the so-called ¿Gilded Age.¿ Will also touch on the rise of social democracy and its recasting of ¿liberal¿ as the welfare state, the ascendance of military Keynesianism, and Hayek¿s and Milton Freidman¿s Cold War resuscitation and revision of 19th century liberalism. Much of our reading and discussion will examine the global economic crisis of the 1970s, and the subsequent restructuring of the political economy, the state, and culture (not limited to the U.S. but looking at the ¿Third World¿ or Global South¿issues of debt, austerity and structural adjustment policies, environmental destruction, and military intervention. But the main focus is on how neoliberalism assaulted most black lives while enriching a handful of others; how is spawned a level of state violence that sometimes feels unprecedented and against which many movements emerged.

AFRICAAM 190. Directed Reading. 1-5 Unit.

May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

AFRICAAM 192. Sexual Violence in America. 4-5 Units.

This undergraduate/graduate colloquium explores the history of sexual violence in America, with particular attention to the intersections of gender and race in the construction of rape. We discuss the changing definitions of sexual violence in law and in cultural representations from early settlement through the late-twentieth century, including slavery, wartime and prison rape, the history of lynching and anti-lynching movements, and feminist responses to sexual violence. In addition to introducing students to the literature on sexual violence, the course attempts to teach critical skills in the analysis of secondary and primary historical texts. Students write short weekly reading responses and a final paper; no final exam; fifth unit research or CEL options.nnLimited enrollment, permission of instructor required. Submit application form (available on Coursework) by Dec. 1, 2015 and indicate interest in CEL option. Priority admission to History, FGSS, CSRE, AFRICAAM, and AMSTUD declared majors and minors.
Same as: AMSTUD 258, CSRE 192E, FEMGEN 258, FEMGEN 358, HISTORY 258, HISTORY 358

AFRICAAM 194. Topics in Writing & Rhetoric: "We Gon Be Alright": Contemporary Black Rhetorics. 4 Units.

Does not fulfill NSC requirement. What does the difference between Kendrick Lamar's "We Gon Be Alright" and older movement anthems like "Let Nobody Turn Us Around" tell us about differences in perspective held by contemporary Black activists and those of other eras? What strategies are people engaged in various kinds of work to "assert their collective humanity" and "gain acceptance for ideas relative to Black survival and Black liberation" using in the pursuit of those goals? What debates are taking place inside Black communities about activism? About community itself? What is it about twitter, vines and memes that have made those spaces such rich spaces for Black expressive cultures? What stylistic or aesthetic features mark those communicative efforts? Finally, what do young people themselves have to say about activism in this moment? This course will examine Black rhetoric from overtly persuasive political and activist discourse to Scandal watch parties and everyday conversation. Prerequisite: first level of the writing requirement or equivalent transfer credit. For topics, see
Same as: PWR 194AJ

AFRICAAM 195. Independent Study. 5 Units.


AFRICAAM 199. Honors Project. 1-5 Unit.

May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

AFRICAAM 200X. Honors Thesis and Senior Thesis Seminar. 5 Units.

Required for seniors. Weekly colloquia with AAAS Director and Associate Director to assist with refinement of research topic, advisor support, literature review, research, and thesis writing. Readings include foundational and cutting-edge scholarship in the interdisciplinary fields of African and African American studies and comparative race studies. Readings assist students situate their individual research interests and project within the larger. Students may also enroll in AFRICAAM 200Y in Winter and AFRICAAM 200Z in Spring for additional research units (up to 10 units total).

AFRICAAM 200Y. Honors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research. 3-5 Units.

Winter. Required for students writing an Honors Thesis. Optional for Students writing a Senior Thesis.

AFRICAAM 200Z. Honors Thesis and Senior Thesis Research. 3-5 Units.

Spring. Required for students writing an Honors Thesis. Optional for Students writing a Senior Thesis.

AFRICAAM 201F. Race & Technology. 1-2 Unit.

The program in African & African American Studies will be offering a weekly lecture series to expose and introduce underrepresented groups to the world of technology by creating a space where the idea of starting can lead to a "Start Up". The AAAS "Race & Technology" course endeavors to de-code the language of technology creation, how to build a team, problem solving, pitching an idea, leveraging the work of all disciplines in creating an entrepreneurship mindset. nnnScholars and industry people will cover topics such as the digital divide, women in technology, and social media.
Same as: AFRICAAM 101F

AFRICAAM 223. Literature and Human Experimentation. 3-5 Units.

This course introduces students to the ways literature has been used to think through the ethics of human subjects research and experimental medicine. We will focus primarily on readings that imaginatively revisit experiments conducted on vulnerable populations: namely groups placed at risk by their classification according to perceived human and cultural differences. We will begin with Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818), and continue our study via later works of fiction, drama and literary journalism, including Toni Morrison's Beloved, David Feldshuh's Miss Evers Boys, Hannah Arendt's Eichmann and Vivien Spitz's Doctors from Hell, Rebecca Skloot's Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, and Kazuo Ishiguro's Never Let Me Go. Each literary reading will be paired with medical, philosophical and policy writings of the period; and our ultimate goal will be to understand modes of ethics deliberation that are possible via creative uses of the imagination, and literature's place in a history of ethical thinking about humane research and care.
Same as: COMPLIT 223, CSRE 123B, HUMBIO 175H, MED 220

AFRICAAM 226. Mixed-Race Politics and Culture. 5 Units.

Today, almost one-third of Americans identify with a racial/ethnic minority group, and more than 9 million Americans identify with multiple races. What are the implications of such diversity for American politics and culture? This course approaches issues of race from an interdisciplinary perspective, employing research in the social sciences and humanities to assess how race shapes perceptions of identity as well as political behavior in 21st-century U.S. Issues surrounding the role of multiculturalism, immigration, acculturation, racial representation, and racial prejudice in American society. Topics include the political and social formation of race; racial representation in the media, arts, and popular culture; the rise and decline of the "one-drop rule" and its effect on political and cultural attachments; the politicization of census categories and the rise of the multiracial movement.
Same as: AMSTUD 152K, CSRE 152K

AFRICAAM 229. Literature and Global Health. 3-5 Units.

This course examines the ways writers in literature and medicine have used the narrative form to explore the ethics of care in what has been called the developing world. We will begin with a call made by the editor-in-chief of The Lancet for a literature of global health, namely fiction modeled on the social reform novels of the nineteenth century, understood to have helped readers develop a conscience for public health as the field emerged as a modern medical specialty. We will then spend the quarter understanding how colonial, postcolonial, and world literatures have answered and complicated this call. Readings will include prose fiction by Albert Camus, Joseph Conrad, Tsitsi Dangaremgba, Amitav Ghosh, Susan Sontag as well as physician memoirs featuring Frantz Fanon, Albert Schweitzer, Abraham Verghese, Paul Farmer. And each literary reading will be paired with medical, philosophical, and policy writings that deeply inform the field of global health.
Same as: AFRICAST 229, COMPLIT 229, CSRE 129B, FRENCH 229, HUMBIO 175L, MED 234

AFRICAAM 233A. Counseling Theories and Interventions from a Multicultural Perspective. 3-5 Units.

In an era of globalization characterized by widespread migration and cultural contacts, professionals face a unique challenge: How does one practice successfully when working with clients/students from so many different backgrounds? This course focuses upon the need to examine, conceptualize, and work with individuals according to the multiple ways in which they identify themselves. It will systematically examine multicultural counseling concepts, issues, and research. Literature on counselor and client characteristics such as social status or race/ethnicity and their effects on the counseling process and outcome will be reviewed. Issues in consultation with culturally and linguistically diverse parents and students and work with migrant children and their families are but a few of the topics covered in this course.
Same as: CSRE 233A, EDUC 233A

AFRICAAM 245. Understanding Racial and Ethnic Identity Development. 3-5 Units.

African American, Native American, Mexican American, and Asian American racial and ethnic identity development; the influence of social, political and psychological forces in shaping the experience of people of color in the U.S. The importance of race in relationship to social identity variables including gender, class, and occupational, generational, and regional identifications. Bi- and multiracial identity status, and types of white racial consciousness.
Same as: CSRE 245, EDUC 245

AFRICAAM 254D. Law, Slavery, and Race. 5 Units.

(Same as LAW 747.) This course will explore the interaction of law, slavery and race in the United States, as well as from a comparative perspective. We will read original documents, including excerpts of trial transcripts, appellate opinions, treatises, codes, and first-person narratives. We will study the way law, politics and culture interacted to shape the institution of slavery and the development of modern conceptions of race. Course lectures and discussions will focus on questions such as: Did different legal regimes (Spanish, French, British) foster different systems of race and slavery in the Americas? How did/does law work "on the ground" to shape the production of racial hierarchy and creation of racial identities? In what ways did slavery influence the U.S. Constitution? How has race shaped citizenship in the U.S., and how can we compare it to other constitutional regimes? The course will begin with the origins of New World slavery, race and racism, and move chronologically to the present day.
Same as: CSRE 154D, HISTORY 254D, HISTORY 354

AFRICAAM 255. Racial Identity in the American Imagination. 4-5 Units.

From Sally Hemings to Barack Obama, this course explores the ways that racial identity has been experienced, represented and contested throughout American history. Engaging historical, legal and literary texts and films, this course examines major historical transformations that have shaped our understanding of racial identity. This course also draws on other imaginative modes including autobiography, memoir, photography and music to consider the ways that racial identity has been represented in American society. Most broadly, this course interrogates the problem of American identity and examines the interplay between racial identity and American identity. This course moves along both chronological and thematic axes to investigate the problems of racial mixture, mixed-race identity, racial passing and racial performance across historical periods. Themes of ambiguous, hidden and hybrid identity will be critical to this course. This course will also explore the interplay of the problems of class, gender and sexuality in the construction of racial identity.
Same as: AMSTUD 255D, CSRE 255D, HISTORY 255D, HISTORY 355D

AFRICAAM 261E. Mixed Race Literature in the U.S. and South Africa. 5 Units.

As scholar Werner Sollors recently suggested, novels, poems, stories about interracial contacts and mixed race constitute ¿an orphan literature belonging to no clear ethnic or national tradition.¿ Yet the theme of mixed race is at the center of many national self-definitions, even in our U.S. post-Civil Rights and South Africa¿s post-Apartheid era. This course examines aesthetic engagements with mixed race politics in these trans- and post-national dialogues, beginning in the 1700s and focusing on the 20th and 21st centuries.
Same as: AMSTUD 261E

AFRICAAM 262D. African American Poetics. 5 Units.

Examination of African American poetic expressive forms from the 1700s to the 2000s, considering the central role of the genre--from sonnets to spoken word, from blues poetry to new media performance--in defining an evolving literary tradition and cultural identity.
Same as: AMSTUD 262D

AFRICAAM 267E. Martin Luther King, Jr. - His Life, Ideas, and Legacy. 4-5 Units.

Using the unique documentary resources and publications of Stanford's King Research and Education Institute, this course will provide a general introduction to King's life, visionary ideas, and historical significance. In addition to lectures and discussions, the course will include presentations of documentaries such as Eyes on the Prize. Students will be expected to read the required texts, participate in class discussions, and submit a research paper or an audio-visual project developed in consultation with the professor.
Same as: AMSTUD 267E, HISTORY 267E

AFRICAAM 290. Human Rights in a Global Frame: Race, Place, Redress, Resistance. 3-5 Units.

A presentation of human rights discourse around issues of how we "occupy" space. Centering on racialized spaces and the effects on a wide range rights in US and in other countries. Readings on human rights, history, critique. Deep readings in cultural texts and practices that name injustice and seek redress in a number of forms.
Same as: COMPLIT 290, CSRE 290