Davis Research Group


Research Interests

Jenna Davis's research group (affectionately known as the Poop Group) focuses on the links between water, wastewater, health, and economic development, with particular emphasis on low- and middle-income countries. Jenna is affiliated with:
  • Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering

Recent developments

Water Security journal launched
A new journal by Elsevier, Water Security, has issued its inaugural issue. This interdisciplinary journal will feature timely reviews and synthesis papers on economic, social, biophysical, technological, and institutional dimensions of water security and insecurity. Jenna Davis serves as Associate Editor for the journal's Health and Sanitation section.
Container-based sanitation webinar
View the recording of our webinar on Container-Based Sanitation, featuring panelists from Stanford, Sanergy, SOIL and Clean Team. Learn more about the role that container-based sanitation (CBS) can play in expanding safe, affordable sanitation services to low-income urban communities. Find links to additional information and resources.
Jenna's Blog: Jenna periodically posts news from her research group, as well as comments on developments in the field.
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