Environmental Health & Safety Issues

Radioactive Product Ordering Restrictions

Stanford policy prohibits staff from ordering radioactive products using Rapid Purchase Orders (RPO) or Stanford Purchasing Cards (PCards). Radioactive products can only be ordered using a Standard Purchase Order placed by an authorized buyer in the Purchasing and Contracts Department or via SmartMart in iProcurement. During the order process, staff members are required to provide a Controlled Radioactive Authorization number obtained from Stanford's Health Physics Inspection Station.

For an explanation of the different order types used at Stanford, see Purchasing Methods Used at Stanford.

Radioactive Product Delivery Information

Suppliers are required to ship all radioactive products to Stanford's Health Physics Inspection Station. The Health Physics Inspection Station will record all radioactive products delivered to campus, and then deliver them to the appropriate department.

Deliver radioactive products to:

Health Physics Inspection Station

820 Quarry Road
Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA 94304



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