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Courses offered by the Urban Studies Program are listed under the subject code URBANST on the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses web site.

The Urban Studies program treats urbanism as an interdisciplinary field; it brings together students, faculty, and outside specialists concerned with cities, and the impacts of cities on society and people's lives. The Urban Studies major encourages students to inquire deeply into the nature of cities and the techniques used to modify urban environments. It prepares students to address urbanization, and gives students a knowledge base and theoretical, analytical, and practical skills to understand urban social systems and effect social change.

Mission of the Undergraduate Program in Urban Studies

The mission of the undergraduate program in Urban Studies is to develop students' understanding of the nature of cities and their impacts on both the individual and society at large. The program is interdisciplinary in nature,  drawing from fields in the social sciences, history, and education. Courses in the program focus on issues in contemporary urban society, and on the tools and concepts that can bring about change to improve urban life. Courses also address how cities have changed over time and how they continue to change today in societies around the world. Through a comprehensive program that includes course work, an internship, and independent research, a major in Urban Studies prepares students for careers and advanced academic pursuits in fields including architecture, community service, education, environmental planning, real estate development, urban design, and urban planning; many alumni have obtained graduate degrees in architecture, business, law, public policy, urban design, and urban planning from major universities across the country. Information on careers and graduate programs pursued by Urban Studies alumni is available from the Urban Studies program office.

Learning Outcomes (Undergraduate)

The program expects its undergraduate majors to be able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes. These learning outcomes are used in evaluating students and the Program in Urban Studies. Students are expected to demonstrate ability:

  1. to formulate a research question and assess its significance in relation to one or more relevant scholarly or professional literatures and, where relevant, to theoretical writings.
  2. to collect data to answer the proposed research question.
  3. to analyze a problem and draw correct inferences using qualitative and/or quantitative analysis.
  4. to write clearly and persuasively.

Coterminal Programs In Urban Studies

Undergraduates in Urban Studies may enter coterminal master's degree programs in a number of departments and schools in the University. In recent years, Urban Studies majors have developed coterminal programs with the departments of Anthropology, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Communication, Earth Systems and Sociology, and with the School of Education. Information and applications for coterminal degree programs are available at Undergraduate Advising and Research. Students should discuss the coterminal program with a program director during their junior year.

For University coterminal degree program rules and University application forms, see the Publications and Online Guides web site.

Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies

The Urban Studies major requires students to complete four types of courses totaling at least 70 units:

  1. 23 units in the core
  2. 9 units (minimum) of skills courses in at least 3 courses of 3 units each
  3. 20 units (minimum) in an area of concentration
  4. 3 units (minimum) of an approved service-learning course or internship
  5. 10 units in the capstone sequence

If units in these categories total less then 70, the remaining units may be fulfilled by courses in other concentrations or in Urban Studies courses numbered 100 or higher (except URBANST 198 Senior Research in Public Service and URBANST 199 Senior Honors Thesis).

Majors must complete one prerequisite: ECON 1 Principles of Economics; this prerequisite course may be taken S/NC, as the units for this course do not count toward the 70 units required for the major. URBANST 198 Senior Research in Public Service, URBANST 199 Senior Honors Thesis, and prerequisites for required courses and for electives also do not count towards the 70-unit minimum.

Urban Studies students interested in graduate school in business or urban planning are advised to obtain basic quantitative skills by completing MATH 19 Calculus, MATH 20 Calculus, and MATH 21 Calculus, or MATH 41 Calculus and MATH 42 Calculus, preferably before the junior year.

A course in statistical methods, such as STATS 60 Introduction to Statistical Methods: Precalculus, ECON 102A Introduction to Statistical Methods (Postcalculus) for Social Scientists or SOC 181B Sociological Methods: Statistics, is recommended for students interested in business or urban planning.

Urban Studies students are encouraged to spend at least one quarter studying overseas to learn how cities vary across societies. Some Urban Studies concentration courses, as well as electives, can be satisfied at Stanford overseas campuses. Courses offered overseas vary from year to year, and students should check in advance with Overseas Studies and Urban Studies concerning which courses meet Urban Studies requirements. Students may arrange to fulfill the internship requirement through a placement at one of Stanford's overseas locations.

Courses counted toward the 70-unit graduation requirement for the major must be taken for a letter grade, and a minimum grade of 'C' is required. The only exceptions are Urban Studies courses numbered 100 and higher that are offered only on an S/NC basis, such as URBANST 201A Capstone Internship in Urban Studies. Students may count up to three non-Stanford courses, for a maximum of 15 units, toward the major. These units must first be approved by the Office of Transfer Credit in the Registrar's Office and subsequently approved by the Urban Studies program. Transfer credit is not awarded for internship. Students may not count more than 5 units of URBANST 197 Directed Reading, toward the major without permission of the Director. Qualified students may write a senior honors thesis and graduate with honors; see details in "Honors Program" below. Students interested in declaring Urban Studies as a major are required to meet first with the student services administrator and one of the program's advisers; they then declare the Urban Studies major on Axess.

Urban Studies Core

Urban Studies majors should complete URBANST 110 Utopia and Reality: Introduction to Urban Studies, before Spring Quarter of the junior year. The following courses, totaling 23 units, are required:

URBANST 110Utopia and Reality: Introduction to Urban Studies4
URBANST 111Political Power in American Cities5
URBANST 112The Urban Underclass4
URBANST 113Introduction to Urban Design: Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Practice5
URBANST 114Urban Culture in Global Perspective5


A minimum of 9 units in 3 courses of at least 3 units each are required (for those who declare after August 1, 2014; 12 units for those declaring between August 1, 2011,  and August 1, 2014, 8 units for those who declared before August 1, 2011), and should be taken before the end of the junior year. The following courses are recommended for most Urban Studies majors.

SOC 180AFoundations of Social Research4
EARTHSYS 144Fundamentals of Geographic Information Science (GIS)3-4

ANTHRO 130D Spatial Approaches to Social Science is an approved substitute for EARTHSYS 144. 

The additional skills courses vary depending on a student's needs and interests. Student consult with an adviser to determine the best choice. Courses that fulfill the skills requirement are:

ANTHRO 91Method and Evidence in Anthropology5
ANTHRO 93BPrefield Research Seminar: Non-Majors5
ANTHRO 102Urban Ethnography5
CEE 31Accessing Architecture Through Drawing4
CEE 31QAccessing Architecture Through Drawing4
CEE 130Architectural Design: 3-D Modeling, Methodology, and Process4
CEE 133FPrinciples of Freehand Drawing3
CEE 139Design Portfolio Methods4
EARTHSYS 127GIS for good: Applications of GIS for International Development and Humanitarian Assistance3-4
ECON 102AIntroduction to Statistical Methods (Postcalculus) for Social Scientists5
HUMBIO 82AQualitative Research Methodology3
HUMBIO 82BAdvanced Data Analysis in Qualitative Research3
MED 147Methods in Community Assessment, Evaluation, and Research3
PEDS 202CQualitative Research Methods and Study Design3
POLISCI 155Political Data Science5
SOC 180BIntroduction to Data Analysis4
URBANST 123BApproaching Research in the Community: Design and Methods3


Students must complete at least 20 units in one of the following concentrations:

  • Cities in Comparative and Historical Perspective,
  • Urban Education,
  • Urban Society and Social Change
  • Urban Sustainability
  • Self-Designed

Courses may not be double-counted within the major. 

Students should consult an adviser to develop a program that meets their intellectual goals; relevant courses not listed here, including research methods courses taken in preparation for the capstone project, may be counted toward the concentration with the prior consent of an adviser.

These concentrations are declared to the department; they are not declared on Axess, and they do not appear on the transcript or the diploma.

Cities in Comparative and Historical Perspective

Focus is on how cities have evolved over time, and how they are continuing to change today in societies around the world.  Drawing on disciplinary approaches including anthropology, archaeology, art history, geography, and history, students place urban issues in perspective to improve their comprehension of the present as well as the past.

Students in this concentration are encouraged to study off campus, and preferably overseas, for at least one quarter. Many courses offered through the Overseas Studies Program can be counted toward the concentration. Similarly, internships offered at many of Stanford's overseas locations can be used to fulfill the Urban Studies internship requirement.

URBANST 119 Ancient Urbanism (offered alternate years) is required for the cities in comparative and historical perspectives concentration:

The following courses may be counted toward the Cities in Comparative and Historical Perspective concentration:

AMELANG 177Middle Eastern Cities in Literature and Film4-5
ANTHRO 42Megacities5
ANTHRO 105Ancient Cities in the New World3-5
ANTHRO 112Public Archaeology: Market Street Chinatown Archaeology Project4
ANTHRO 127City and Sounds5
ANTHRO 149South Asia: History, People, Politics5
ARTHIST 3Introduction to World Architecture5
ARTHIST 107ASt. Petersburg, a Cultural Biography: Architecture, Urban Planning, the Arts4
ARTHIST 142Architecture Since 19004
ARTHIST 143AAmerican Architecture4
ARTHIST 188AThe History of Modern and Contemporary Japanese and Chinese Architecture and Urbanism4
ARTHIST 205Cairo and Istanbul: Urban Space, Memory, Protest5
CEE 32QPlace: Making Space Now3
CEE 32RAmerican Architecture4
CEE 32TMaking and Remaking the Architect: Edward Durell Stone and Stanford4
CLASSICS 83The Greeks4-5
CLASSICS 84The Romans3-5
COMPLIT 144AIstanbul the Muse: The City in Literature and Film3-5
EARTHSYS 112Human Society and Environmental Change4
FILMSTUD 150Cinema and the City4
HISTORY 25St. Petersburg: A Cultural Biography1
HISTORY 31Leonardo's World: Science, Technology, and Art in the Renaissance3-5
HISTORY 106AGlobal Human Geography: Asia and Africa5
HISTORY 150CThe United States in the Twentieth Century5
HISTORY 166Introduction to African American History - the Modern Freedom Struggle3-5
HISTORY 232BHeretics, Prostitutes and Merchants: The Venetian Empire5
HISTORY 232DRome: The City and the World, 1300-18004-5
HISTORY 274EUrban Poverty and Inequality in Latin America5
HISTORY 260California's Minority-Majority Cities4-5
ME 120History and Philosophy of Design3
OSPBER 30Berlin vor Ort: A Field Trip Module1
OSPBER 60Cityscape as History: Architecture and Urban Design in Berlin5
OSPCPTWN 16Sites of Memory2
Targeted Research Project in Community Health and Development
and Targeted Research Project in Community Health and Development
OSPCPTWN 43Public and Community Health in Sub-Saharan Africa4
OSPFLOR 58Space as History: Social Vision and Urban Change4
OSPFLOR 71A Studio with a View: Drawing, Painting and Informing your Aesthetic in Florence3-5
OSPFLOR 75Florence in the Renaissance: Family, Youth and Marriage in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries5
OSPFLOR 115YBuilding the Cathedral and the Town Hall: Constructing and Deconstructing Symbols of a Civilization4
OSPMADRD 60Integration into Spanish Society: Service Learning and Professional Opportunities4
OSPOXFRD 70The History of London5
OSPPARIS 92Building Paris: Its History, Architecture, and Urban Design4
OSPSANTG 71Santiago: Urban Planning, Public Policy, and the Built Environment4-5
POLISCI 110CAmerica and the World Economy5
URBANST 25QThe Origins of the Modern American City, 1865-19203
URBANST 27QSophomore Seminar: Three Detectives, Three Cities3
URBANST 139Urban Africa5
URBANST 141Gentrification5
URBANST 144Cities and Citizens in the Middle East4
URBANST 145International Urbanization Seminar: Cross-Cultural Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Development4-5
URBANST 150From Gold Rush to Google Bus: History of San Francisco5
URBANST 160Environmental Policy and the City in U.S. History5
URBANST 161U.S. Urban History since 19205
URBANST 166East Palo Alto: Reading Urban Change5
URBANST 169California's Minority-Majority Cities4-5
URBANST 174Defining Smart Cities: Visions of Urbanism for the 21st Century1

Urban Education

The purpose of this concentration is to prepare students for a career in educational policy and practice in diverse settings. This concentration is a useful basis for graduate study in educational policy, law, or business, and for students who have been admitted by the School of Education to pursue a coterminal master's degree in the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) or the Policy, Organization, and Leadership Studies Program (POLS). Stanford undergraduates can apply to the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP) in their Junior or Senior year. 

Coterminal students applying to STEP are encouraged to takeEDUC 101 Introduction to Teaching and Learning before applying to the program.  Additionally, students interested in STEP Secondary (Single Subject) must demonstrate subject matter competency in their intended teaching area. Transcripts should reflect coursework in the intended teaching subject even if it was not a student’s undergraduate major.

For additional information please contact the STEP Admissions Officer at 723-2110, or consult the STEP web site.

The following course is required for the urban education concentration:

EDUC 112Urban Education3-4

The following courses may be counted toward the urban education concentration:

EDUC 101Introduction to Teaching and Learning4
EDUC 103ATutoring: Seeing a Child through Literacy3-4
EDUC 103BRace, Ethnicity, and Linguistic Diversity in Classrooms: Sociocultural Theory and Practices3-5
EDUC 149Theory and Issues in the Study of Bilingualism3-5
EDUC 201History of Education in the United States3-5
EDUC 202Introduction to Comparative and International Education4
EDUC 203Using International Test Results in Educational Research4
EDUC 204Introduction to Philosophy of Education3
EDUC 216Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
EDUC 220AIntroduction to the Economics of Education4
EDUC 220CEducation and Society4-5
EDUC 220DHistory of School Reform: Origins, Policies, Outcomes, and Explanations3-5
EDUC 221APolicy Analysis in Education4-5
Counseling Theories and Interventions from a Multicultural Perspective
and Adolescent Development and Mentoring in the Urban Context
EDUC 283Child Development In and Beyond Schools2
HISTORY 11WService-Learning Workshop on Issues of Education Equity1
HUMBIO 142Adolescent Development4
or PSYCH 60 Introduction to Developmental Psychology
SOC 132Sociology of Education: The Social Organization of Schools4

Urban Society and Social Change

Focus is on issues in contemporary urban society and the tools and concepts that planners, policy makers, and citizens use to address those issues. Topics include environmental challenges, racial and class inequality, and the provision of adequate urban infrastructure. Students learn how community action, urban planning and design, and organizations in nonprofit, for-profit, and government sectors address urban social and environmental problems. This concentration prepares students to enter graduate programs concerned with urban affairs, community service, and public policy, and to work with local governmental agencies and for-profit and nonprofit organizations engaged in community service and development.

The following course is required for the urban society and social change concentration:

POLISCI 133Ethics and Politics of Public Service5

The following courses may be counted toward the urban society and social change concentration:

ANTHRO 32Theories in Race and Ethnicity: A Comparative Perspective5
ANTHRO 106AGang Colors: The Racialization of Violence and the American City5
ASNAMST 146SAsian American Culture and Community3-5
CEE 32APsychology of Architecture3
CEE 32BDesign Theory4
CEE 48NManaging Complex, Global Projects3
CEE 124Sustainable Development Studio1-5
CEE 131AProfessional Practice: Mixed-Use Design in an Urban Setting3
CEE 141AInfrastructure Project Development3
CEE 141BInfrastructure Project Delivery3
CEE 171Environmental Planning Methods3
CEE 172Air Quality Management3
CEE 246Entrepreneurship in Civil & Environmental Engineering3-4
EARTHSYS 49NMulti-Disciplinary Perspectives on a Large Urban Estuary: San Francisco Bay3
EARTHSYS 105Food and Community: New Visions for a Sustainable Future3
EARTHSYS 181Urban Agriculture in the Developing World3-4
ECON 150Economic Policy Analysis4-5
ECON 155Environmental Economics and Policy5
EDUC 216Education, Race, and Inequality in African American History, 1880-19903-5
ENGR 150Data Challenge Lab1-6
HISTORY 106AGlobal Human Geography: Asia and Africa5
HISTORY 106BGlobal Human Geography: Europe and Americas5
HISTORY 255Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Social Gospel and the Struggle for Justice5
HISTORY 259APoverty and Homelessness in America4-5
HUMBIO 122SSocial Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health4
Community Health: Assessment and Planning I
and Community Health: Assessment and Planning II
HUMBIO 128Community Health Psychology4
MSE 180Organizations: Theory and Management4
or SOC 160 Formal Organizations
POLISCI 236Theories of Civil Society, Philanthropy, and the Nonprofit Sector5
PUBLPOL 102Organizations and Public Policy4-5
PUBLPOL 135Regional Politics and Decision Making in Silicon Valley and the Greater Bay Area3
PUBLPOL 183Philanthropy and Social Innovation4
SOC 14NInequality in American Society3
SOC 16NAfrican Americans and Social Movements3
SOC 45QUnderstanding Race and Ethnicity in American Society4
SOC 118Social Movements and Collective Action4
SOC 119Understanding Large-Scale Societal Change: The Case of the 1960s5
SOC 135Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in the United States3
SOC 140Introduction to Social Stratification3
SOC 141Controversies about Inequality5
SOC 145Race and Ethnic Relations in the USA4
SOC 146Introduction to Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity5
SOC 160Formal Organizations4
SOC 161The Social Science of Entrepreneurship4
SOC 164Immigration and the Changing United States4
SOC 166Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and Chicanos in American Society5
URBANST 104Civic Dreams, Human Spaces: Urban Design with People4
URBANST 107Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning3
URBANST 111Political Power in American Cities5
URBANST 121Public Scholarship & Social Change2
URBANST 123Approaching Research and the Community2-3
URBANST 126Spirituality and Nonviolent Urban and Social Transformation3
URBANST 131VIP: Very Impactful People - Social Innovation & the Social Entrepreneur1
URBANST 132Concepts and Analytic Skills for the Social Sector4
URBANST 133Social Entrepreneurship Collaboratory4
URBANST 137Innovations in Microcredit and Development Finance4
URBANST 141Gentrification5
URBANST 145International Urbanization Seminar: Cross-Cultural Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Development4-5
URBANST 160Environmental Policy and the City in U.S. History5
URBANST 165Sustainable Urban and Regional Transportation Planning4-5
URBANST 163Land Use Control4
URBANST 164Sustainable Cities4-5
URBANST 166East Palo Alto: Reading Urban Change5
URBANST 167Green Mobilities for the Suburbs of the Future4
URBANST 168Housing & Community Development--Policy and Practice3
URBANST 169California's Minority-Majority Cities4-5
URBANST 171Urban Design Studio5
URBANST 173The Urban Economy4
URBANST 174Defining Smart Cities: Visions of Urbanism for the 21st Century1

Urban Sustainability

The  Urban Sustainability concentration provides the basis for a holistic understanding of cities through the lens of environmental and social sustainability. By combining coursework in urban studies, history, sociology, and design with the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), students in the Urban Sustainability concentration are exposed to both the environmental and infrastructural aspects of cities, as issues of human development,  urban societies, public policy, and social equity.

Students in the concentration acquire a foundation in sustainability concepts and skills for research and professional practices.  The Urban Sustainability concentration helps prepare students to serve as social change agents in future roles as scholars, urban planners, designers, entrepreneurs, public servants, and advocates, to address the most pressing issues of urban development and its human impacts in cities around the world.

The following course is required for the urban sustainability concentration:

EARTHSYS 112Human Society and Environmental Change4

The following courses may be counted toward the Urban Sustainability Concentration. Students must select at least one course from each of the following categories:

  1. environmental sustainability
  2. social sustainability
  3. project-based courses.
Environmental Sustainability

Environmental sustainability refers to the biosphere, environmental planning and policy, natural resource planning and development, sustainable building design, and urban infrastructure systems.

CEE 64Air Pollution and Global Warming: History, Science, and Solutions3
CEE 100Managing Sustainable Building Projects4
CEE 129SClimate Change Adaptation in the Coastal Built Environment1
CEE 165CWater Resources Management3
CEE 171Environmental Planning Methods3
CEE 172Air Quality Management3
CEE 172SGreen House Gas Mitigation1-3
CEE 176AEnergy Efficient Buildings3-4
CEE 179XSustainable Urban System Seminar1
CHEMENG 35NRenewable Energy for a Sustainable World3
CHEMENG 60QEnvironmental Regulation and Policy3
EARTHSYS 10Introduction to Earth Systems4
EARTHSYS 41NThe Global Warming Paradox3
EARTHSYS 101Energy and the Environment3
EARTHSYS 104The Water Course3
EARTHSYS 175California Coast: Science, Policy, and Law3-4
EARTHSYS 188Social and Environmental Tradeoffs in Climate Decision-Making1-2
ECON 17NEnergy, the Environment, and the Economy3
ECON 155Environmental Economics and Policy5
ENGR 90Environmental Science and Technology3
OSPSANTG 29Sustainable Cities: Comparative Transportation Systems in Latin America4-5
URBANST 174Defining Smart Cities: Visions of Urbanism for the 21st Century1
Social Sustainability

Social sustainability refers to land use planning and its human impacts, distribution of public goods, human-centered design, human and community development, citizen participation, and social equity.

ANTHRO 156BEnvironment, Nature and Race3-5
ANTHRO 183BHuman Mobility and Adaptability5
CEE 131BFinancial Management of Sustainable Urban Systems3
EARTHSYS 37NClimate Change: Science & Society3
EARTHSYS 105Food and Community: New Visions for a Sustainable Future3
POLISCI 19NPolitics of Energy Efficiency5
SOC 135Poverty, Inequality, and Social Policy in the United States3
URBANST 104Civic Dreams, Human Spaces: Urban Design with People4
URBANST 107Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning3
URBANST 163Land Use Control4
URBANST 165Sustainable Urban and Regional Transportation Planning4-5
URBANST 167Green Mobilities for the Suburbs of the Future3
URBANST 168Housing & Community Development--Policy and Practice3
Project-Based Courses

Project-based courses enable students to work on a real-life urban sustainability issue in collaboration with local and international community partners.  Students grapple with sustainability concepts while practicing community engagement and capacity building, fluency in crosscultural collaboration, human-centered design thinking, and developing a sense of one's place in relation to global society and the praxis of urban sustainability. 

CEE 124Sustainable Development Studio1-5
CEE 177XCurrent Topics in Sustainable Engineering1-3
URBANST 145International Urbanization Seminar: Cross-Cultural Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Development4-5
URBANST 164Sustainable Cities4-5
URBANST 171Urban Design Studio5
URBANST 181Urban Agriculture in the Developing World3-4

Students interested in pursuing the concentration in urban sustainability should meet with an Urban Studies adviser to determine an appropriate course of study.  Consult the Urban Studies website or see an adviser for sample course plans in this concentration.

Self-Designed Concentration

Students who wish to concentrate in an area of urban studies other than one of the above concentrations must complete the Urban Studies core, skills, and capstone requirement, and design additional units to bring the total to at least 70 units. The self-designed portion of the major should concentrate on a particular area of urban study, such as urban health care or urban environmental management. Additional units must be approved by both the Director of Urban Studies and an academic adviser who is a member of the Academic Council and has expertise in the particular area of interest to the student. A proposal for a self-designed concentration should include a list of courses and a description of how each course meets the student's educational objectives. A proposal for a self-designed concentration must be accompanied by a letter to the Director of Urban Studies indicating that the academic adviser has examined and approved the student's plan.

Students pursuing a self-designed concentration must submit proposals for approval by the Director of Urban Studies by the beginning of the third quarter of the student's sophomore year. Applications received after that deadline are not considered. Students interested in designing their own concentration are strongly encouraged to meet with the Director of Urban Studies before the end of fall quarter of their sophomore year.

Service Learning

Urban Studies students are required to engage in a service learning experience as part of their course of study.  Students can fulfill their service learning requirement in two ways:

  1. enroll in an approved course such as URBANST 164, URBANST 145, SINY 101, or ANTHRO 112; or
  2. complete an independent internship in an office of a government   agency or non-profit/community organization relevant to the major, while enrolled in  URBANST 201A Capstone Internship in Urban Studies before Autumn Quarter of the senior year.

Students planning to carry out an internship should consult with the Program Manager for Service Learning no later than Winter Quarter of junior year and complete the internship before Autumn Quarter of senior year, or three quarters before graduation. Students who intern for a private sector organization may receive credit for URBANST 194, but cannot use URBANST 201A credits to meet the capstone requirement.  Urban Studies majors who wish to receive academic credit for additional internship work may enroll in URBANST 194. Students may not count more than 7 units of internship credit, including URBANST 194 Internship in Urban Studies and URBANST 201A Capstone Internship in Urban Studies, toward their major. Students can consult the Haas Center for Public Service for other courses with internship placements at community organizations.


All majors are required to complete a sequence of two seminars, totaling 10 units, in which students design a senior project, and write the results of their project. The capstone seminars can be used to satisfy the Writing in the Major requirement and to complete some work on an honors thesis.   URBANST 202 Preparation for Senior Research, should be taken in the junior year, and URBANST 203 Senior Seminar in the senior year. Students who plan to be away during Winter Quarter of their junior year are advised to take URBANST 202 Preparation for Senior Research in the Winter Quarter of their sophomore year.

URBANST 202Preparation for Senior Research5
URBANST 203Senior Seminar5

Honors Program

The honors program offers qualified students an opportunity to conduct independent research and to write a thesis summarizing the results. Before being accepted to the honors program in Urban Studies, a student must:

  1. declare a major in Urban Studies and complete at least 30 of the 70 required units including all prerequisites and core classes
  2. complete URBANST 202 Preparation for Senior Research (offered Winter Quarter)
  3. have an overall GPA of 3.3 and a GPA of at least 3.5 in Urban Studies
  4. submit an application, including a one-page abstract and the signatures of an adviser and, if applicable, a second reader. If the adviser is not a member of Stanford's Academic Council, the student must have a second reader who is an Academic Council member. The application must be submitted to the program office no later than April 30 of the junior year, and it must then be approved by the Director of the Urban Studies honors program.

Honors students are expected to complete a portion of their honors work in URBANST 203 Senior Seminar, in Autumn Quarter. Additionally, they must register for 5-10 units total in URBANST 199 Senior Honors Thesis, over the course of their senior year. The units of URBANST 199 Senior Honors Thesis are in addition to the 70-units required for the major. Honors students are required to present their theses at the Senior Colloquium in Spring Quarter of senior year.

To graduate with honors, students must receive a grade of at least 'A-' in the honors work and have a GPA of at least 3.5 in courses for the Urban Studies major at the time of graduation.

Minor in Urban Studies

The minor in Urban Studies is designed to introduce students to several disciplinary approaches to the study of cities, and provides the opportunity to explore one of four specialized options:

  • Cities in comparative and historical perspective
  • Urban education
  • Urban society and social change
  • Urban sustainability

The minor in Urban Studies requires completion of seven courses for a letter grade, including the five core courses, the required course in the student's chosen concentration area, and one additional course in that option as listed in the "Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies" section of this bulletin.

Director:    Zephyr Frank (History)

Associate Director: Michael Kahan (Lecturer, Urban Studies)

Executive Committee: Thomas Hansen (Anthropology), Michael Rosenfeld (Sociology), Barbara Voss (Anthropology),  Jeff Wachtel (President's Office)

Affiliated Faculty: Michelle Anderson (Law), Arnetha Ball (Education), Eric Bettinger (Education), Scott Bukatman (Art and Art History), Albert Camarillo (History), Prudence Carter (Education), Samuel Chiu (Management Science and Engineering),  Rebecca Diamond (Business), Paulla Ebron (Anthropology), Paula Findlen (History), James Fishkin (Communication), Shelley Fisher Fishkin (English), Charlotte Fonrobert (Religious Studies), Richard Ford (Law), Zephyr Frank (History), Leah Gordon (Education),  David Grusky (Sociology), Thomas Hansen (Anthropolgy), Allyson Hobbs (History), Ian Hodder (Anthropology), Miyako Inoue (Anthropology), Sarah Jain (Anthropology),Tomás Jiménez (Sociology), David Labaree (Education), Kincho Law (Civil and Environmental Engineering),  Raymond Levitt (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Carolyn Lougee Chappell (History),  Tanya Luhrmann (Anthropology), Pamela Matson (Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences), Doug McAdam (Sociology), Raymond McDermott (Education), Daniel McFarland (Education),  William McLennan (Office of Religious Life), Ian Morris (Classics), Clayton Nall (Political Science), Josiah Ober (Classics, Political Science), Leonard Ortolano (Civil and Environmental Engineering), Sean Reardon (Education), Rob Reich (Political Science), Jonathan Rodden (Political Science), Michael Rosenfeld (Sociology),  Walter Scheidel (Classics), Gary Segura (Political Science), Michael Shanks (Classics), Jennifer Trimble (Classics), Nancy Brandon Tuma (Sociology, Hoover Institution), Fred Turner (Communication),  Guadalupe Valdes (Education), Barbara Voss (Anthropology), Steve Zipperstein (History)

Lecturers: Deland Chan, Melanie Edwards,  Dennis Gale, Dehan Glanz, Radford Hall, Kevin Hsu, Clayton Hurd, Michael Kahan,  Patricia Karlin-Neumann, Michael Kieschnick, Joseph Kott, Lawrence Litvak, Judith Ned,  Marisa Raya, Laura Scher, Frederic Stout, Mark Wolfe

Overseas Studies Courses in Urban Studies

The Bing Overseas Studies Program manages Stanford study abroad programs for Stanford undergraduates. Students should consult their department or program's student services office for applicability of Overseas Studies courses to a major or minor program.

The Bing Overseas Studies course search site displays courses, locations, and quarters relevant to specific majors.

For course descriptions and additional offerings, see the listings in the Stanford Bulletin's ExploreCourses or Bing Overseas Studies.

OSPBER 13Jewish and Muslim Berlin3
OSPBER 30Berlin vor Ort: A Field Trip Module1
OSPBER 60Cityscape as History: Architecture and Urban Design in Berlin5
OSPCPTWN 16Sites of Memory3
OSPCPTWN 24ATargeted Research Project in Community Health and Development3
OSPCPTWN 24BTargeted Research Project in Community Health and Development5
OSPCPTWN 43Public and Community Health in Sub-Saharan Africa4
OSPFLOR 58Space as History: Social Vision and Urban Change4
OSPFLOR 75Florence in the Renaissance: Family, Youth and Marriage in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries5
OSPFLOR 115YBuilding the Cathedral and the Town Hall: Constructing and Deconstructing Symbols of a Civilization4
OSPMADRD 60Integration into Spanish Society: Service Learning and Professional Opportunities4
OSPOXFRD 70The History of London5
OSPPARIS 92Building Paris: Its History, Architecture, and Urban Design4
OSPSANTG 71Santiago: Urban Planning, Public Policy, and the Built Environment4-5


URBANST 25Q. The Origins of the Modern American City, 1865-1920. 3 Units.

Are we living in a new Gilded Age? To answer this question, we go back to the original Gilded Age, as well as its successor, the Progressive Era. How did urban Americans around the turn of the twentieth century deal with stark inequalities of class, race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality? And what can we learn from their struggles for our own time? Students use primary and secondary sources in digital and print formats. Possible field trip to San Francisco.
Same as: AMSTUD 25Q, HISTORY 55Q

URBANST 27Q. Sophomore Seminar: Three Detectives, Three Cities. 3 Units.

This seminar will analyze the social reality of three historic cities (London in the 1880s and 90s, San Francisco in the 1920s and 30s, and contemporary Shanghai) through the prism of popular crime fiction featuring three great literary detectives (Arthur Conan Doyle¿s Sherlock Holmes, Dashiell Hammett¿s Sam Spade, and Qiu Xiaolong¿s Chief Inspector Chen). As a student in this course, you will explore why crime fiction is so popular, why the fear of crime is so much a part of modern urban culture, and why the police detective and the private investigator have become iconic code heroes of pulp fiction, movies, TV shows, and even video games. If you take this class, you will have the opportunity to write a paper and present your research on one of the classic literary detectives or on one of today¿s related manifestations of the same impulse in mass-market tales of superheroes, vampires, and the zombie apocalypse.

URBANST 100A. Pre-field Course for Urban Studies Alternative Spring Break. 1 Unit.

Limited to students participating in the Alternative Spring Break program. See for more information.

URBANST 101. Public Service Internship Preparation. 1 Unit.

Are you prepared for your internship this summer? This workshop series will help you make the most of your internship experience by setting learning goals in advance; negotiating and communicating clear roles and expectations; preparing for a professional role in a non-profit, government, or community setting; and reflecting with successful interns and community partners on how to prepare sufficiently ahead of time. You will read, discuss, and hear from guest speakers, as well as develop a learning plan specific to your summer or academic year internship placement. This course is primarily designed for students who have already identified an internship for summer or a later quarter. You are welcome to attend any and all workshops, but must attend the entire series and do the assignments for 1 unit of credit.

URBANST 102. Social and Urban Development in Beijing: Field Observation & Service Learning. 4 Units.

In this course, we explore China's urban and social development through the lens of Beijing. We investigate issues such as land use and land rights, housing, education, migrants in cities, and the repercussions of unequal development and a frayed social safety net. BOSP students will communicate and share their unique perspective with students at the Stanford home campus who are also studying China's urbanization. While in Beijing, BOSP students will also have the opportunity to participate in documentary fieldwork: observing the city and its patterns of life, participating in field trips, and completing a service project with a Beijing community organization. Students will come away with an up-close view of the social implications of China's rapid economic and urban growth, and the ability to put a human face on the challenges of development. Note: Course is open to Stanford-in-Beijing students.

URBANST 103. Social Movements, Hip-hop & Heroes in the City: From Greensboro to Ferguson. 1 Unit.

The focus of this workshop is on the social and cultural histories and present conditions relating to social movements and the role of leaders and heroes in urban settings. The workshop seeks to foster historical consciousness of past struggles for justice through collective action as well as to introduce students to a diverse range of leaders of contemporary social justice movements. Additionally, as an underpinning concept, the course explores the changing meaning and importance of social and cultural heroes through history, literature, and music. Workshop activities will divided between sessions with guest speakers and classes held to discuss background concepts and material.

URBANST 104. Civic Dreams, Human Spaces: Urban Design with People. 4 Units.

Human-centered design of cities and public spaces. Explore the principles underlying vibrant spaces, utilize creative tools and techniques to strengthen the social fabric of communities and enhance benefits to the public, and find new sources of inspiration to inform the urban design process. Take part in real-world design projects in the city of San Francisco and/or other Bay Area communities, while decoding public spaces from multiple perspectives: as sites of recreation, interaction, and political contention; as physical infrastructure that municipalities or grassroots citizen efforts seek to build and maintain for the common good; as places of historical memory, identity, and personal storytelling; and as opportunities for cutting-edge civic innovation. Participants will practice ethical design, utilizing frameworks that are inclusive (for many) and participatory (by many), and that benefit human beings and their diverse communities. Limited enrollment, admission by application. Find out more and apply at

URBANST 106. City, Society, Literature- 19th Century Histories. 4 Units.

This course examines the rise of modern cities through an analysis of urban society and the imaginative literature of the 1800s.
Same as: HISTORY 206A, HISTORY 306A

URBANST 107. Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning. 3 Units.

An investigation into urban planning as a democratic practice for facilitating or mitigating change in society and the built environment. We will engage in professional planning practices in focused sessions on transportation, design, housing, environmental policy, demographic research, community organizing and real estate development. Strong emphasis on developing an understanding of the forces that shape urban and regional development, including cultural trends, real estate and labor economics, climate change and the environment, and political organizing and power dynamics.

URBANST 108. Grassroots Community Organizing: Building Power for Collective Liberation. 4-5 Units.

This course explores the theory, practice and history of grassroots community organizing as a method for developing community power to promoting social justice. We will develop skills for 1-on-1 relational meetings, media messaging, fundraising strategies, power structure analysis, and strategies organizing across racial/ethnic difference. And we will contextualize these through the theories and practices developed in the racial, gender, queer, environmental, immigrant, housing and economic justice movements to better understand how organizing has been used to engage communities in the process of social change. Through this class, students will gain the hard skills and analytical tools needed to successfully organize campaigns and movements that work to address complex systems of power, privilege, and oppression. As a Community-Engaged Learning course, students will work directly with community organizations on campaigns to address community needs, deepen their knowledge of theory and history through hands-on practice, and develop a critical analysis of inequality at the structural and interpersonal levels. Placements with community organizations are limited. Enrollment will be determined on the first day through a simple application process. Students will have the option to continue the course for a second quarter in the Winter, where they will execute a campaign either on campus or in collaboration with their community partner.
Same as: AFRICAAM 100, CSRE 100, FEMGEN 100X

URBANST 110. Utopia and Reality: Introduction to Urban Studies. 4 Units.

Designed for freshmen and sophomores. Introduction to the study of cities and urban civilization focusing on the utopias that have been produced over time to guide and inspire city-dwellers to improve and perfect their urban environments. History of urbanization and the urban planning theories inspired by Ebenezer Howard, Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, the New Urbanists and Smart Growth advocates that address current issues such as urban community dynamics, suburbanization, sustainability, and globalization. Public policy approaches designed to address these issues and utopian visions of what cities could be, or should be, in the future. Topic of the final paper chosen by the student, with consent of instructor, and may be a historical research paper, a policy-advocacy paper, or a proposal for an urban utopia that addresses the challenges and possibilities of urban life today.

URBANST 111. Political Power in American Cities. 5 Units.

The major actors, institutions, processes, and policies of sub-state government in the U.S., emphasizing city general-purpose governments through a comparative examination of historical and contemporary politics. Issues related to federalism, representation, voting, race, poverty, housing, and finances.
Same as: AMSTUD 121Z, POLISCI 121, PUBLPOL 133

URBANST 111A. The Politics of the American City. 4 Units.

This course will focus on American urban politics ¿- the distinctive nature of local government, its relationship to state government and the separation of powers between states and the federal government. Certain theories about political decision-making and power sharing will be explored. We will try to develop a national perspective on the political dynamics of urban governments and we will probe certain policy areas such as economic development to understand how political choice is embedded within the allocation of resources to meet human needs. The growing transformation among American urban areas due to the rise of the global economy will also be examined. The course will be composed of lectures, class discussions and graded exercises.

URBANST 112. The Urban Underclass. 4 Units.

(Graduate students register for 249.) Recent research and theory on the urban underclass, including evidence on the concentration of African Americans in urban ghettos, and the debate surrounding the causes of poverty in urban settings. Ethnic/racial conflict, residential segregation, and changes in the family structure of the urban poor.
Same as: SOC 149, SOC 249

URBANST 113. Introduction to Urban Design: Contemporary Urban Design in Theory and Practice. 5 Units.

Comparative studies in neighborhood conservation, inner city regeneration, and growth policies for metropolitan regions. Lect-disc and research focusing on case studies from North America and abroad, team urban design projects. Two Saturday class workshops in San Francisco: 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the quarter. Terms: Win | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBSocSci | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP).

URBANST 114. Urban Culture in Global Perspective. 5 Units.

Core course for Urban Studies majors. We will study urban space both historically and cross-culturally. Urban Studies, by definition, is an interdisciplinary field, where the methodological approaches draw upon a diverse set of analytic tools. Disciplines that occupy a prominent place in this class are geography, cultural anthropology, sociology, history, media studies, and literature. In this context, we will discuss the importance of cities around the world to the economic, cultural, and political well-being of modern societies and examine how forces such as industrialization, decentralization, and globalization affect the structure and function of cities.
Same as: ANTHRO 126

URBANST 119. Ancient Urbanism. 3-5 Units.

(Formerly CLASSART 112/212.) Archaeology of Greek, Roman and early Islamic cities and urbanism in the Mediterranean and western Asia. Comparison and contrast of the shaping role of religion and politics; definitions of public and private space, monumental buildings, houses, streets, infrastructure. Special themes are city and country connections; the problems of giant cities; cities in the longue durée. Case studies include Athens, Olynthos, Rome, Pompeii, Constantinople, Damascus and Cairo.
Same as: ARCHLGY 153, CLASSICS 153

URBANST 121. Public Scholarship & Social Change. 2 Units.

Introduces students to the diverse ways of ¿doing¿ public/community-engaged scholarship, including public interest and public policy-oriented research, design research, social entrepreneurship, activist/advocacy and community-based research models. Through a multidisciplinary set of case studies of actual research/action projects in the US and abroad, students will compare and assess research models in terms of methodological approach, academic rigor, control and ownership of the research process, means and modes of data dissemination, researcher subjectivity, depth of community partnership, and relative potential for sustainable, long-term community impact. The course material is designed to provide students with a broad framework and context to imagine how to produce their own scholarship/research as a form of public service and social transformation.

URBANST 122. Ethics and Politics of Public Service. 5 Units.

Ethical and political questions in public service work, including volunteering, service learning, humanitarian assistance, and public service professions such as medicine and teaching. Motives and outcomes in service work. Connections between service work and justice. Is mandatory service an oxymoron? History of public service in the U.S. Issues in crosscultural service work. Integration with the Haas Center for Public Service to connect service activities and public service aspirations with academic experiences at Stanford. [This class is capped but there are some spaces available with permission of instructor. If the class is full and you would like to be considered for these extra spaces, please email with your name, grade level, and a paragraph explaining why you want to take the class.].
Same as: CSRE 178, ETHICSOC 133, HUMBIO 178, PHIL 175A, PHIL 275A, POLISCI 133, PUBLPOL 103D

URBANST 123. Approaching Research and the Community. 2-3 Units.

Comparative perspective on research with communities and basic overview of research methodologies, with an emphasis on the principles and practices of doing community-based research as a collaborative enterprise between academic researchers and community members. How academic scholarship can be made useful to communities. How service experiences and interests can be used to develop research questions in collaboration with communities and serve as a starting point for developing senior theses or other independent research projects. Through the coursework, students are encouraged to develop a draft proposal for an actual community-based research project. The course is highly recommended for students planning to apply for community-based summer research fellowships through the Haas Center for Public Service (Community-based Research Fellowship Program) or CRSE (Community Research Summer Internship). Students who complete the course will be given priority for these fellowships.
Same as: CSRE 146A

URBANST 123B. Approaching Research in the Community: Design and Methods. 3 Units.

(Taught concurrently with CSRE 146; you may enroll in either course.) This course focuses on issues of research design and how to select specific methodological strategies to assure ethical and effective partnership-based research. In this course, students will plan for their own participation in a CB(P)R project. Topical themes will include best practice strategies for (a) defining and selecting community problems or issues to be addressed, (b) generating relevant and useful research questions, (c) choosing specific means and methods for data collection [e.g., surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc.], (d) storing, organizing and analyzing data, (e) reflecting on and critiquing research findings, and (f) carrying out dissemination in ways that can be expected to enhance community power and advance community development. Students will be provided with opportunities to workshop their respective projects-in-development, (e.g., developing and sharing research questions, data collection instruments, strategies for engaging community constituents as co-researchers, etc.). This is a required course for students participating in the Haas Center for Public Service¿s Community-based Research Fellows Program, but enrollment is open to all Stanford students.

URBANST 124. Spatial Approaches to Social Science. 5 Units.

This multidisciplinary course combines different approaches to how GIS and spatial tools can be applied in social science research. We take a collaborative, project oriented approach to bring together technical expertise and substantive applications from several social science disciplines. The course aims to integrate tools, methods, and current debates in social science research and will enable students to engage in critical spatial research and a multidisciplinary dialogue around geographic space.
Same as: ANTHRO 130D, ANTHRO 230D, POLISCI 241S

URBANST 126. Spirituality and Nonviolent Urban and Social Transformation. 3 Units.

A life of engagement in social transformation is often built on a foundation of spiritual and religious commitments. Case studies of nonviolent social change agents including Rosa Parks in the civil rights movement, César Chávez in the labor movement, and WIlliam Sloane Coffin in the peace movement; the religious and spiritual underpinnings of their commitments. Theory and principles of nonviolence. Films and readings. Service learning component includes placements in organizations engaged in social transformation. Service Learning Course (certified by Haas Center).
Same as: CSRE 162A, RELIGST 162X

URBANST 127. Community Planning Workshop. 4-5 Units.

Students work in teams to conduct research, analyze and evaluate alternatives, and make recommendations for possible solutions to local community development issues. Students work with community partners to blend theory and practice to accomplish a community based project.

URBANST 128. Community Mapping Practicum. 4 Units.

Students will use mapping techniques to explore community planning and policy issues in Redwood City. Focusing on building other skills including teamwork, writing, and oral communication. GIS is not a prerequisite.

URBANST 131. VIP: Very Impactful People - Social Innovation & the Social Entrepreneur. 1 Unit.

Invited lecture series. Perspectives and endeavors of entrepreneurs and thought leaders who address social needs in the U.S. and internationally through private, for-profit and nonprofit organizations or public institutions.

URBANST 132. Concepts and Analytic Skills for the Social Sector. 4 Units.

How to create and grow innovative not-for-profit organizations and for-profit enterprises which have the primary goal of solving social and environmental problems. Topics include organizational mission, strategy, communications/marketing, financing and impact evaluation. Opportunities and limits of methods from the for-profit sector to meet social goals. Perspectives from the field of social entrepreneurship, design thinking and social change. Focus is on integrating theory with practical applications. Enrollment limited to 20. Prerequisite:consent of instructor. Email

URBANST 133. Social Entrepreneurship Collaboratory. 4 Units.

Interdisciplinary student teams create and develop U.S. and international social entrepreneurship initiatives. Proposed initiatives may be new entities, or innovative projects, partnerships, and/or strategies impacting existing organizations and social issues in the U.S. and internationally. Focus is on each team¿s research and on planning documents to further project development. Project development varies with the quarter and the skill set of each team, but should include: issue and needs identification; market research; design and development of an innovative and feasible solution; and drafting of planning documents. In advanced cases, solicitation of funding and implementation of a pilot project. Enrollment limited to 20. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisites: 131 and 132, or consent of instructor.
Same as: MS&E 174

URBANST 136. The Sharing Economy. 3 Units.

The rapid growth of the sharing economy, sometimes also called the peer to peer economy, is made possible by the ubiquity of smart phones, inefficiency of ownership, and measures designed to create and measure trust among participants. The course will explore not only the rapid rise of certain companies but also the shadow side of commercialized relationships. We will examine the economics and development consequences of the sharing economy, primarily with an urban focus, along an emphasis on the design of platforms and markets, ownership, the nature of work, environmental degradation and inequality.

URBANST 137. Innovations in Microcredit and Development Finance. 3 Units.

The role of innovative financial institutions in supporting economic development, the alleviation of rural and urban poverty, and gender equity. Analysis of the strengths and limits of commercial banks, public development banks, credit unions, and microcredit organizations both in the U.S. and internationally. Readings include academic journal articles, formal case studies, evaluations, and annual reports. Priority to students who have taken any portion of the social innovation series: URBANST 131, 132, or 133. Recommended: ECON 1A or 1B.
Same as: PUBLPOL 137

URBANST 138SI. Scaling Impact with VIP. 2 Units.

Social entrepreneurship is innovating new ways to create social value. This course will focus on the challenges of scaling social enterprises during the many stages of maturity. This class will act an adjunct (auxiliary, complementary) class to VIP: Very Impactful People Speaker Series (URBANST 131). VIP speakers will stay after their lectures to provide insight on their experience in scaling, be it through detailed case studies or structured Q&A discussion. Note: students do not need to separately register for Urban Studies 131. The two credit units for this course is inclusive of the one credit unit a student would otherwise receive for Urban Studies 131.

URBANST 139. Urban Africa. 5 Units.

This course explores the production of urban space and the social, cultural, and political significance of cities in sub-Saharan Africa. Topics include: architecture and the built environment; urban planning and colonial public health; migration and rural-urban dynamics; youth, politics, and popular culture; violence, policing, and the privatization of public space; (in)formality in housing, transportation, and employment; class, gender, and mobility in the public sphere; urban citizenship and `right to the city¿ movements; gentrification, tourism, and the commodification of poverty; and efforts to (re)theorize postcolonial African cities. Readings are drawn from anthropology, history, urban studies, and geography. Discussion will situate struggles over urban forms and the contours of everyday life within broader trends in the political economy of the region from the late colonial period to the present.
Same as: AFRICAST 138B, ANTHRO 138B

URBANST 140. Urban Ethnography. 5 Units.

Ethnographic research and writing focuses on the ways our lives are shaped by interacting forces such as history, political economy, and creative cultural practices. In the last fifty years, more and more cultural anthropology has been carried out in urban contexts, due to both urbanization around the world and changes in anthropology as a field. This seminar focuses on careful reading and analysis of book-length ethnographies about urban cultures, people and dynamics to consider what the theory and methodological tools of anthropology have to offer us as we seek to better understand ¿the city.¿ Readings include a variety of approaches to ethnographic research in and/or about cities, with a mix from different eras and about different cities around the world.
Same as: ANTHRO 102

URBANST 141. Gentrification. 5 Units.

Neighborhoods in the Bay Area and around the world are undergoing a transformation known as gentrification. Middle- and upper-income people are moving into what were once low-income areas, and housing costs are on the rise. Tensions between ¿newcomers¿ and ¿old timers,¿ who are often separated by race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, can erupt; high rents may force long-time residents to leave. In this class we will move beyond simplistic media depictions to explore the complex history, nature, causes and consequences of this process. Students will learn through readings, films, class discussions, and engagement with a local community organization.

URBANST 142. Paris: The Making of a Modern Icon. 3-5 Units.

Few places have been as heavily romanticized and mythologized as Paris. To many observers, Paris and its attractions serve as icons of modernity itself. By engaging with fiction, film, journalism, painting, photography, poetry, song, and other media, we¿ll trace how different people at different times have used Paris as both backdrop and main protagonist, and we'll consider how the city itself has incorporated and rebelled against such representations. The scope of our inquiry will stretch from the late 18th century to the present, covering a host of topics, figures, and sites: from the French Revolution to the protests of May '68, from Baudelaire to Hemingway, from the Impressionists to the Situationists. Taught in English.
Same as: FRENCH 227, HISTORY 239E

URBANST 144. Cities and Citizens in the Middle East. 4 Units.

This course will explore historical formation of cities and citizens in the Eastern Mediterranean since the 19th century.We will explore urban development, economy, social classes and local politics with a focus Egypt and Turkey and in particular two world-historical cities, Cairo and Istanbul. Drawing on history, cultural anthropology, geography and sociology disciplines, we will examine how urban space in Egypt and Turkey have reconfigured through histories of colonialism, nationalism, developmentalism and globalization. Rural to urban immigration, informality, gendered places, consumption, urban regeneration, local politics and branding the city will be the themes of our discussion. We will study these themes in relation to two main questions: How do spatial changes engender new social practices and redefine cultural difference?; How do power struggles at the intersection of local and global interests shape urban change? It will be of interest for urban studies majors and other students at all levels who would like to study urban struggles and change in Turkey, Egypt, the Middle East and the Global South.
Same as: ANTHRO 149A

URBANST 145. International Urbanization Seminar: Cross-Cultural Collaboration for Sustainable Urban Development. 4-5 Units.

Comparative approach to sustainable cities, with focus on international practices and applicability to China. Tradeoffs regarding land use, infrastructure, energy and water, and the need to balance economic vitality, environmental quality, cultural heritage, and social equity. Student teams collaborate with Chinese faculty and students partners to support urban sustainability projects. Limited enrollment via application; see for details. Prerequisites: consent of the instructor(s).
Same as: CEE 126, EARTHSYS 138, IPS 274

URBANST 150. From Gold Rush to Google Bus: History of San Francisco. 5 Units.

This class will examine the history of San Francisco from Native American and colonial settlement through the present. Focus is on social, environmental, and political history, with the theme of power in the city. Topics include Indians and Spanish settlers, the Gold Rush, immigration and nativism, earthquake and fire, progressive reform and unionism, gender, race and civil rights, sexuality and politics, redevelopment and gentrification.
Same as: AMSTUD 150X, HISTORY 152E

URBANST 160. Environmental Policy and the City in U.S. History. 5 Units.

Looks at the historical backgrounds of current issues in urban environmental policy, including waste, transportation, air pollution, and other major issues. Covers the period 1800 to the present. Explores the relevance of historical scholarship.

URBANST 161. U.S. Urban History since 1920. 5 Units.

The end of European immigration and its impact on cities; the Depression and cities; WW II and the martial metropolis; de-industrialization; suburbanization; African American migration; urban renewal; riots, race, and the narrative of urban crisis; the impact of immigration from Asia, Latin America, and Africa; homelessness; the rise of the Sunbelt cities; gentrification; globalization and cities. Final project is history of a San Francisco neighborhood, based on primary sources and site visit.

URBANST 162. Managing Local Governments. 4 Units.

In-the-trenches approach. Issues in leading and managing local governments in an era of accelerating and discontinuous change. Focus is on practical strategies related to financing, public services impacted by increasing demand and revenue constraints, the politics of urban planning, private-public partnerships, public sector marketing, entrepreneurial problem solving, promoting a learning and risk-taking organizational culture, and developing careers in local government. Enrollment limited to 25; preference to Urban Studies majors.

URBANST 163. Land Use Control. 4 Units.

Methods of land use control related to the pattern and scale of development and the protection of land and water resources. Emphasis is on the relationship between the desired land use goal and geographical landscape, physical externalities, land use law, and regulatory agencies. Topics include the historical roots of modern land use controls; urban reforms of the 19th century; private ownership of land; zoning; local, state, and federal land use regulation; and land trusts preservation. Smart growth, environmental impact consideration, private property rights, and special purpose agencies are related to current issues.

URBANST 164. Sustainable Cities. 4-5 Units.

Service-learning course that exposes students to sustainability concepts and urban planning as a tool for determining sustainable outcomes in the Bay Area. Focus will be on the relationship of land use and transportation planning to housing and employment patterns, mobility, public health, and social equity. Topics will include government initiatives to counteract urban sprawl and promote smart growth and livability, political realities of organizing and building coalitions around sustainability goals, and increasing opportunities for low-income and communities of color to achieve sustainability outcomes. Students will participate in team-based projects in collaboration with local community partners and take part in significant off-site fieldwork. Prerequisites: consent of the instructor.
Same as: EARTHSYS 160

URBANST 165. Sustainable Urban and Regional Transportation Planning. 4-5 Units.

Environmental, economic, and equity aspects of urban transportation in 21st-century U.S. Expanded choices in urban and regional mobility that do not diminish resources for future generations. Implications for the global environment and the livability of communities.

URBANST 166. East Palo Alto: Reading Urban Change. 5 Units.

Examines the changes in East Palo Alto's built environment, economy, and civil society since the 1990s. Focus on environmental activism, sustainability, and environmental justice issues. Students use archived film footage to analyze the history.

URBANST 167. Green Mobilities for the Suburbs of the Future. 3 Units.

Much of the recent academic discussion of the future of urban mobility has stressed the likelihood of a concentration of all urban functions in dense urban centers. The need for sustainability, so the argument goes, will make cities ¿more like Manhattan¿ with high-rise clustering, residences close to work, pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and a heavy emphasis on mass transit. But a recent US Census report indicates that center-city urban growth in America has begun to level off while suburbs continue to grow vigorously, and the suburban residential option remains highly attractive both to the established middle-class populations in the advanced industrial nations and to the emerging middle-classes in Asia and Latin America. As a result, the real urban sustainability challenge of the future will be the task of greening the suburbs with the use of mobility policies that are necessarily very different from those needed in dense urban centers. In addition, the automobile industry will face two very different design and marketing challenges ¿ one for center cities and quite another for more spatially diffuse suburbs.Working together, students in this undergraduate seminar will explore these issues, hear from suburban planners and developers concerned about sustainability challenges, and engage in the re-design of suburbs and suburban mobility options for the future.

URBANST 168. Housing & Community Development--Policy and Practice. 3 Units.

How federal, state and local governments have worked with private and nonprofit sector actors in creating housing, as well as downtown, waterfront and neighborhood development. Legal and financial mechanisms, tax policy, reuse of historic structures, affordable shelter.

URBANST 169. California's Minority-Majority Cities. 4-5 Units.

Historical development and the social, cultural, and political issues that characterize large cities and suburbs where communities of color make up majority populations. Case studies include cities in Los Angeles, Santa Clara, and Monterey counties. Comparisons to minority-majority cities elsewhere in the U.S. Service Learning Course (certified by Haas Center).
Same as: CSRE 260, HISTORY 260

URBANST 171. Urban Design Studio. 5 Units.

The practical application of urban design theory. Projects focus on designing neighborhood and downtown regions to balance livability, revitalization, population growth, and historic preservation.

URBANST 173. The Urban Economy. 4 Units.

Applies the principles of economic analysis to historical and contemporary urban and regional development issues and policies. Explores themes of urban economic geography, location decision-making by firms and individuals, urban land and housing markets, and local government finance. Critically evaluates historical and contemporary government policies regulating urban land use, housing, employment development, and transportation. Prerequisite: Econ 1A or permission of instructor.
Same as: PUBLPOL 174

URBANST 174. Defining Smart Cities: Visions of Urbanism for the 21st Century. 1 Unit.

In a rapidly urbanizing world, "the city" paves the way toward sustainability and social well-being. But what does it mean for a city to be smart? Does that also make it sustainable or resilient or livable? This seminar delves into current debates about urbanism through weekly talks by experts on topics such as big data, human-centered design, new urbanism, and natural capital. How urban spaces are shaped, for better or worse, by the complex interaction of cutting-edge technology, human societies, and the natural environment. The goal is to provoke vigorous discussion and to foster an understanding of cities that is at once technological, humanistic, and ecologically sound.
Same as: CEE 125, CEE 225

URBANST 181. Urban Agriculture in the Developing World. 3-4 Units.

In this advanced undergraduate course, students will learn about some of the key social and environmental challenges faced by cities in the developing world, and the current and potential role that urban agriculture plays in meeting (or exacerbating) those challenges. This is a service-learning course, and student teams will have the opportunity to partner with real partner organizations in a major developing world city to define and execute a project focused on urban development, and the current or potential role of urban agriculture. Service-learning projects will employ primarily the student's analytical skills such as synthesis of existing research findings, interdisciplinary experimental design, quantitative data analysis and visualization, GIS, and qualitative data collection through interviews and textual analysis. Previous coursework in the aforementioned analytical skills is preferred, but not required. Admission is by application.
Same as: EARTHSYS 181, EARTHSYS 281, ESS 181, ESS 281

URBANST 190. Urban Professions Seminar. 1 Unit.

Workshop. Contemporary practice of urban design and planning, community development, urban education, public service law, and related fields. Topics depend partly on student interests. Bay Area professionals lecture and respond to questions concerning their day-to-day work, impressions of their field, and the academic background recommended for their work.

URBANST 194. Internship in Urban Studies. 2-4 Units.

For Urban Studies majors only. Students organize an internship in an office of a government agency, a community organization, or a private firm directly relevant to the major. Reading supplements internship. Paper summarizes internship experience and related readings.

URBANST 195. Special Projects in Urban Studies. 1-5 Unit.


URBANST 197. Directed Reading. 1-5 Unit.


URBANST 198. Senior Research in Public Service. 1-3 Unit.

Limited to seniors approved by their departments for honors thesis and admitted to the year-round Public Service Scholars Program sponsored by the Haas Center for Public Service. What standards in addition to those expected by the academy apply to research conducted as a form of public service? How can communities benefit from research? Theory and practice of research as a form of public service readings, thesis workshops, and public presentation of completed research. May be repeated for credit. Corequisite: 199.

URBANST 199. Senior Honors Thesis. 1-10 Unit.


URBANST 201. Preparation for Senior Project. 5 Units.

First part of capstone experience for Urban Studies majors pursuing an internship-based research project or honors thesis. Assignments culminate in a research proposal, which may be submitted for funding. Students also identify and prepare for a related internship, normally to begin in Spring Quarter in URBANST 201B or in Summer. Research proposed in the final assignment may be carried out in Spring or Summer Quarter; consent required for Autumn Quarter research. Service Learning Course (certified by Haas Center).
Same as: SOC 201

URBANST 201A. Capstone Internship in Urban Studies. 3 Units.

Restricted to Urban Studies majors. Students work at least 80 hours with a supervisor, establish learning goals, and create products demonstrating progress. Reflection on service and integration of internship with senior research plans. Must be completed by start of Winter Quarter senior year. May continue for additional quarter as 194. Service Learning Course (certified by Haas Center). Corequisite: URBANST 201 or consent of instructor.

URBANST 201B. Capstone Internship Seminar. 3-4 Units.

Students carry out an internship of at least 80 hours with a community organization or government agency. Class meets weekly to discuss related issues, including ethics of service, combining service and research, navigating organizational dynamics, and setting and accomplishing internship goals. Students submit internship agreement and internship-related deliverables, and give in-class presentations.

URBANST 202. Preparation for Senior Research. 5 Units.

Required of all juniors in Urban Studies and those juniors in Sociology planning on writing an honors thesis . Students write a research prospectus and grant proposal, which may be submitted for funding. Research proposal in final assignment may be carried out in Spring or Summer Quarter; consent required for Autumn Quarter research.
Same as: SOC 202

URBANST 203. Senior Seminar. 5 Units.

Conclusion of capstone sequence. Students write a substantial paper based on the research project developed in 202. Students in the honors program may incorporate paper into their thesis. Guest scholar chosen by students.