Ford Lab In the Division of Oncology
   p53 does not localize to sites of UV damage

The Ford Lab:
The effects of the p53 and BRCA1 gene products on DNA repair and apoptosis

The major investigative focus of this laboratory is to explore the mammalian genetic determinants of the inducible response and cellular sensitivity to DNA damaging cytotoxic agents, focusing particularly on the effects of the p53 and BRCA1 gene products on DNA repair and apoptosis. We have found that loss of p53 and BRCA1 function results in defective nucleotide excision repair (NER) of DNA damage. Therefore, we are focused on identifying the molecular mechanisms that regulate DNA repair by these tumor suppressor genes, and how their deficiency impacts human cancer development. In addition, we are exploring ways to exploit the DNA repair deficiency of p53 and BRCA1 mutant cancer cells and to identify cytotoxic drugs that may specifically target these cancer cells.

p127 associates with DNA damage when p-48 is present in sufficient levels  James Ford, M.D.
Division of Oncology
269 Campus Dr. CCSR Rm 1115
Stanford University School of Medicine
Stanford, CA 94305-5151

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